Mayde Creek Junior High Updates
"Inspiring Excellence" Week of August 21, 2023
Mayde Creek Junior High
Location: 2700 Greenhouse Road, Houston, TX, USA
Phone: 281-237-3900
Twitter: @MCJHGators
2023-2024 Grade Level Assistant Principals
7th Grade - Janae Miles
8th Grade - Karen Feldman
Student Support - Jettie Brookins
2023-2024 Grade Level Counselors
7th Grade - Tamela Adams
8th Grade - Natalie Biddle
Student Support - Meredith Keener
From Ms. Weaver
Hello Gator Family!
It was an amazing kick off to the new year. We loved welcoming back our students and we are looking forward to a great week ahead. Our volleyball players will be playing in a tournament this weekend and they would love your support.
The students are finding their way to class and learning routines/procedures. We will continue to get the students acclimated this week. It is important they have their ID & Assigned grade level lanyard. Students may ONLY have the MCJH Colored lanyard for their ID. If students forget their ID, they will be required to pay $1 for a temporary ID for that day only. Purchasing a new ID will cost $5,
There are significant changes regarding cell phones at MCJH and with the District Student Code of Conduct. Cell Phones will only permitted at lunch and must be turned off/stored in student backpacks at all other times throughout the day. The APs will notify the students when they are permitted to get their devices out at lunch and will tell them when to put them back in their backpacks before leaving the cafe.
The WAAG(Week At A Glance) will begin next week for Grade Level & Contents. There is a lot of important information below, so please be sure to take a look.
Upcoming Dates
August 21st ---> MCHS Town Pep Rally at MCHS Football Field
August 22nd ---> 6:15 to 6:45pm: Football and Volleyball Parent Meeting
August 24th --> 6 pm: Pep Squad Sign Up and Parent Meeting
August 26th-> Pre Season Volleyball Tournament (7th Grade @ KJH/8th Grade @MRJH)(A & B Teams Only)(8AM-1PM)
September 4th-> No School
September 13th-> Open House
Official class schedules for the 2023-2024 school year are available to view in the Home Access Center. Please make sure that your student has their schedule written down in a safe place as many students lost their schedules last week.
For more information or concerns regarding class schedules, contact your grade level campus counselor.
Dress Code
District & Mayde Creek Junior High ID Badge Policy
- Each student must wear their Photo ID badge with their MCJH assigned Lanyard(6th Grade: Yellow, 7th Grade: Green, 8th Grade: Black.)
- The ID must be visible hanging from around their neck at all times while on campus.
- Students are not allowed to deface the badge in any way including: adding stickers, writing words, symbols, scratching photos etc.
- Students must wear their ID to get into school sponsored events such as: games, dances, etc.
- Students need their ID to ride the bus as an ID scanner is used to identify each student.
- Continued violations will result in progressive disciplinary consequences such as Detentions and or ISS.
Mayde Creek Junior High Cell Phone Policy
- Phones must be powered off and stored in the students backpack during the instructional day (8:30 – 4:05). However, students will be allowed to use their cell phones at lunch.
- Instructional devices that are permitted are laptops or tablets used for instructional purposes with the permission of the teacher.
- When students arrive on campus in the morning their cell phone needs to be inside their backpack turned off. They will report to their assigned holding area or tutorials.
- Students will be permitted to use their phones after dismissal at 4:05 PM.
- Students may not use their phones or devices to access and use any social media at any time while on campus, including before and after school activities.
- Phones may not be used to take photos or videos at any time while they are on campus, including before and after school. Phone use in the locker room or restroom is considered a severe violation.
- Using earbuds in one ear only is allowed for instructional purposes during class time as instructed by the teacher. Example: Proper use is when using an earbud while watching an instructional video on the laptop with the teacher’s permission. Improper use is walking in the building in the morning wearing an earbud.
- If the cellphone policy is broken or if a student misuses their own instructional device, the following steps will be taken:
- First Offense – The device is confiscated and delivered to the Assistant Principals Office until the end-of-day when the student may pick it up
- Second Offense – The device is confiscated and delivered to the Assistant Principals Office and the parent will pick up the device.
- Third Offense – Same as the second offense and recorded in e-School as a discipline referral. The student will be assigned a consequence and the parent will pick up the device.
- Fourth Offense – Student device will no longer be permitted to have their phone on campus and will be assigned a consequence.
- Offenses will start over at the beginning of each semester
- Students with electronic watches or smart watches must conform to the district and school policy. Any misuse will follow the same procedure for cell phone and other student-owned devices
- Mayde Creek Junior High School is not responsible for the loss or theft of student-owned devices
Arrival & Dismissal
Students may enter the building in the morning through the back doors of the campus at 8:30AM. If you arrive prior to 8:30, please "drop & go" so the line can continually moving. The back gate will close at 8:53 AM, so parents will need to check their student in tardy through the front office. Dismissal begins at 4:05 PM.
It is extremely important to use the designated Car Rider line when dropping off/picking up your students. Cars and students will not be able to enter or exit through the front of the school. It is absolutely necessary that students NOT be dropped off/picked up on Greenhouse Rd. This is extremely dangerous for our students and other drivers.
We ask that all cars always pull the whole way forward before stopping. Please have your student prepared to get out of the car as quickly as possible in the morning. In the afternoon, we need students to be watching for their car, so they can get in quickly.
If you park and pick your student up, they are considered a walker. Parents are not permitted to park anywhere on MCJH property to pick their student up. All walkers are required to use a crosswalk where staff is stationed to ensure they get across the street safely. Staff is able to cross students at the following locations: Greenhouse/Marquee, Front Parking Lot/closest MCE & Back of the school.
We appreciate your patience with the timing of our buses. They are working hard to adjust routes for more accurate pick-up/drop off times. Students must have their issued ID to get on the bus. The ID will be scanned and they are only permitted to ride their assigned bus.
Join the PTA
Sign Up to Join PTA!
Join the PTA Facebook Group
Join the Pep Squad & Show Your School Spirit
Cross Country Tryouts
Cross Country Tryouts
7th/8th grade Boys and Girls
Monday, August 21st at 6:30am
Meet in Competition Gym
Sign Up Here:
From the Counselors
SMART TAG ID 2023-2024
This school year, a new SMART Tag bus rider ID system will be rolled out across Katy ISD school buses to help monitor the ridership of eligible bus riders. The system will enable parents, bus drivers, and school administrators, to review in real time, when and where a student is picked up or dropped off by a school bus. Student identification (ID) cards for eligible riders will include the SMART Tag ID information. Buses will be equipped with a tablet that will read each student’s ID every time they enter and exit their bus. Parents and guardians will also have access to the SMART Tag Parent Web Portal — a cloud-based platform that will enable them to monitor their student’s ridership and bus route. Parents and guardians of eligible bus riders will receive additional information about the Smart Tag ID system via the email address they have on file with the district. The Smart Tag ID system replaces Katy ISD’s Edulog Lite App.