October 2022
Volume 2022-2023, Issue 1
Oct 2-8: National 4-H Week
Oct 3: Robotics Practice - Extension Office
Oct 3: Shooting Sports Practice - Rushville Legion 3:00 - 7:00 pm
Oct 7: 4-H Game Night - Extension Office 1:00 - 4:00 pm
Oct 9: Sheridan County Junior Leader Meeting 5:00 pm
Oct 10: Columbus Day - Office Closed
Oct 10: Robotics Practice - Extension Office
Oct 11: Clover Buds - Gordon 3:45 - 4:45 pm
Oct 14: Sew Fun - Hay Springs 1:00 - 4:00 pm
Oct 17: Robotics Practice - Extension Office
Oct 17: Shooting Sports Practice - Rushville Legion 3:00 - 7:00 pm
Oct 17: Sheridan County 4-H Council Meeting 6:30 pm
Oct 18: Clover Buds - Hay Springs 4:15 - 5:15 pm
Oct 24: Robotics Practice - Extension Office
Oct 25: Clover Buds - Rushville 3:45 - 4:45 pm
Oct 27: 4-H Monthly Workshop - Extension Office 4:30 - 6:00 pm
Oct 28: Sew Fun - Extension Office 1:00 - 4:00 pm
Oct 30: 4-H Recruitment & Awards Banquet Extension Office 5:00 pm
Oct 31: Robotics Practice - Extension Office
Buyer Gift & Sale Check
Checks & Buyer gifts can be picked up at the Extension Office. Please check with Wendy to make sure your thank you note has been filled out.
4-H Enrollment
Opens October 18th.
- If you are new to 4-H please create a profile.
- If you are a returning 4-Her, please register for this coming year!
Age 5-7 are free, Age 8-18 are only $5!
This year there will be a Sheridan County Explorers Robotics group for youth ages 6 to 9. They will meet on Wednesday after school until 5 pm at the First Presbyterian Church in Gordon starting on October 12th. During this time, there will also be a First LEGO League team meeting at the First Presbyterian Church as well. This group is for youth ages 10 to 14. For more information, please contact Lydia Swanson or Melissa Mracek. Melissa can be reached at
With the start of the new 4-H year, Clover Bud workshops will be beginning. Clover Kids is the officially recognized program in Nebraska for children under age 8. The program is designed to provide 5 to 7 year-olds a variety of educational and recreational experiences in a non-competitive environment. Clover Kids provide an excellent opportunity for youth to achieve his/her highest potential because early life experiences affect future development. The primary goal is to promote the child’s stages of development – intellectually, physically, socially, and emotionally.
· Develop Self Esteem
· Decision Making Skills (making positive choices)
· Comprehension Skills (learning how to learn; positive attitudes toward learning)
· Mastering Physical Skills (enjoying constructive and creative play)
· Social-Interaction Skills (getting along with others)
· Diversity Skills (acceptance of others; exploring family and community relationships)
Children possessing these life skills are less likely to have problems with drug use, school failure, delinquency, and depression as they move into their teenage years and then into adulthood.
- Rushville Clover Bud meeting will be on October 25th at Rushville Elementary starting at 3:45 pm
- Gordon Clover Bud meeting will be held on October 11th at Gordon Elementary at 3:45 pm.
- Hay Springs Clover Bud meeting will be held on October 18th at Hay Springs Cafeteria at 4:15 pm.
Clover Bud members are youth between the ages of 5 and 7 as of January 1st, 2023. Upon participating in these workshops, youth will have Clover Bud projects to display at the 2023 Sheridan County Fair. To register your child for these FREE events please contact the Nebraska Extension Sheridan County office at (308) 327-2312.
Once a month there will be a 4-H project workshop available at the office for youth to try something new and have it ready for fair! Youth will be learning the fundamentals and skills needed to create and design beautiful projects!
