Weekly Newsletter
Friday 24th September 2021
This week in school
What a busy 'planning, planning, planning' kind of week!
The staff have been busy too. Some of the yeargroups are tentatively organising trips for the coming weeks and Mrs Taylor is trying to organise swimming for KS2 children.
The teachers have been discussing changes to PE and Sports provision and Mrs Clayton has been tasked with updating the outdoor prayer space and making it into a reflection zone. Mrs Watson is teaching us Harvest songs and I showed round more candidates for the Headteacher job.
All in all it has been an eventful, hardworking week!
Thank you for your continued support - have a really lovely weekend.
Mrs R - Proud Headteacher
Whole School Attendance
That's below target attendance.
An amazing 317 children had 100% attendance this week.
Happy Birthdays!
Many many many many happy returns this week to.....
Mrs Fell, Mrs Leach, Oliver Dockray, Freya Chilvers, Alfie Longhurst, Alex Yesil, Benjamin Ingham, Charlie Adams, Ellie Graley, Nancy Mattinson, Imogen Chalkley, Jessica Pearce.
We are thankful for you all and wish you a super day!
This week in classrooms
Nursery - Stars
This week we have had great fun exploring colours and thinking about our favourites. We have used many different media to investigate, including coloured cellophane, paint and watercolours. Powder paint and coloured water were firm favourites. We have shared stories related to colours and we even created coloured toast for snack time which was great fun!
In phonics we are continuing to practise listening and identifying different sounds. In maths we have been practising counting anything and everything!
Superstar - Jude Cooper
FS - Moon and Mercury
This week the children have been showing how they can work cooperatively with others as well as describing similarities and differences between objects, patterns and amounts. The children have also shown how they can travel in a variety of ways such as climbing, jumping and riding a trike. It has also been National Recycle Week and we had a great time investigating what we could make using a variety of recycled items we had collected.
Superstars - Livvy Evans, Oliver Brown
Y1 - Galaxy and Venus
It has been another fun filled week in Year 1, exploring the adventures of Supertato and his nemesis. In English we predicted what mischief the Evil Pea would get up to next whilst in maths we compared numbers and introduced the comparison signs. Scientifically, we have been investigating bones and skeletons and sharing fascinating facts about the human body. We have continued to explore the school and its grounds in geography creating maps and identifying human and physical features.
Superstars - Kobi Irving, Sam Coltman
Year 2 / 3 Jupiter, Saturn and Neptune
We have had another fantastically busy week in Year 2 and 3.The children have been working extremely hard on their descriptions of the main characters of our class book, Vlad and the Great Fire of London. They have created expanded noun phrases and similes to use in their writing and have produced some fantastic work.
In maths we have continued to look at place value and have moved on from part/whole model to using place value charts.
We have enjoyed an arty end to the week with houses and flames being painted for our display. We can't wait to see where next week takes us!
Superstars - Eryn Mansell, Lacey Booth, Sophie Howell
Year 4 Mars and Earth
Wow what an amazing environment we have on our school field. We have taken full advantage of the lovely weather this week and have investigated whether or not we could class our field as a nature reserve. It was wonderful exploring the different habitats and considering what could call each different area home. We’ve also had plenty of fun learning field hockey skills in the lovely sunshine. We have been developing our agility and speed to dodge the opposing team member marking us. We have been working hard in class too. We have designed and crafted our own Viking jewellery trying to add fine detail with string, silver and precious stones.
Superstars - Rhys Knight, Willow Wood
Year 5 Asteroid and Pluto
Year 5 have been investigating negative numbers in everyday situations this week, while building confidence using them in calculations. We wonder how many negative numbers can be spotted, both at home and out and about this weekend.
We have been looking at symbolism in Tudor art, realising that every picture does indeed tell a story. Fast forward to current times, we have used persuasion techniques in an advert encouraging participation in P.E. and promoting the benefits of physical exercise. We are enjoying being able to sing in French again, as we reinforce the French alphabet and prior learning. Bravo tout le monde- well done everyone.
Superstars - Ethan Sowersby, Millie Mansell
Year 6 Nebular and Constellation
Year 6 have yet again been working hard in all subjects this week, particularly with their English. Using the launch of the Saturn V rocket and the Apollo 11 mission to the Moon, we have created Narrative Poems to detail the events of this important stage of the mission. In Maths we have been completing various word problems involving the operations of addition and subtraction. During topic we have created diagrams (using Oreos of all things) to explain the different phases of the Moon and why they occur.. We are really getting into our class novel, Cosmic, especially the scrapes and mishaps that the main character is finding himself in. Who knew reading was actually so much fun?!
Superstars - Stanley Bugg, Emma Boyes
Honey Pot Prize Winners
Extra bee points
10 extra bee points go to:
Best attendance
Blue 98.21%
No red slips
Sadly - all of the hives had red slips this week.
Hive with the most bee points so far this year
So far this year:
Green Hive
Well done - keep it up!