Serving Thayer and Nuckolls County - May 2023
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Animal Shows, Clinics, & Judging Contests.
Enrollment Deadline, JUNE 15, quickly approaching!
- 4-H OnLine Enrollment
- Project Selections Made
- All Livestock Affadavits
- YQCA Certificates
- Premise ID #
- DNA Envelopes
Nuckolls County Fairgrounds Clean-up/Painting Day
YQCA In Person Training Dates
Regardless of how youth would like to participate in these training they will need to be signed up and the classed paid for through this online platform: https://yqcaprogram.org/login/index.php.
Instructor-led training: $3
web-based training: $12
**These fees are to support the national YQCA program, we can not accept cash or check in the office payment needs to be made on the online platform**
Training dates:
Friday, May 26th @ 3pm-Nuckolls County Fairgrounds following Livestock Judging Contest
Tuesday, June 13th @ 10:30am at the Thayer County Courthouse Club Room
REMINDER: If you have already participated in an instructor led training you have to complete a pre-test survey and a post-test survey on the YQCA website in order for certificates to be generated. Also certificates need to be turned in to your participating office!
Marshall Peterson Roping Clinics
Livestock Judging practice/informational Workshop
If you are unable to meet on May 4th, but youth would feel more comfortable with a crash course before the county contest please contact Rachel rachel.adam@unl.edu and we can arrange something.
Southern Plains Livestock Judging Contest
4-H Horse Judging Contest
PASE-Premier Animal Science Events
To learn more about PASE-https://4h.unl.edu/pase youth need to be age 10 by Jan 1st of the current year to participate.
PCE-Premier Communication Events (State Public Speaking)
To learn more about PASE-https://4h.unl.edu/premier-communication-event youth need to be age 10 by Jan 1st of the current year to participate and qualify for state competition.
Sheep & Goat Weigh-In Signups
Thayer County Sign up: https://www.signupgenius.com/go/60B054CAFAF22A6F49-2023
Nuckolls County Sign up: https://www.signupgenius.com/go/10C0C4AA5A728A5F9C70-sheepNebraska State 4-H Horse Show/Expo
Thayer County Archery, Begins Sunday May 7
4-H Camp, Deadline May 22 --- Counselors Deadline, May 1
Registration links:
Camp Renegade registration link: https://go.unl.edu/23renegade June 12-13 for ages 8-10
Camp Venture registration link: https://go.unl.edu/23venture June 15-16 for ages 10-12
Both Camps are held at Camp Jefferson, in Fairbury!
Counselor Opportunity, Deadline is May 1 for either camp. Apply here!
Counselor registration link: https://go.unl.edu/23counselor
Scholarships Available for Thayer County 4-Hers, upon request inquire at the Thayer County Extension Office.
Nuckolls County CWF Fundraising Opportunities
Friday, May 26th Livestock Judging Contest lunch
Monday, July 24th Static Judging Day lunch
Tuesday, July 25th Nuckolls County Horse Show concession stand
Please notify the Nuckolls County Extension office if you would like to participate in any of these opportunities.
Nuckolls & Thayer County Bonanza DAYS
Special Garden and Special Agronomy Projects
Special Garden Seed Project is Mrs. Burns Lemon Basil
Special Agronomy Seed Project is Tepary Beans
These are a great way to get your feet dirty, be outside, and learn! Each comes with material
and guides to assist you in completing this project.
Big Green 4-H Club Speed Show
June 25th, 2023
Thayer County Fairgrounds-Deshler, NE
Events: Barrels, Poles, Flying W, Potato Race, Keyhole, and Ride a Buck
Cost: $5 per class or $20 for the day
Contact for questions: Makinna Peterson: 402-200-0459
Online Horticulture Contest
Do you know what it takes to pick the best fruit and vegetables out at the grocery store? Or do you know what judges are looking for when they judge your plants at the county fair? Have you ever wondered, what plant is that!?! We are excited to offer the opportunity to learn these and other important horticulture skills through the Online Horticulture Contest. The contest will be available June 2-16, 2023 at: https://go.unl.edu/online4hhortcontest
Horticulture judging contest consists of three parts. The first is identification of plant material. Participants identify the plants by common name from a plant list. Specimens may be alive or preserved plant parts like stems, twigs, leaves, flowers, seeds, fruits, roots, bulbs, tubers, or plant products.
The second is a knowledge portion, usually in the form of a true/false or multiple choice quiz. Questions will test the contestant's knowledge of cultural practices for horticultural crops, plant science, pesticides, horticultural careers and other topics related to the production, processing and consumption of horticultural crops.
The last portion is judging or placings. This is where four different plants, plates of vegetables, or containers flowers are ranked from best to worst based on a set of criteria. Classes are judged on the basis of condition, quality, uniformity, true-to-type, and size.
More information about the Nebraska State contest along with a list of study materials can be found in the Fair book https://4hfairbook.unl.edu/fairbookview.php/contests/45. Here you can find the written study materials for the knowledge portion, follow links to plant pictures for help with identification, and read how judging of plant material is done.
More details at: https://4h.unl.edu/online-horticulture-judging-contest
2023 ENROLLMENT!! Open now!
May 16 Sheep/Goat Weigh In - Deshler
May 17 Sheep/Goat Weigh in - Nelson
May 24 - 4-H Horse Judging Contest, Pitzer Ranch, Ericson, NE
May 26 - Southern Plains Livestock Judging Contest
-@ 3 pm-YQCA training @ Nuckolls Co Fairgrounds
June 6th-Bonanza Day-Nelson 9 am-3pm
June 8th-Bonanza Day-Deshler 9am-3pm
June 12-13 Camp Renegade
June 13 - @ 10:30 am-YQCA Training @ Thayer County Extension Office
June 15 4-H Enrollment DEADLINES and all IDs DUE!
June 15-16 Camp Venture
June 28-29 Camp Blast
July 5 - Thayer-Nuckolls Archery Shoot, @ Hebron 6 pm (rain date July 6th)
July 26 - Nuckolls-Thayer Shotgun Shoot, @ Nelson 4 pm
Next Meeting
8:00 p.m. @ Nuckolls County Fairgrounds
Next Meeting
7:30 p.m. @ Thayer County Courthouse
Next Meeting
6:00 pm
Nuckolls County Extension Office
Email: nuckolls-county@unl.edu
Website: https://extension.unl.edu/statewide/southernplains/
Location: 825 S Main St, Nelson, NE, USA
Phone: 402-225-2381
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/SouthernPlainsExt
Twitter: @SPNE4HExt
Thayer County Extension Office
Email: thayer-county@unl.edu
Website: https://extension.unl.edu/statewide/southernplains/
Location: 225 N 4th St, Hebron, NE, USA
Phone: 402-768-7212
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/SouthernPlainsExt/
Twitter: @SPNE4HExt