A Word From Our Director
Quail Call, April 7
Patience, Community & Compassion
EL Education was founded in 1992 by the Harvard Graduate School of Education in collaboration with Outward Bound USA based on the belief that learning and achievement flourish when teachers and students are engaged in work that is challenging, adventurous, and meaningful. Our Outward Bound roots live and breathe in our school and ground us in developing strong character through our experience with each other and our world. The article, What Outdoor Education Teaches Us About Coping Through a Pandemic shares a powerful message of patience, community and compassion during a pandemic. “Now’s the time for unity, compromise and coming together. We need to approach every decision in our day through the lens of compassion and understanding.”
After listening to the stories of so many brave families last week, our staff refocused and adjusted to better meet the needs of all of our students and families. We recognize that every family is faced with different challenges and circumstances and we want to offer you compassion, understanding, and flexibility to meet the needs of your family.
Yesterday, the Idaho State Board of Education voted to extend the current soft closure of all Idaho K-12 public schools and charters through the end of local schools’ academic year. In addition, Moscow School District decided to follow this recommendation. Palouse Prairie will also follow the State and local decisions in efforts of keeping our community healthy and safe. If we receive different guidance from the State, local officials, and the health department, we will re-evaluate.
We are committed and will continue to work to provide your students opportunities to engage in meaningful learning and offer support as needed to every child and family. One of the shifts we made includes moving more towards online platforms. You will also notice K-5 teachers have all adopted a similar format for communication which outlines the student’s week, prioritizes tasks and clearly indicates which tasks need to be turned back in. In Middle School, we have worked to create math classes that will deliver the content in a more consistent and manageable way for both students and teacher. We have also designated staff to support any child that is struggling through distance learning.
As a staff, we have learned that the daily connection with our students gives purpose to our work. They are incredible human beings that bring us so much joy and we miss them so much!
A Bright Spot
Even with all the drastic shifts of school being remote, we have a very small team that has remained focused on moving forward on one of our biggest priorities--THE PLAYGROUND! We have contracted with Learning Landscapes to support the implementation of a playground that reflects our core values, culture and vision. Our current design concept has components that include an open grass playfield to run and kick balls, climbing boulders and logs, outdoor amphitheater and learning space, swings, spinners, slides integrated into the hill, loose parts play areas, a gaga pit, ball wall and basketball hoop. However, we will not make any final decisions until we hear from our students. Students are asked to fill out this survey where they can rank their favorite playground elements.
Landscape Architect and parent volunteer, Jen Elliott has expertise in design/build projects, has been leading this huge task of designing, planning, organizing, and facilitating implementation of all the components of this project. We are lucky to have families with such diverse skill sets to help make this dream become a reality on our very small budget.
While we continue to maintain our safe CDC distancing guidelines, there are opportunities for parents and families to participate in the first phase of making this playground become a reality, beginning this spring. From planting trees to sanding and applying a finish to climbing logs, we will need your help. If you have the capacity, specific skills, and tools to help build the playground during this time, please indicate here. We will work with you to assign you a specific task. Check out the project list to see where your skills might fit in. This could be a great opportunity for you to leave a lasting impact and legacy on our school grounds for years to come. Our students will be so grateful when they are able to come back and enjoy a playground unlike any other in Moscow! Share your thoughts, excitement, and how you’re adapting to life in the age of COVID-19 by using the hashtag: #PPCSathome.
PPCS Blood Drive - Critical Need
To help everyone feel more connected with our fellow students, teachers and staff post with the #PPCSATHOME. Please make sure your posts are sharable.
This week's theme: Who do you hang out with in quarantine?
Last week's theme: What project or talent have you been working on while you are at home?
Face Masks are needed...
Palouse Prairie Charter School
Email: office@palouseprairieschool.org
Website: https://palouseprairieschool.org/
Location: 406 Powers Avenue, Moscow, ID, USA
Phone: 208-882-3684
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/PPCS.org/