Haverhill Headlines
January 2021
Kindergarten Registration starts February 1st!
Kindergarten Registration
Kindergarten enrollment packets for the following school year are available for pick-up in SACS' elementary school offices beginning February 1, 2021.
Who can register?
Any child residing in the SACS district who attains the age of five on or before October 1, 2021 may enroll in kindergarten for the 2021-2022 school year.
Ready for Kindergarten?
Kindergarten is an important milestone in a child's life, it's their first step into formal education. As parents/caregivers you may be asking yourself if your child is ready. SACS educators have complied some helpful kindergarten information: Ready for Kindergarten?
What's needed to register a student? In addition to completing the registration packet, the following documents must be provided with the registration paperwork before any student is registered:
News from our PTC
Kroger Rewards
Did you know that each year our school earns money simply from you shopping at Kroger? Kroger Rewards is a simple way for you to give back to our school. If you'd like to support the students and staff at Haverhill, please do the following:
Go to Kroger.com and login or create an account
Under "My Account" you will find "Community Rewards"
Search for Haverhill Elementary School and that's it!
Quarterly Kroger will send our PTC check. This check will be used to support staff appreciation efforts, technology projects around the school, and so much more!
Spirit Wear
The Haverhill Spirit Wear Store is live again for the final time this school year. Items can be purchased now through January 31st. Items will ship after January 31st, within 8-12 days directly to your home.
Staff Appreciation
To ring in the New Year, for the month of January, we encourage families to have their students (or themselves) send in a "Wish for the New Year" to show our gratitude to our teachers and staff.
Goals Met
Because of many successful fundraisers in the past, our PTC was recently able to have purchased and installed a projector and cage for Mrs. Stout in PE. Over break, it was able to be installed and is currently being put to good use! We are told that she and her students are loving this use of technology in PE!
Virtual Students Pick-Up Dates
Mark your calendars for the following dates to pick up materials if your student is a virtual learner:
January 14
February 4
February 25
March 18
April 15
May 6
Upcoming Events
January 12: NWEA Winter Testing Starts
January 18: No School: Martin Luther King Jr. DayJanuary 26: 5th Graders hear from Summit MS
January 29: Student Council Camouflage Day
February 1: Kindergarten Enrollment packet pickup begins
February 1-5: Celebrate Mrs. Stiltner for School Counselor Week
February 9: Portrait of a Graduate Virtual Fair
February 11: Valentine's Day Class Parties and Student Council Pajama Pant Day
February 15: No School / Snow Make-up date
2nd Semester Flex Days
Monday, February 1
Friday, March 12
Monday, March 22
Masks at School
If you have a student that struggles to keep their mask over their nose and mouth, we ask that you continue practicing in order to not regress in their skills. We appreciate your support.
Boots, Snow pants, Gloves, Hat, Coat
Contact Us
Email: cleising@sacs.k12.in.us
Website: http://haverhill.sacs.k12.in.us/
Location: Haverhill Elementary School, Weatherside Run, Fort Wayne, IN, USA
Phone: (260) 431-2901
Twitter: @HES_HAWKS