Dealey- Family Newsletter
June 22, 2023
View Registration Status: https://www.dallasisd.org/choosedallasisd
Dear Dealey Parents,
I am so humbled by the amount of support I've received in my first year as your principal. With the help of our amazing Dealey team, families, students, and community, we had a very successful school year. Some of these successes can be viewed in our Spring data that I have linked below. I am also sharing a few links of important updates. Please make sure to click and view the information below.
You will also see some new or familiar faces returning to Dealey this school year. I'm very excited about our success in hiring highly qualified candidates who will be an asset to our staff. With the additional staff, I have created more opportunities for our students to receive Tier 1 instruction and additional supports. I've attached the introductions for the new staff members below.
I will be out of the office enjoying time with my family from June 30th to July 17th. I look forward to seeing you all on your return date after a well deserved break. Also, please mark August 10th on your calendar for Meet the Teacher Night. Middle school students will receive their class schedules at Meet the Teacher Night, and all of our teachers will be looking forward to meeting you!
Cristina Ibarra, Principal
Spring 2023 Data Updates
Click on image below for the powerpoint link
2023-2024 Staff Introductions
Click on image below for the powerpoint link
Thank you Mrs. Schneider
Dealey's New Assistant Principal
Amber Garrett - Message
I am elated to announce that I have been selected as the assistant principal here at George Bannerman Dealey Montessori and International Academy. Dealey's rich history of excellence is the blueprint for academic success, effective parent support and community engagement.
Over the past 17 years in my educational career, I have served as a technology teacher, CTE/Fine Arts department chairperson, instructional technology specialist, instructional technology coordinator, campus instructional coach and campus assistant principal. I am currently serving in my 8th year in Dallas ISD campus and district leadership. I have spent the last 3 years as the assistant principal at The Barack Obama Male Leadership Academy.
I hold a Bachelor of Applied Arts and Sciences degree in Applied Technology, Training and Development from the University of North Texas-Denton. I completed my Master of Science degree in Instructional Design & Technology at the University of Houston-Clear Lake in August 2012. I currently hold four Texas state certifications including Principal as Instructional Leader EC-12, Legacy Master Technology Teacher EC-12 , Technology Applications EC-12 & Business Education 6-12. I also completed my Texas Virtual School Network certification while enrolled at UHCL-Clear Lake.
I am a Dallas ISD graduate and proud mother of two boys that are magnet students in Dallas ISD. My hope is that all students have engaging ways to interact with their learning. I am a firm advocate of Montessori and inquiry-based learning experiences for all students. When we provide real world relevance to superior content learning, the sky is just the first stop to their ultimate achievements.
Thank you again for this wonderful opportunity to serve. I look forward to working with Mrs. Ibarra and the amazing Dealey community.
Check your mailbox after July 1st Postcards coming your way!
New Curriculum Resources
Most of our educators have successfully completed Reading Academies to enhance their knowledge and implementation of evidence-based practices, leading to improved student literacy achievement.
The book "Powerful Literacy in the Montessori Classroom: Aligning Reading Research and Practice" utilizes the Scarborough reading rope as its organizational framework, integrating language comprehension and word recognition. Each chapter explores specific sub-strands, enabling educators to establish connections with best practices.
This book is highly recommended for professional development book studies, as it can facilitate meaningful discussions on "The Science of Teaching Reading."
The importance of background knowledge in reading and understanding.
- The Knowledge Gap: N. Wexler
Amplify Podcast
Dealey CILT Team
There will be specific training for campus CILT team members and the associated responsibilities to include:
● Serve on the campus training team to provide updates and training on curriculum materials.
● Serve as the liaison between the campus and the Teaching and Learning Department to provide answers and information regarding the curriculum.
● Attend specific professional learning for C.I.L.T. team members.
● Be an advocate for the high quality instructional materials implementation.
3-5 Reading: Jasmine Stubbs
6-8 Reading: Aaronda Smith
K-2 Math: Leah Chandler
3-5 Math: Jill Emery
6-8 Math: Lan-Anh Nguyen
2023-2024 School Supply Lists
Check out your teacher's school supply list here. Middle schoolers will get their final schedules at the August "Meet The Teacher" event, so you should wait on purchasing supplies for your electives until then. As a reminder, ALL students are now required clear or mesh backpacks for the upcoming school year.
2023 - 2024 School Calendar
Dragon Wagon
School Uniforms
Now is a great time to start shopping for school uniforms!
Tops: White or Royal Blue
Bottoms: Slacks/Shorts/Skirts/Jumpers: Black, Navy, Khaki
Logo on the uniform is not mandatory. You may buy uniforms with from the Dragon Wagon or without the logo from your local retailer.
Leggings only allowed under skirts.
Needing Care? Champions Aftercare is here!
Registration for the 2023-2024 School Year is already underway, so secure your spot today at discoverchampions.com.
Follow Us On Social Media
About Us -
Email: cribarra@dallasisd.org
Website: https://www.dallasisd.org/dealey
Location: 6501 Royal Lane, Dallas, TX, USA
Phone: (972) 794-8400
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/gbdealeyPTA/