Inspiring Nuggets
From Annelies & Conduit for Change, LLC
Annelies M. Gentile, MA, PCC
Integrative Life & Leadership Coach | Author | Speaker | Consultant | Facilitator | Process Artist
I saw Andromeda through the largest telescope in the Southeast, and gasped! I had no idea how beautiful and striking seeing something so incredibly far away would affect me, and those around me. The circular room of the Three College Observatory in Alamance County NC, held me and a small group of people, about twenty or so. As I gasped in awe, others responded with an "oooo" or soft giggle. I smiled, listening their own awe and wonder as they witnessed my awakening. Through me, through this telescope, we were all reminded of our connected humanity.
In a split second, I was stunned by our connection to the cosmos, to how much we really don't know, and most importantly-- how much we don't know until we look (or are forced to look). Having the right tools to see life differently makes all the difference in piercing darkness with light.
No matter how much someone says something is possible, we can't see it, until we are willing to look, and with the right tools to see life differently. Perspective is everything. Schedule with Annelies now.
Hello Dear Ones...
Since last we connected, I've coached executives on mindset, supported ideation in entrepreneurs, presented multiple times on topics from my book ranging from mindfulness in leadership to educating professionals on resilience, creative process and nurturing beyond grief associated with change.
If you've missed the invite, here's your free C2C online course, and a self-paced virtual creativity retreat with me! Circa 2021, oldies but goodies!
So far this spring, I've also enjoyed romping among wildflowers, watching brilliant sunsets across the growing Raleigh skyline, spent time with family and friends as the world continues to open post-covid, shared meals with elder neighbors who needed a kind reminder that they still matter while helping a few purge decades of stuff, walked in nature, ecstatic danced, howl cried (a few times), sang out-loud (many more times), joined an astronomy group, got certified in laughter yoga, and rekindled connection to my film-making days. Ever see my documentaries? Again, oldies but goodies.
I always seek inspiration, don't you? Transformative leadership is about presence of being, tending-- in all ways, remembering who you are. Leading with curiosity and fascination even when things are challenging helps unravel and direct what's next. Gotta know when you're in the way.
What's life been like for you? If you desire to share, I'm open for listening. In the presence of change, it's okay to feel fragmented, disconnected and uncertain. You are not alone.
I publish Inspiring Nuggets seasonally, five times a year. I'm considering offering this newsletter series as a subscription. Would you join if I did? What is it worth to you?
My goal is always to be as inspirational and honest as possible, to nurture connection, present ideas for perspective, and to stay curious. Let me know if you want to continue receiving Inspiring Nuggets five times a year. Enjoy!
Inspiring Nuggets
Five times a year, I publish Inspiring Nuggets Newsletter. Seasonal teachings come through both my personal and professional experiences and the Chinese Five Elements philosophy of Wu Xing (wŭ ching) and Tao, among other philosophies and sciences which highlight and explore unique nature-based ways to understand the processes of change.
Inspiring Nuggets includes invitations to upcoming events, classes, retreats and workshops. Each newsletter aims to help you create a mindful mindset and provide resources to build resiliency in the face of personal, professional and cultural change. Find this newsletter useful? Be the gift that keeps giving, share it with a friend! LEARN MORE at conduitforchange.com
WOOD in SPRING : Creativity & Letting Go
In our yard, bluebirds are nesting, cedar waxwings have migrated through, wind is whipping pollen and sweet earthy smells all around, neighborhood cats are chasing our abundant chipmunks while the iris, basil, tomatoes and scuppernong vines are reaching tender green shoots up, up wherever it can. Although unusually chilly, it's busy 'round here!
What do you notice about spring's emergence this year?
- Winter : Water : Blue : Stillness : Fear
- Spring : Wood : Green : Creativity : Anger
- Summer : Fire : Red : Connectivity : Joy
- Late Summer : Earth : Yellow : Integrity : Sympathy
- Autumn : Metal : White : Acknowledgement : Grief
SPRING is related to the WOOD element which represents the emotion of anger and informs a sense of renewal, forgiveness, vision, organizing, hope and most importantly-- creativity. Through the season of spring, we are invited to think and act in an upward and outward movement. THINK: seeds bursting out of hard hull, bulbs piercing cool ground, shoots pushing out dormant branches. When we embrace an upward and outward movement, we are freed from resistance and unnecessary struggle. We are then in a co-creative mindset in remarkable dance with nature itself, our own nature.
