Orlando 2022 - Choir Trip
Lake RIdge HS Choir - July 2021
Come Along an Our Magical Spring Trip!
LRHS Choir students from all grades, join us on our spring choir trip to Orlando, Florida this year. Experience all the thrills of Disney World AND Universal theme parks as well as an energetic and educational Soundtrack Sessions workshop with Disney professionals. Make some amazing memories!
The video below will give you the basic information. The button below that leads to the registration page. The deadline to sign up is Sept. 7, so there is plenty of time to get your questions answered. (We'll be around during schedule pick-up and Eagle Camp.)
- More details are visible at the registration link below the video.
- Guardians are welcome to register and join us on the trip. (Slots on the trip will get filled with students first.) Cost is the same as student price. Tag-a-longs will need to complete MISD background check paperwork.
- The assumption is that students will select quad occupancy. Directors will help students line up roommates - taking their choices into consideration.
- $50 deposit and registration are due Sept. 7.
- Payments are due at the beginning of October, November, December, February, and March (final balance).
- There will be fundraising opportunities to defray some of the cost.
- We strongly encourage purchasing the optional trip insurance.
Click button below to register! (Deadline extended to SEPT. 20.)
2022: Lake Ridge High School Choir: Orlando [x2699]
Mr. Glenn
Email: philipglenn@misdmail.org
Website: lrhschoir.edublogs.org
Phone: 682-314-0468