Principal's Corner
Monthly Newsletter - October 2023 Edition
Dear Parents, Guardians & Significant Adults,
As we welcome the arrival of autumn, I sincerely hope this message finds you in good health and high spirits. October has brought with it a season of change, and I am thrilled to share a lineup of exciting events and activities that have been carefully curated to nurture your child's academic and social development. Please continue reading to stay informed about the wonderful plans we have in store for our school community this October.
Furthermore, we want to express our deepest gratitude to you, our dedicated parents, for your unwavering support. Already, we have witnessed remarkable growth and enthusiasm in our students, and we are eagerly looking forward to what the remainder of the academic year has in store. Please always keep in mind that our doors are open, and we actively encourage open and constructive communication between parents, our dedicated staff, and the administration.
Thank you for being an integral part of our school community. Together, we will ensure that this school year is a fulfilling and successful journey for our students.
***Sequoia High School***
- Open House/Significant Adult Night
- Wednesday, October 4th, 2023
- The event is scheduled to take place in the Gym, starting at 6:00 pm and concluding at 7:30 pm. We extend a warm invitation to join us as we come together as a community to support our students. This evening offers you the chance to meet your student's teachers/advisors and our dedicated Sequoia staff. You will also gain insights into our current course offerings and connect with local college representatives. We are eagerly anticipating an incredible night and can't wait to welcome you.
- Learning Improvement Day
- Friday, October 13th, 2023
- This is a Non-Student Workday. On this day, our staff will be participating in professional development sessions centered on Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion.
- Financial Aide Advising Week
- Monday, October 9th through October 13th, 2023
- Please ask your student(s) about the upcoming events scheduled as an Advisory lesson, including a visit from a local area college. Our website will have more details.
- End of Term 1
- Tuesday, October 17th, 2023
- Please ensure you communicate with your student(s) to confirm their progress, attendance, and completion of necessary assignments.
- Panorama Survey
- Wednesday, October 18th during Advisory
- Check & Connect:
- Wednesday, October 18th, 2023
- Attendance is mandatory. Non-attendance requires administrative approval, which should only be sought in case of a genuine emergency.
- Appointment Day
- Thursday, October 19th
- Please reach out to your student(s) advisor if you have any questions.
- Start of Term 2
- Friday, October 20th, 2023
- Picture Make-ups
- Wednesday, October 25th, 2023
***Port Gardner Family Partnership***
- Wednesday, October 25th, 2023
- Please see the website for more details.
- ALE Progress Reporting
- You will be Reporting Progress on ALE.
- This is Due October 1st and it is recording progress from September 6th through September 30th.
- Safety First
- Please be sure to read the safety PowerPoint and take the quiz. The due date for this is October 6, 2023. Click Here to view the PGS Newsletter that has all of the pertinent information needed.
- Panorama Survey
- Monday, October 16th & Tuesday, October 17th
- This will take place during on-site classes.
- Picture Make-ups
- Wednesday, October 25th, 2023
- Wednesday, October 25th, 2023
- Please see the website for more details.
As always, please check our website often for updates and pertinent information. We pride ourselves on timely communication, so if you have questions and/or concerns, please reach out.
Calendar 2023-2024
Dates and Times to Remember
High School & Beyond events
Everett Public Schools is holding High School & Beyond events this month.
Students and families will be able to connect with colleges, universities, trade schools and apprenticeships from Washington and other states. Washington-specific schools will be highlighted, including our local community colleges. The number of college and career representatives available to support our efforts continues to grow, and we are looking forward to providing access to these rich, personalized resources to our students and families.
To increase access to each unique school community, the three comprehensive high schools have collaborated to provide a customized format on three specific dates in October as follows:
· Cascade HS | October 4, 2023 | 6-7:30 p.m. | Gym The college and career fair will take place during the curriculum night event
· Jackson HS | October 11, 2023 | 5:30-7:35 p.m. | Gym & Main Building. The college and career fair will be a stand-alone evening event with several break-out session options
· Everett HS/Sequoia HS | October 24, 2023 | 9 a.m.-12:30 p.m. (families are invited to attend from 11 a.m.-12:30 p.m.) | EHS Gym. The college and career fair will take place during the school day.
Details will be available on each of the high schools’ homepages. If a family is not able to attend their school’s event on the designated date, they are welcome to attend the HS & Beyond event at one of the other two high schools.
Interpreters from prominent languages of each school will be on site.
Mark your Calendar for Upcoming Fall Flu Clinic
Everett Public Schools will host two flu clinics this fall at the Community Resource Center located at 3900 Broadway on Tuesday, October 24 from 2 to 6 p.m.
Please watch the district social media and website announcements for information regarding appointment times, insurance information, eligibility, etc.
2023-24 Student Art Calendar
Attendance Procedures
We look forward to seeing your child at school every day. Regular school attendance is important, and we will work with you to ensure your child is present to benefit from an excellent education. If your child is absent, please email the school at SequoiaAttendance@everettsd.org
If email is not possible, and even if you leave a message with the school attendance line at 425-385-5105. Please send a written note to the school office within 30 days after your student returns to school.