Interestingly, the wood element in the season of Spring is associated with the emotion of anger. It fits though. It may come as a surprise and relief to note that sometimes we do need an emotional force, like anger to fuel growth, momentum, innovation and creativity. Wood energy invites us to shift from stuck to movement. I'm not saying to get angry. I'm saying to look for the gift within anger already present.
What anger might you be clutching?
In the context of WOOD in SPRING, a gift mindset asks you to pause and consider the gift in this moment. Think growth through gratitude. Regardless of the origin of upset. There's no room for causing more pain, bursting through without consideration. And that includes self-sabotage. Acknowledge what you are angry about and how you clutch it.
Some endings, some beginnings.
Speaking of clutching and letting go... For those familiar, unfortunately Art in the Garden, as we knew it, is over. The farm it was hosted at had several management changes which made it no longer cost effective to offer. Thanks to those who have been a part year after year. It was a favorite offering for a very long time. It was a good run, 10 years!
Everything has its season, and ending AIG has a silver lining. Endings remind us to FOCUS. Focus on what works, bravely releasing things past their prime. Whether it's decades of tchotchkes collected, clothes that don't fit, relationships that exhaust, unnecessary emails or some-day projects... I say, release what doesn't serve. Get clear, get focused and let go.
For me, letting go of AIG is allowing me to focus on coaching and speaking. With the extra time, I'm reminded of the privilege of leading a life aligned with integrity.
Not sure if you've noticed, I've not written any newsletter since last year. Too much to say, yet not enough that feels truly impactful. I'm still grieving this loss of AIG a bit, maybe a lot. Beyond my personal feels, I recognize the world is full of noise and distracting content. It's important to feel clear of intent in all ways, at all times. For your sake (and mine), I honor clarity first.
What needs focus? What needs releasing?
What I'm noticing... I feel I'm in a place in between places. Not where I was, yet not where it feels like it deserves any particular label. An unnamed place. Presence, maybe? Not a yearning backwards, nor a striving. Content? Maybe... but it doesn't feel free like true contentment. It just feels different. I'm not alone in this noticing.
Many of my coaching clients come to me with a burdensome heavy heart. They're managing ok but like most of us, we are all trying to make sense post-covid. Prior labels don't quite fit. Forcing something new feels off. As my coaching clients navigate with newly opened eyes, they're exploring who they want to be without labels to inhabit different roles. They've noticed their priorities are changing. Mine are too. Maybe you can relate?
What's important and meaningful to you now?
I also hear they are tired. I'm tired too. Emotionally tired. Still grieving many layers of life. Peeling back, metabolizing, noticing. They're struggling varied anxieties and fear searching for focus, clarity and confidence. Fear of being seen, being not enough, being too much, not worthy, being vulnerable, being wrong or found out they're not what they thought they were or should be. It's a lot of head-game to unravel. Mindfulness matters.
We work on noticing how to care for the body as a vessel and the brain as a receiver and facilitator of creativity. A creative conduit. A being "on the way" not "in the way" of some shiny destination.
From the perspective of a teaching metaphor, Spring/Wood reminds us that we are ever-evolving. For some, some days feel excruciatingly hard. Everything matters so overwhelm sets in. Other days nothing matters, thus sadness/distraction reigns. I get it. I resonate with these struggles too. Spring/Wood teaches us to include verses exclude what feels imperfect.
Even spring is chaotic! Bursting forth here and there, wherever nature is most opportunistic she squeezes through.
What's important is to not normalize chaos nor accept it from others as a way of being. Although chaos is natural condition, by design it is temporary. A blip however small or tremendous intended to give rise to creativity. Destruction/creation. Not a way of life all the time--- a part of life. There's a difference. One is life giving, the other is exhausting.
Where are you pushing through verses leaning in?
What's hard about growth for you? What would make it easy?
