Cowboy Connect
Soule Elementary September 2024

Cowboy Connect
September 2024
Important Dates for Parents and Students
Date until November 2024
- Tuesday, September 10th- McDonald's Night is 5-8pm, go eat McDonald's and a portion of the money is donated to Soule!
- Thursday, September 12th- Lockdown Drill
- Friday, September 13th is PICTURE DAY!
- Thursday, September 19th- Silly Store Order Forms for September are due!
- Wednesday, September 25th- Fire Drill
- Monday, September 30th- Tornado Drill
- Monday, September 30th- Friday, October 4th- Fall Book Fair, details to come
- Thursday, October 10th- Regular school day and dismissal time (Parent Teacher Conferences at night), 3:30-6:30pm
- Friday, October 11th- Parent Teacher Conferences 8:00-11:40am, NO SCHOOL!
- Thursday, October 17th and Friday, October 18th- STAFF DEVELOPMENT- NO SCHOOL!
- Thursday, October 24th- Join our Parent Teacher Organization, meeting at 5pm in Wild West Lounge
- Friday, October 25th-Thursday, October 31st: Red Ribbon Week- Fun dress up days
- Thursday, October 31st- Final Red Ribbon Day / Book Character Parade @ 2:30pm on the turf
- Friday, November 1st- Pajama Day
Parent Teacher Conferences
Reminder: USD 443 has made adjustments to Parent Teacher Conferences to allow for more flexibility of meeting time. Conferences will be held in October and November during the first semester and in February and April during the second semester. Teachers will be meeting with each student's parent at least one of these times during each semester.
Information in Detail
International Dot Week
International Dot Day, a global celebration of creativity, courage and collaboration, began when teacher Terry Shay introduced his classroom to Peter H. Reynolds’ book The Dot on September 15, 2009.
The Dot is the story of a caring teacher who dares a doubting student to trust in her own abilities by being brave enough to “make her mark”. What begins with a small dot on a piece of paper becomes a breakthrough in confidence and courage, igniting a journey of self-discovery and sharing, which has gone on to inspire countless children and adults around the globe.
Each year on International Dot Day – with the help of people just like you – the inspiration continues. What started as a story in the pages of a book is transforming teaching and learning around the world as people of all ages re-discover the power and potential of creativity in all they do.
Talking Points is up and working! We are now able to communicate with families directly via text message! This tool will allow all families to receive messages in their home language instantly. 🙌
If you have not received a text message or message via the Talking Points FAMILIES app, please call us at 620-471-2116 so we can get you added.
Please know you may respond back in your own language and the system will translate for you.
SILLY STORE! Be on the lookout for the order form. Form/Money due Thursday 9/19!
Types of Drills
Soule Elementary
Email: Cunningham.amber@usd443.org
Location: 401 Soule Street, Dodge City, KS, USA
Phone: 6204712116
Facebook: Facebook.com/souleelementaryDC