Word From The Woods
Bishop Woods School Newsletter - 3.14.21
Greetings Bishop Woods Families,
I hope this message finds you well. This week we will have a full week of school, and celebrate St. Patrick's Day! We invite all students and staff to wear green on Wednesday, March 17th in honor all of our Irish Bishop Woods family members.
Please see the posters below of students in grades 5-8 that made honor roll for 2nd marking period! As a reminder, 3rd marking period ends on Thursday, April 1st. Please be sure to check PowerSchool for your child's grades, and to reach out to your child's teachers if you have any questions or concerns.
As always, please do not hesitate to reach out if you need anything.
Have a great week ahead!
Mrs. Natalino
Sunday, 3/7 - Jordan C (Grade 7)
Monday, 3/8 - Aniyah W. (Grade 4), Ms. Lynch (Grade 2 Teacher)
Tuesday, 3/9 - Joseph H. (Grade 3), Ailany O. (Grade K)
Thursday, 3/11 - Ashton A. (Grade 1)
Saturday, 3/13 - Ariellah D. (Grade 3), Dylan M. (Grade 6), Ms. Dabney (Administrative Assistant)
Sunday, 3/14 - Ms. Cassidy (Resource Teacher)
Monday, 3/15 - Eric W. (Grade 7)
Tuesday, 3/16 - Zulaika K. (Grade 8)
Thursday, 3/18 - Gina Marie C. (Grade 8), Xyriah L. (Grade 6), Gia L. (Grade 1)
Friday, 3/19 - Gabriel S. (Grade 5)
Saturday, 3/20 - Jermaine C. (Grade 5), Alexis S. (Grade K)
Important Message from Nurse Gloria re. Students with Asthma
Pie & Cookie Dough Pick Up
Act of Kindness
Important Reminders for Parents of Hybrid Students
- Remember to charge your child's device EVERY evening and to send it to school the next day.
- Do not forget to pack your child a water bottle and supplies.
- We will be going outside daily (especially now that the snow has melted), so please be sure to dress your child appropriately.
- Please remember to pre-screen your child before sending him/her to school. If you need to give your child any kind of medicine due to how they are feeling in the morning, you must keep them home.
- Your child can log in as a remote learner if they are feeling well enough to join class, and will be marked remote present for the day.
- Please be sure to complete the Bishop Woods Student Absence Form if your child is not in school so that we have record of the reason, and whether or not our school nurse needs to reach out: https://forms.gle/6DZy4s7nWkxMHqc86
Gersch Grrrls Science You Tube Channel
Healthy & Safety Protocols
Student Absence Form:
Family Resource Padlet
Contact Information
Email: dina.natalino@nhboe.com
Website: bishopwoodsschool.com
Location: 1481 Quinnipiac Avenue, New Haven, CT, USA
Phone: 475-220-7300
Twitter: @BWoodsNewHaven