As I help my clients through mountains of uncertainty, I feel for each one and carry them in my heart even after they've graduated coaching with me. I care to care, always and deeply. It's really important to self-regulate; to make ease with the hard stuff.
I too need to manage all the feels with my own nature medicine. I paddle board with my beloved Greg when we can, walk and mushroom forage, hang in the hammock in the living room, watch my niece and nephew when their schedules allow, watch the stars with my new astronomy group, eat ice cream when I darn tootin' feel like it, coach clients lovingly and deeply, work with my own coach and therapist to maintain focus and wellbeing, present to large audiences when requests come, drink water, eat well and sleep. I take my own creative medicine to feel the feels and tend dreams too far to even comprehend.
From this vantage point of freedom to choose, it's a good life. I am grateful. We have the conditions for ripeness to occur. And so do you! Spring is here in season and in spirit. That's a thing to hold gently in one's heart pocket. Which I do. Do you?
And so it is... my (very late) spring newsletter to you, dear ones. Thank you for your listening/reading. 💗
Love and light, Annelies
Personal & Professional Transformation
With spring comes new life. Tiny new buds and green shoots begin to emerge and seem to announce, "I'm ready to grow". Humans are no different. Even under adverse situations, we naturally aim ourselves towards improvement, progress and towards gaining the most success we possibly can. Striving to thrive is fundamental to our human evolutionary success, (even when it may look like self-sabotage or feel like we're going backwards). Take time to examine your own contribution.
In the spirit of spring, ask yourself…
- What’s new in your life?
- What needs organizing?
- What is emerging?
- What are you/we giving birth to, literally, metaphorically, symbolically?
- What are you most angry at? And what might you do to creatively transform this energy into an action that produces feel-good results for you and others around you?
I trust you've gained valuable insight here with me today. Take what's useful. If you need/want more support or guidance, let's connect. Find more free resources here.
Want to learn more? Invite me to create a retreat for you, speak at your next conference, place of business, networking or civic group. From boardrooms to classrooms to living rooms you'll find presentations with me to be immersive treasured experiences! Connect with Annelies.
Coaching helps you see what you can't see alone, helps you bravely do what you won’t do solo, and with perspective-- helps you take next right steps in life or at work for greater fulfillment, freedom and peace.
- Ready for change? Coach with Annelies
- Looking for a speaker? YES! Annelies Speaks
Contact Annelies
Email: annelies@conduitforchange.com
Website: www.conduitforchange.com
Phone: 919-345-8396
Annelies M Gentile, MA, PCC is a Visionary, Integrative Life and Leadership Executive Coach, Speaker, Process Artist, Facilitator and Author of From Chaos to Calm :: Leading Change from the Inside Out, an invaluable guide to resilience— sense, solace and sanity for our rapidly changing world.
🔥 From managing burnout
🎨 to nurturing ideas, momentum and transformative leadership
💀 to tending grief associated with change . . .
Annelies brings 33 years of career experience to helping leaders, and those they serve, traverse the gaps of uncertainty with courage, creativity and grace.
Influencing all levels of change from micro to macro, she coaches one-to-one, facilitates groups, leads retreats, and inspires many as a speaker.
She helps professionals across diverse fields of faith, government, healthcare, law, education, non-profits, arts, tech, science and sales. Clients include IBM, GSK, SAS, NCSU, City of Raleigh, NCDOT, Fidelity, Iron Mountain, Baptist Medical Center, UNC-REX, WakeMed, Campbell Law, NC Bar Association, Captrust, NC Alliance for Mental Illness, and more. READ TESTIMONIALS
Conduit for Change, LLC offers creative approaches to resilience guiding leaders, communities, congregations, families and organizations through change using an Integrative Approach that's experiential, intermodal and presence-based. ie: whole person/whole system.
- Executive Leadership Coaching
- Life and Wellness Coaching
- Creative Consulting
- Interactive Speaker Keynotes
- Retreat and Workshop Facilitation
- Interfaith Ministry
EXPERTISE: Integrative Health and Wellness, Resiliency, Transformative Leadership, Conflict Transformation, Imposter Syndrome, Change Management, Creative Process, Team-building, Positive Psychology, Mindset and Mindfulness, Spirituality, Grief and more.