Park Crest Library Resources
From PC Librarian - Mrs. Nethaway - Vol 2
Newsletter Translations
To view this newsletter in languages other than English, please open the document in an internet browser and scroll to the bottom of the page to the “Translate” button.
Para ver este boletín en otro lenguaje que no sea Ingles, por favor abre este mensaje en una página de internet. Baje hasta el fin de la página y oprima el botón “Translate”.
Để xem bản tin này bằng các ngôn ngữ ngoài tiếng Anh, vui lòng mở tài liệu trong internet và kéo xuống cuối trang để nhấn nút dịch.
The Library is offering Curbside Service!
Library Resources Accessible at Home
To access library or reading resources:
- Select "Park Crest Elementary School"
- Students can access the resources on the home page.
- Choose "catalog" to look for books available in our library.
Meet with the Librarian for Story Time!!
· click on google meets icon
· select " return to home screen
· select "join meeting"
· enter code: sp2021
· join meeting and mute your microphone
What Is myON and How Do I Use It?
MyOn is a FREE resource available to all GISD students that gives them access to THOUSANDS of ebooks! They can use tablets, laptops, computers, or other devices to access myOn. No reliable wifi? Never fear! MyOn can even be accessed once you go offline!
Students access it through GISD Ready Hub.
This resource is also accessible through community libraries for non-GISD students! Find out how here.