Bring your own light wash jeans! Limited space is available. The cost is $10. Let the office know at or 308-327-2312.
The Sheridan County 4-H Junior Leaders Club is a great way to expand your leadership skills within the Sheridan County 4-H program as well as have some fun. The Junior Leaders meet at least six times a year. They help at the County Fair as well as voice opinions about fair prize options, and so much more! The Sheridan County Junior Leaders are in charge of the Sheridan County Imagination Library program. Through this program, families who have a child under the age of 5 are able to receive a free book monthly. Currently this program serves 82 children in Sheridan County. Youth just need to be 13 years of age to join the club. They will have a meeting on Sunday, October 9th starting at 5 pm at the Extension Office. The group will have a short meeting followed by Dart Wars and pizza. Come join the fun!!
The first week in October is always set aside for National 4-H Week. From October 2-8, plan to celebrate National 4-H Week!
Ideas could include wearing 4-H attire to school, decorating a store window, putting up flyers to promote 4-H, taking baked goods to a neighbor or sponsor, visiting the nursing home or sharing time with someone, sending a thank you, stepping up to help a person in need and more. There are many things you can do to show your leadership skills and promote the value of 4-H.
Shooting Sports practice for BB Gun and Air Rifle will start on October 3th. They practice from 3:30 to 7:00 pm depending on when the youth show up. During October through December, practice is held the first and third Mondays of the month. In January they will start practicing every Monday and start attending the Panhandle Best Shoots. Youth need to be registered for 4-H to participate. Parents need to sign waivers the first meeting. Please contact Bruce Salisbury or Donna Jech for more information.
The 2022 Sheridan County 4-H Achievement Banquet will be Sunday, October 30, 5pm at the Extension Office at 800 Loofborrow Street in Rushville. There will also be 4-H enrollment starting at 3pm, and new members are invited to attend the Achievement Banquet.
Youth are encouraged to wear a 4-H t-shirt and nice jeans. It is a potluck, the families with the last name starting with A-K need to bring a dessert and families with last name starting with L to Z need to bring a side dish.
Youth will be able to pick up awards from county fair, Achievement Application awards, as well as recognize 4-H volunteers. We will be voting on the new 4-H Council members at this time as well.
Youth members are also included in the 4-H Council. This is a vital role necessary to give our youth "voice" on decisions that affect their educational experience. 2-4 youth members ages 11-18 can serve on the council.
Any adult or youth interested in having your name added to the ballot for the Sheridan County 4-H Council is encouraged to call the office (308-327-2312). The annual election will be held at the Achievement Banquet in October.
These people are YOUR voice! Please contact any of them if you have an idea for a new or existing event or activity, have concerns with the program, or just want to have input in the decision-making process.
David Russell, Wendy Andersen, Michelle Heck, Nicole Janssen, Jake Scott, Kami Scott, Marie Nelson, Melissa Mracek
4-H Council:
President - Ryan Paul
Vice President - Jake Elwood
Secretary - Jackie Simonson
Treasurer - Jake Scott
Members at large: Candace Nelson, EJ Frink, Megan Grossman, Zach Kearns, Clint Vincent, Jody Wilde
Youth Members: Caleb Heck, Sevanna Berndt, Regan Anderson, Abigail Russell
Extension Board:
President - Cole Vejraska
Vice President - Matt Albrecht
Secretary/Treasurer - Jacob Tejral
Members at large: Caleb Peters, Trevor Ginkens
Nebraska Extension - Sheridan County Office
Location: 800 S Loofborrow Street, PO Box 329 Rushville, NE 69360
Phone: 308-327-2312
Twitter: @SheridanCounty
University of Nebraska–Lincoln Extension educational programs abide with the nondiscrimination policies of the University of Nebraska–Lincoln and the United States Department of Agriculture.
The 4-H Youth Development program abides with the nondiscrimination policies of the University of Nebraska–Lincoln and the United States Department of Agriculture.
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