Barclay Bulletin
November 6, 2022
Upcoming Dates and Activities
November 9th - Early Release Drill
This means that our parent pick-up line will begin sending students to cars at 3:00 instead of the typical 3:15 time. Please make sure that you make arrangements to pick students up beginning at this time. Buses will be released from Barclay/Ginther at approximately 3:20. Students should be anticipated home approximately 15 minutes earlier than their scheduled time.
November 11th - No School in Observance of Veterans Day
November 16th - 50th Day of School
Students and staff may choose to dress in 1950's fashions.
November 21st - Picture Retake Day
Students who were absent from our original picture day will have an opportunity to have pictures taken this day.
November 23-25 - No School for Thanksgiving Break
Barclay Elementary School
Location: 40 Allen Street, Brockport, NY, USA
Phone: 585-637-1840
Twitter: @BCSDBarclay