The Innovator 💡
Week of: February 5 - February 9, 2024
Upcoming Events
It's Counselor Appreciation Week!
We want to wish our super special NVLA counselors a joyous counseling week!
Be sure to tell your counselor how much you appreciate them to make their week of recognition extra special!
We are so proud to have so much amazing talent on our counseling team!!
NVLA & our students appreciate their hard work day in and day out.
A Message from Senior Student Council
Vitalant Blood Drive - Monday, February 12, 2024
K-8 Spirit Week - February 12 - February 16
High School Spirit Week - February 12 - February 16
Valentine's Fest - Friday, February 16, 2024
Family Academy - Saturday, February 24, 2024
English Flyer
Spanish Flyer
Innovator Family Day at The Aviators Game
'23-'24 Yearbook Orders - END on February 19th!
NVLA Spirit Gear
Innovator Family Knight (March 17, 2024 - 12:30pm)
Submit Photos for the Yearbook
ES Counselor Updates
Parents Make a Difference Newsletter
HS Counselor Updates
CSN Informational Session for Seniors
Senior Cap & Gown Purchases
*Payment plans are available*
ASVAB Career Exploration Program
Hi NVLA students:
I am Mrs. Attebery, Counselor, who will be signing you up for the optional ASVAB Career Explorations Program. This assessment is not only for those interested in going into the military. It is for ALL students who want to explore their interests and how those interests can be connected to career opportunities.
***Test is open to 10th, 11th, and 12th graders
***The test must be taken on campus as you need the test code to take the assessment, so keep that in mind when deciding to sign up.
Here is the link to the ASVAB for you to explore as you decide if you want to take this assessment. https://www.asvabprogram.com/
The dates are tentatively listed on the form. If you are ready to sign up then the link to my form is below: ASVAB Sign-up Form
***See newsletter or Counselor Corner to sign up as well If you do have questions then please contact me: Mrs. Tanya Attebery mrasta@nv.ccsd.net 702-799-6852 ext. 4304 (please leave student name and number and specific question if I need to return your call)
FAFSA Updated Information
The Library District - Free Internet Access
College Application Events
NVLA Secondary Clubs
ES & MS Basketball Clinic
Elementary Lunch Bunch & Lunch Crew
Lunch Bunch (Grades K-2)
When: Tuesdays and Fridays
Meet Code: nvlaeslunchbunch
Lunch Crew (Grades 3-5)
When: Mondays and Thursdays
Meet Code: nvlaeslunchcrew
Paper Tutoring: Parent/Guardian Informational Sessions
Helpful Resources
Nevada School-Based Health Centers
Mental Health Resources
Sports Physicals
UNLV Pediatric Clinic
Plagiarism Notice
Plagiarism of any kind is unacceptable.
NVLA utilizes the program Turn It In to review assignments to ensure there is no plagiarism of any kind taking place.
Plagiarism includes but is not limited to: ChatGPT usage, AI usage, copying peer work, improperly citing information from the internet, etc.
Please follow up with your teachers for more information should you have any questions.
Nevada Learning Academy Social Media Links
Please visit our website https://sites.google.com/view/nvlapta?pli=1 to see what other events and fundraisers we currently have going on.
If you would like to get involved by joining PTA, click on the link below:
If you have any questions, reach out to us at nvlapta@gmail.com
Address: 3050 E. Flamingo Road, Las Vegas, Nevada 89121
Email: nvla@nv.ccsd.net
Phone Number: 702-799-6852