Sequoia's Bell Schedule
Did you miss a call from us?
If you missed a call from your school, please first check your voice mail, email or mobile app for the message rather than calling the school. Schools are often inundated with phone calls from parents after they send an automated call and cannot answer all the calls. If messaging is still not being delivered, then you will need to update your contact information at your school. If your contact information has changed, please let your school know so they can update the system to be able to successfully reach you.
World Language Assessments
Can your middle or high school student speak, read, write and understand a world language? Students in grades 7-12 can earn high school credit and special recognition through the World Language Assessment. Registration is open September 6 through October 31. Register in your school office today!
There will be only one window in the 2023-24 school year. Dates vary by school. Scan QR code to learn more.
Updates from the District
GoFan ticketing for school sports and activities!
GoFan, a digital ticketing and promotional service designed for school sports and activities, is available to all community members for in-person or advanced purchase at Memorial Stadium and paid events at each high school. The service provides more access and visibility to the district’s ticketed events by offering payment by credit card through their platform, allowing users to view and subscribe to upcoming events and empowering the district with various tools. In-person cash payments are still available, and students with ASB cards receive free admission to sporting events.
The opportunity to pay by credit card at the ticketing window will reduce the amount of cash handling and prevent patrons from needing to leave for an ATM when they do not arrive with cash. There will be no direct cost to the district as GoFan charges $1.00 + 3 percent as a convenience fee to the purchaser and all equipment required has been provided complimentary to each high school and Memorial Stadium. The equipment also utilizes cellular connectivity so it will require no additional infrastructure for implementation. By partnering with GoFan, the district will be able to increase accessibility to school events, increase participation and increase community involvement.
Let’s Connect
We would love to connect with you!
The first Let’s Connect of the school year is scheduled for October 17 from 6-7 p.m. Learn how our strategic plan impacts the work at your school and what it means for your student. Each region will host this session for their school families and interpreters from prominent languages in our district will be on site.
Please see the school feeder pattern for each region’s session and the graphic below to determine the schools in each region.
Region One: Lowell ES - Cafeteria
Region Two: Jefferson ES - Cafeteria
Region Three: Gateway MS – Cafeteria
School Meals for 2023-24
This school year, our school still qualifies as a CEP school.
Families in our school get breakfast and lunches free, regardless of free and reduced lunch qualifications. Families at these schools will fill out a household income report, which will be emailed directly to you, in place of the free and reduced lunch application. This report is important to provide students access to free waivers and other services.
We are so excited to be able to use this program to offer free meals to the students in our district who may need some extra support and to all of our students, no matter where they learn, we will continue to offer nutritious and delicious meals that include seasonal fresh fruits and vegetables, scratch-made whole grain foods and lean proteins, with vegetarian and gluten free options too. There has never been a better time to eat school meals. We look forward to serving you soon.
Kids in Transition Program
Kids in Transition (KIT) program supports students who qualify for two federal programs which provide support for children and youth whose housing is highly mobile: those who meet the more inclusive definition of homeless under the federal McKinney-Vento Homeless Act and those who are eligible for Foster Care Education support.
Students who are in foster care placement (where a child welfare agency has placement, care and authority) or those who are without a fixed, regular and adequate nighttime residence may qualify for this additional support.
The KIT program works to eliminate barriers to students’ academic success and extra-curricular involvement. We ensure eligible students have access to free school meals, school supplies and uniforms. KIT may help students access extended day or summer school classes or coordinate access to additional academic support or tutoring when needed. The KIT Program may also cover, or coordinate waivers for, fees required to take part in activities such as school-sponsored sports, clubs, and required class fees. KIT can also help set up transportation for eligible students to maintain school stability, as long as the commute is feasible and in the best interest of the student. We also partner with the Family Resource Center and other community agencies to connect families and students to resources as needed.
Last year, Everett Public Schools served over 1,350 students through our KIT support at some time during the school year. For more information, visit www.everettsd.org/KIT to learn who your school’s KIT support staff is; or contact the KIT Office at 425-385-4032.
Backpacks for Students in Need
Do you know a family who might be in need this year? Stuff the Bus for Kids ensures each child in Everett Public Schools starts the school year prepared to learn. In August, the EPS Foundation delivered over 3,000 backpacks, filled with school supplies, and are making them available to any Everett Public School student who may need extra assistance.
Students in need of a backpack, please reach out to your school to receive your supplies. Backpacks are available for pick up at each school.
Access Your Family’s Immunization Information
To access your family's immunization information from the Washington State registry visit, sign up for MyIR to view, download and print your student's immunization records securely online. Once you register, you can access the records anytime you need them. You can print your child's Certificate of Immunization Status for school, childcare and camp programs.
Job Opportunities!
Everett Public Schools is hiring many positions. Please share with friends and family who may be interested in joining our team. Visit www.everettsd.org/jobs for jobs posted and how to apply.
