New Participant Saliva Screening
Mandatory Screening Starts Week of April 12
Saliva Screening for New Participants
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As we prepare to begin the full in-person schedule on April 19, mandatory saliva screening will begin the week of April 12.
NOTE -- Those who are already in person and are currently participating will continue on the regular M, T, W saliva collection schedule.
For information about the COVID-19 Saliva Screening Programs, click here.
1. Complete the Saliva Screening Consent Form in Skyward by April 12
Click here for the consent form in Skyward.
2. Saliva Collection Kit Pick Up
All students new to the COVID-19 Saliva Screening Program are asked to pick up a saliva collection kit at each of the schools on Monday, April 12 from 8:30 a.m. to 3:30 p.m.
3. Providing the Saliva Sample
Please make sure the student who provides the saliva is submitting only one tube per week provided to them in the envelope with their name on it. Each tube has a barcode unique to the student. Please make sure that the student has not ate, drank, or brushed their teeth 30 minutes prior to collection.
This COVID-19 Saliva Screening “How-to Video” will take you through the step by step process for collecting the sample.
If your child experiences difficulty in producing a saliva sample, please contact Katie Adduci to participate in BinaxNOW rapid antigen testing as an alternative at kadduci@d41.org.
4. Saliva Drop Off
Once the sample is collected in the tube, please drop off the tube at any of the school buildings during school hours by Thursday, April 15 at noon.
5. Results Reporting
Results are provided within 24 hours. You will only be contacted if your child is identified as a “participant that should be referred to a diagnostic test in a CLIA certified laboratory”. If this does occur, the school nurse will talk you through the next steps.
This screening is mandatory. This is in addition to multiple layered mitigation efforts that continue to be in place in all of our District 41 schools. We will continue to provide a learning environment that is as safe as possible for our students and staff. Thank you for your attention to this important information. Your partnership is very much appreciated.
We look forward to welcoming our students back to a full in-person schedule on April 19!
Dr. K
Dr. Melissa Kaczkowski
Glen Ellyn School District 41
Email: webmaster@d41.org
Website: www.d41.org
Location: 793 North Main Street, Glen Ellyn, IL, USA
Phone: 630.790.6400
Facebook: facebook.com/glenellynd41
Twitter: @glenellynd41