Texas School Nurses Organization
December 2021
Mission Statement & Vision Statement
To enhance whole student wellness in support of health and learning by advancing school nursing practice.
Student access to health and learning. All day. Every day.
This newsletter takes NASN’s Framework for 21st Century School Nursing Practice approach.
President's Message
Policy Statement: Dissemination of Non-scientific and Misleading COVID-19 Information by Nurses
HIPPA Privacy Rule in Schools
Does the HIPAA Privacy Rule allow a health care provider to disclose protected health information (PHI) about a student to a school nurse or physician?
Yes. The HIPAA Privacy Rule allows covered health care providers to disclose PHI about students to school nurses, physicians, or other health care providers for treatment purposes, without the authorization of the student or student’s parent. For example, a student’s primary care physician may discuss the student’s medication and other health care needs with a school nurse who will administer the student’s medication and provide care to the student while the student is at school. In addition, a covered health care provider may disclose proof of a student's immunizations directly to a school nurse or other person designated by the school to receive immunization records if the school is required by State or other law to have such proof prior to admitting the student, and a parent, guardian, or other person acting in loco parentis has agreed to the disclosure. See 45 CFR 164.512(b)(1)(vi).
Annual Immunization Status Reporting
NASN Director Message
I’m honored and humbled to begin my term as your NASN-Texas Director! I am especially grateful and honored for this opportunity which would not have been available to me if it were not for this valuable organization. Most importantly, I am grateful for the opportunity to build positive relationships and network with my fellow school nurses as you share your stories and experiences.
My personal goal is to serve, collaborate, foster the School Nurse Framework, and gain greater leadership knowledge to provide professional growth to promote, protect, and enhance the professional school nurse practice through advocacy, education, collaboration and partnership in ways that support each student’s optimal level of wellness and educational success.
The NASN vision supports ALL students being healthy, safe and ready to learn. The mission of NASN is to optimize student health and learning by advancing the practice of school nursing. I believe school nurses are critical to the success of ALL students to promote a healthy, safe school environment so students can be ready to learn. I challenge you to reflect on your importance in the lives of not only ONE student but ALL students so they can thrive in a global multicultural society.
I look forward to hearing from our members, their stories, ideas, and current challenges they face. Lastly, remember to take care of yourself and spend time with those you treasure. Life is precious!
With much gratitude,
Adalia Del Bosque, RN, MSN, NCSN
NASN-Texas Director
Thank you for allowing me the opportunity to be your NASN Director.
NASN Director
Open Airways for Schools Certified Facilitator Training Scholarships
Voluntary Lead Testing in School and Child Care Drinking Water
The Texas Commission on Environmental Quality (TCEQ) is offering a free statewide program to help eligible participants conduct voluntary sampling and analysis for lead in drinking water at their schools and childcare facilities. This voluntary program offers free training and guidance on how to identify sources of lead in drinking water and how to reduce exposure to lead where children are cared for. The program is under development, but the enrollment period is coming soon. Learn more and sign up to receive advanced notification of the enrollment period from TCEQ.
COVID-19 School Health Support Grant
The Department of State Health Services has partnered with the Texas Education Agency (TEA) to support school-based COVID-19 screening testing activities intended to support open, in-person K-12 instruction. The program provides services to students, teachers, and other school staff that include COVID-19 testing primarily for screening and testing to slow the spread of COVID-19. The grant application is due on December 9, 2021. Read more about the COVID-19 school health support grant.
Looking for #COVID19 Testing, Therapeutics, or Vaccine Providers in Texas
The Texas Division of Emergency Management has maps for that!
- Testing Locations: http://COVIDtest.TDEM.Texas.gov
- Vaccine Providers: http://meds.TDEM.Texas.gov
- Therapeutic Providers: http://meds.TDEM.Texas.gov
The Value of Membership
Region 10 Membership Meeting
TSNO Region X held their membership meeting on November 16th, at the Region 10 Education Service Center in Richardson. Members were invited to join in person or virtually. In person members enjoyed an Italian style dinner catered by Urban Eatz. 60 members attended with 20 in person. Children's Health in Dallas provided the webinar, "Supporting Students' Mental Health in School", receiving one contact hour. Children’s provided a virtual wheel that spun with the first 15 members that logged on virtually: Members, Ginger Tidmore of Carrollton Farmers Branch ISD, and Vickie Whittle of Frisco ISD, were the winning members. They both won gift certificates from Children's Health for attending the event virtually.
Children's Health Presentation
“Wheel of Winners”
First 15 members that logged on virtually had their name placed on wheel.
Members Needed
Care for Your Students and You
VSP Vision Care's Sight for Students program is open to NASN members. Through this partnership, NASN members receive gift certificates they can share with qualifying students 19 years of age or younger.
The best professional liability rates available are extended to NASN members through NASN's partnership with Lockton Affinity.
The UnaRxCard is a discount prescription drug card that can lower the cost of many prescription medications and things like diabetes supplies, hearing aides and glasses. The card is available to NASN members and can be shared with others including students and their families.
Did you know...
TSNO Executive Committee
PRESIDENT Karen Schwind - Region 13
PRESIDENT-ELECT Laurie Smith - Region 8
TREASURER Elaine Sarabia - Region 1
SECRETARY Cindy Moore, RN - Region 6
NASN DIRECTOR Adalia DelBosque, MSN, RN, NCSN - Region 1
ADVOCACY CHAIR Becca Harkleroad- Region 13
SCHOOL HEALTH ISSUES Amber Cichocki- Region 10
MEMBER SERVICES Brandy Bowlen - Region 4
Membership Coordinator Ronnie Howard - Region 4
REGION PRESIDENTS Coordinator Denise Petherbridge - Region 13
COMMUNICATIONS Coordinator Monica Porras- Region 15
EXHIBIT LIAISON Elizabeth Goedde - Region 4
Kara DeLay - Region 8
Email: monicaporras.tsno@gmail.com
Website: txsno.org
Location: Richardson, TX, United States
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/Texas.School.Nurses.Organization
Twitter: @TxSchlNurses