Eagle News
February 13, 2023
Email: officeebeling@uticak12.org
Website: ebeling.uticak12.org
Location: 15970 Haverhill Drive, Macomb, MI, USA
Phone: 586-797-4700
Twitter: @ebelingelem
FEB 14 - Sixth grade ski/field trip to Mt. Holly
FEB 15 - PTA Meeting @ 7:00 PM in Media Center
FEB 16 -"A" DAY! Let's give it our ALL...wear blue or green as a sign that we're bringing our "A" GAME!
FEB 20-24 - No school. Mid-winter Break
FEB 27 - Hearing & Vision Screening Begins
MARCH 1 - Kindergarten Registration Open House @ 7:00 PM
MARCH 6 - Sixth grade Bemis JH Visit
MARCH 9 - Vocal Music concerts - Grade 2 (6:30 PM) & Grade 4 (7:30 PM)
MARCH 13 - March is Reading Month Assembly K-6. "The Magic Shelf"
MARCH 22 - Grade 2 & 3 Field Trip to HFII High School "Cinderella"
MARCH 24 - Half Day of School. Third Quarter Marking Period Ends. Dismissal @ 11:44 AM.
MARCH 27 - 31 - Scholastic Spring Book Fair
MARCH 29 - Third grade field trip to CSI for COMICON
APRIL 3-7 - No School. Spring Break
APRIL 20 - Schoolwide Art Show & 5th Gr. Concert
APRIL 21 - Schoolwide assembly "The NED Show" & yo-yo sale
APRIL 25 - 6th Grade Band Cluster Concert @ HFII HS
MAY 5 - Sweetheart Dance
MAY 29 - No School. Memorial Day Holiday
JUNE 8 - Half Day of School. Dismissal @ 11:44 AM
JUNE 8 - Sixth Grade Celebration @ 9:00 AM
JUNE 9 - Half Day/Last Day of School. Dismissal @ 11:44 AM
2023 Kindergarten Open House
All UCS elementary schools will be hosting an open house on Wednesday, March 1 from 7 - 8:30 p.m. to welcome new families. Come get a glimpse at the educational opportunities that await your child at Utica Community Schools. Learn about our Kindergarten and Young Fives Program, meet our building administrators and teachers, and see our schools for yourselves. All registration is done online, please click the link below for more information!
Are you interested in joining SOCIAL STUDIES OLYMPIAD?
4th-6th Grade Students Only
Being a part of this team means you will complete one of the six projects at home. The projects will be mailed into the Olympiad, and you will have a chance to compete in a statewide competition without having to leave your home! For full details and information, download below.
NWEA Reports
The Winter NWEA reports will soon be available on PowerSchool - they will not be emailed, as they have in the recent past. Once the scores are posted, follow the steps below to access the reports: (please see images below)
- Use a laptop to access https://www.uticak12.org/domain/1821
- Log into Parent Portal of Power School
- Click the icon for applications (See picture below for box with diagonal arrow)
- Applications pop out widow will appear with report card and NWEA report
- If the Winter report is not there, the student has not completed winter testing
If your child is going to be absent call 586-797-4799 and leave a message on the 24-hour automated absence line. Any absences not called in to the office will be marked as 'unexcused' on student attendance records.
Your child will be excused from class for illness, bereavement, recognized religious holidays and medical or dental treatment that cannot be scheduled after school or on weekends.
Your child is responsible for makeup work. Homework requests may be made for an absence of two or more days in the case of both excused and pre-excused absences. Homework requests require 24 hours to process.
Absence for family travel during scheduled school days is discouraged.
However, should family travel be necessary, parents must submit a written request to the Ebeling office for Principal approval of a pre-excused absence at least one week in advance. Vacation days in excess of 10 days per school year will not be approved.
Arrangements to complete classroom assignments can be made with the teacher.
You can arrange for home study through the school principal should your child be absent from school for an extended period due to physical disability or illness.
If a student arrives late to school, the parent must accompany the student into the office, and the student must be signed in before he or she can go to class.
Truancy officials will be contacted in the event of a student having excessive tardies or absences.
Utica Community Schools has a no pet policy on school property.
Please remain off school play areas and blacktop until 3:05 PM. Outdoor activities are scheduled daily until 3:00 PM.
The use of tobacco products on school property is prohibited in Michigan.
Overall, our parking lot runs smoothly thanks to all of you! Safety is the number one priority when accounting for the flow of traffic (buses and cars) that rotates through the parking lot daily. In addition to pedestrian and vehicular safety, we strive to facilitate a smooth and steady flow of traffic. If you enter the parking lot for pick up at dismissal time and find no spots available, you must exit the parking lot and park on the street. This year, we have instituted a queue that begins once our parking lot crossing guard is on duty. The queue should be used by vehicles wanting to enter the lot well before dismissal time to park for pick up , but no spots are available. The queue starts at the driveway entering the lot, up to the crosswalk and onto the apron of the entrance driveway. The crossing guard on duty will direct the first in the queue into the appropriate area and notify cars once a spot becomes available. If you arrive to pick up your child for an early dismissal, notify the crossing guard who will radio the office of your arrival and provide direction on a waiting spot.
Keep in mind that the parking lot can only accommodate a finite number of vehicles. If the queue line is too long, vehicles at the end of the line run the risk of not getting into a parking spot in the lot before dismissal. In these cases, it is best to park down the street and walk in, or arrange a rendezvous spot with your child.
We are asking for your assistance to ensure that our security procedures during the school day are effective. As many of you know, our school has a security camera, intercom, and buzzer at the front main entrance for use during the school day. To help us assist you when you would like to enter the school:
1. Please press the buzzer to speak with someone in the office
2. You will be asked to state your name and reason for visiting
3. You will be asked to show your photo ID into the security camera above the outside door
4. Office staff will then be able to buzz you inside
5. All visitors must immediately register in the office
In addition, we are asking you to not let any visitors in the door as you enter (and they come up behind you) or as you exit the building.
The teachers and staff are committed to student safety and security and we would like to thank you for your assistance in helping keep the students of Ebeling safe.