#GIEONLINE Call for Proposals
Calling Google Certified Teachers, Trainers, and Educators
/ $50 new or renewing members (includes one year of CUE Membership)
The 2015 Spring CUE Learning Revolution Online Summit Featuring Google For Education
All general session presenters will be Google Certified Teachers, Google Certified Trainers, and/or Google Educators.
Saturday, May 2, 2015, 09:00 PM
Conference Strands
- Search Literacy
Presentations in this category will focus on techniques, strategies, and lessons related to supporting teachers and students in their understanding of search.
- Leveraging Devices and Apps
This strand will focus on topics related to using Chrome, Chromebooks and Android devices. Google Apps for Education sessions will also be included in this strand.
- Digital Citizenship
Sessions related to promoting the safe and effective use of technology in general are part of this strand. Topics can include acceptable use policies, digital citizenship curriculum, internet filtering etc. and ideally will include Google’s resources for supporting smart and safe use of technology.
- IT/GAFE Management
Geared towards IT administrators and CIOs, this summit strand addresses technical and implementation topics related to GAFE and other Google products.
- STEM and Computer Science
Google has been a strong supporter of STEM initiatives in K12 and higher education. Sessions listed under this strand will highlight these programs and also give presenters the opportunity to showcase any of their own related projects and lessons.
- Gone Google Stories
Presentations that tell the story of schools, districts and universities that have adopted Google Apps and/or who have gone 1:1 with Chromebooks or Android tablets will be featured in this strand.
- Innovation in Leadership
Google is known for is innovative culture and practices. What are the lessons to be learned for administrators on developing a culture of innovation? Presentations that highlight innovative initiatives within schools and other institutions will be housed in this strand.
- Getting Googley: Projects and Initiatives from Google
There is a great deal more to Google in Education than just Google Apps. In this conference strand, you’ll find sessions that highlight other Google projects and initiatives and address their potential applications in classrooms.
- Project-Based Learning Using Google
Teachers utilizing Google Apps to develop global connections and produce collaborative projects with students will showcase their work in this strand.
- Professional Learning
Quotes from 2014 Summitt Attendees
-Jennifer Bloomingdale
It is incredible to see how others are using GAFE. As a school new to using Google apps, we are going through some fast learning curves so these two days have certainly opened my eyes to the opportunities for teachers and students to use these tools.
-Gregory Rabnott
This has been so great! I have enjoyed each and every session and have learned so much! Thanks so much to everyone who presented and worked to put this event on. I hope there will be many more of these in the future! Best online event I've ever participated in!
-Dennis Jarrel
This has been amazing (and it's not done yet!) So many ideas, so much inspiration, and so much learning right at home. Fantastic weekend of PD - thank you!
-Jo Bailey
View a sample keynote presentation here!
Purchase the 2014 Conference Video Archive
We took Google education summits online!
CUE and The Learning Revolution Project, the producers of the Google Teacher Academy and the Global Education Conference, joined forces to launch the first Online Summit Featuring Google for Education, highlighting the extraordinary work of Google Certified Teachers, Google Education Trainers, and Google Educators.
You can now have indefinite full access to the 2014 conference recordings if you were not able to attend the live event! For an individual license, the price is $40 for complete access to recorded sessions and our private G+ networking community (note: this offer does NOT include CUE membership).