Safety Corner
Safety Reminders
As mornings become darker and darker, drivers, please keep an eye out for students walking and waiting at their bus stops. Families, please have your students wait for the bus to come to a complete stop and the flashing lights and stop sign to be fully out before they cross the street. Here is great graphic showing when to stop for school buses, and if you are ever in doubt--STOP! Other safety reminders include:
· Students and parents should wait on the curb when waiting for the school bus, not off the curb or in the street.
· Do not stand in school crosswalks, obey crossing guards if present.
· Be focused and aware when walking in school parking lots. We encourage walkers to stay off their cell phones while walking. Dark mornings may make it difficult for drivers to see walkers.
· Bicyclist must abide by the same laws as drivers, which means they must stop for school buses when applicable.
· If possible, wear lighter clothing/coats or add something reflective on darker clothing.
School Safety Begins with Teamwork
Everett Public Schools recognizes that schools should be a place where our students, staff and community feel safe. Teamwork makes this possible. We employ security staff and school resource officers (SROs) who work collaboratively with our school communities to ensure safety and security across the district.
Safety and security staff work to build healthy, positive relationships with our students, staff and community to ensure a safe school environment for learning.
Campus Security Officers (CSOs) perform checks of campuses during school hours to prevent unauthorized access, deter illegal activity, assist with investigations, assist with student supervision and share information with staff and students concerning safety measures.
School Resource Officers (SROs) are police officers that serve secondary school campuses while schools are in session and partner with principals to improve safety by identifying, investigating, deterring and responding to incidents that present a significant threat to safety and security.
District Security Staff perform checks of campuses after hours and on weekends to prevent unauthorized access, ensure campuses are secure, deter illegal activity and respond to alarm notifications.
For more information, visit www.everettsd.org/safety.
Safety Tip Line
Do you or your student have a concern about someone experiencing bullying or harassment? Report it! You can talk directly with your school’s office, or you can call, text or email your concern.
If there is reason for concern about safety on a designated walkway to school, call 9-1-1 immediately for authorized, quick help. We have strong partnerships with local law enforcement who share our interest in safe schools and neighborhoods. Student safety is a priority for all of us. Working together, we can help make our neighborhoods and schools nurturing places for students to safely learn and grow.
Port Gardner Family Partnership Information
Click on the PGS Mascot to Learn More about Port Gardner
PGS Contact Information
Belinda Mountjoy, Principal: bmountjoy@everettsd.org 425-385-5190
Autumn Slater, School Counselor: aslater@everettsd.org 425-385-
Megan Slaker, Secretary: mslaker@everettsd.org 425-385-5150
Kristin Goodman, Paraeducator: kgoodman@everettsd.org 425-385-5180
Allison Hinds, Primary Teacher: ahinds@everettsd.org 425-385-5183
Celeste Johnson, Primary Teacher: cjohnson@everettsd.org 425-385-5183
Jocelyn Sievers-Bailey, Intermediate Teacher: Jsievers-bailey@everettsd.org 425-385-5186
Laura Wight, High School Teacher: lwight@everettsd.org 425-385-5141
Mark Ryder, High School Teacher: mryder@everettsd.org 425-385-5142
Sherm Iversen, Online Instructor: siversen@everettsd.org 425-385-5144
Informational Resources
Please go to the Everett Public Schools Website for more information: https://www.everettsd.org/domain/4334
Ways to Stay Connected
On the communications department webpage, you can sign up for InTouch announcements and school board meeting agenda highlights delivered to your email box monthly. You can also follow us on Facebook, Twitter and Instagram.
Have you Downloaded our Mobile App?
News and information about our schools are as close as your smartphone. Download and log into the district app to access your student’s info quickly and easily. See top stories, Parent University, Canvas, books checked out from the library, and find the staff directory, school websites, calendars and more.
Available for Apple and Android devices and can be downloaded in 3 easy steps:
1. On your smartphone, go to the iTunes App Store® or Google Play®
2. Search Everett Public Schools
3. Then select our app for free download
Once you’ve downloaded the app, log in to “student info” with your LMS password to see student-specific information for each of your children. Read content in one of many languages available in the settings.
Assistance Icon on Website
The district’s main webpage has an icon, “report/assistance,” with resources and assistance for students and families on:
· Suicide Prevention
· Crisis Support
· Eating Disorder Help
· Substance Abuse Help
· Report Safety Concerns
· Report Harassment
· Substance Abuse Trends
· Overdose Symptoms and Prevention
· Safe Storage of Medication
· Safe Storage of Firearms
Learning Resources
Please go to the Everett Public Schools Website for more information: https://www.everettsd.org/domain/4334
SHS 23-24 Student Handbook can be found on our website.
Grades & More
Belinda Mountjoy Principal
Email: bmonroe@everettsd.org
Website: www.everettsd/Sequoiahs
Location: 3516 Rucker Ave Everett, WA 98201
Phone: (425) 385-5100
Twitter: @Sequoia_HS