Waunakee High School Warrior Weekly
Week of Monday, August 21 through Friday, August 25, 2023
Achieve Results Together
The nationwide school bus driver shortage continues to be a challenge for all bus companies and school districts. We appreciate the support from our families who have transported students to and from school themselves. If you are able to transport your student(s) in 2023-24, please indicate that by completing the following opt-out request.
Please contact us!
Urgent NEED for School Bus Drivers
Do you enjoy working with kids? Would you like a flexible schedule and better work-life balance? Does great pay with extra earning opportunities appeal to you? The Waunakee Community School District and Lamers Bus Company are in urgent need of new school bus drivers.
Even if you can’t drive, you can still help!
The school district is offering a $500 referral bonus and a $500 new hire bonus for all new school bus drivers (Contingent upon 90 days of service). Lamers is also offering an opportunity to earn up to $2,400 in additional incentive payments. Please note, if these positions are not filled, transportation service for the district will be impacted.
Interested in applying? Please call Lamers at (608) 850-5253 and ask to speak with Jeremy or Tom.
Families and Athletes
Thank you for your support of the Waunakee Community High School’s athletic activities. We highly encourage you to purchase passes and/or tickets prior to the games being held at the Waunakee Community High School. Tickets and Activity Passes are now available on the GoFan website.
The GOFAN App is FREE to download on your mobile device (iOS and Android) and also allows you to purchase single game tickets for $5 + processing fees at any Home Varsity/Junior Varsity events we charge admission to.
Purchase of Single Game Tickets are available only during the season for the following events:
Fall: Football, Boys Soccer, and Volleyball
Winter: Boys Basketball, Girls Basketball, Gymnastics, Boys Hockey, and Wrestling
Spring: Girls and Boys Lacrosse, and Girls Soccer
Items to Note:
Family Passes are available to purchase for $150.
High School students can purchase a Student Activities Pass for $50.
Families that have more than 6 immediate family members will need to contact the Athletics Department for a special code to purchase.
If families need assistance with ticket prices or student passes, please consider reaching out to the Student Financial Assistance Fund.
If the app is not loading your ticket at the gate, we can look up the name of the ticket holder for you on our system. If you are using a family pass, we will need to know the name of the person in the family that bought the passes.
Click on the following videos to learn more about GoFan:
As a reminder, we will not accept cash for ticket sales. Cash is accepted at concession stands. Thank you for your understanding and cooperation.
If you have any questions, please contact the High School Athletic Office at 608-849-2103 or 608-849-2100 or visit our Waunakee Athletic website.
For athletic activities and registration fees, please visit https://whs.waunakee.k12.wi.us/athleticsactivities/registration-fees
The following is a reminder of what a student CAN DO while attending a Waunakee Warriors Athletic Event:
- DO realize that attending a school sporting event is a privilege not a right.
- DO plan to stay for the entire game. Once you leave, you may not re-enter the game.
- DO sit with either a parent or in your designated area. At Football Games: 5-6 east-end of the football field by the videoboard, 7-8 west-end of the field near the small concession stand, 9-12 east-end of the home bleachers. K-4 students must sit with their parents/guardians.
- DO leave athletic equipment, backpacks, larger radios, and other non-essential items at home or stored in vehicles. Medical backpacks will be permitted.
- DO stay in the bleachers during the game.
- DO walk to the concession stands and restrooms. Loitering and running in the stadiums is not acceptable.
- DO refrain from throwing anything, anywhere, anytime during the game.
- DO enjoy being with your friends at this community event.
- DO support both teams with positive cheers.
- DO act with Warriors Pride and take responsibility for your actions.
What happens if a student DOES NOT follow these guidelines:
- The student will be removed from the event and an attempt will be made to contact the parents/guardians.
- The student’s building principal will be contacted the following school day.
- The student may lose the privilege of attending future events.
- August 25: Schedules & Locker Assignments Released (Infinite Campus)
- August 30: Open House will be held from 4:00-6:00 PM. This event will be a drop-in format where students as well as parents, guardians, and families can walk their student's schedule and meet with teachers and other school staff. Please note that some staff may not be available because of coaching and/or other commitments.
- September 18: All Parent Advisory Committee Meetings will be held at 6:00 PM via Zoom. To request the link for this meeting as well as future PAC meetings, please email cindyrichardson@waunakee.k12.wi.us. A link will be shared a week prior for each meeting.
- October 3: Student/Staff Picture Day - 7:30 AM - 2:30 PM - Order pictures at https://my.lifetouch.com/mylifetouch/#/
Waunakee Community School District is offering a free, non-certified substitute teacher training class for individuals with an Associate degree or higher from an accredited college or university who are interested in substitute teaching but do not currently have a substitute teaching license.
The class will be held on Thursday, August 24, from 8:30 a.m. - 2:00 p.m., at the District Administration Building, located at 905 Bethel Circle.
Advance registration is required.
For more information about the class, please visit:
Register here:
We are pleased to continue our partnership with Taher, Inc., as our food service provider. Visit https://whs.waunakee.k12.wi.us/familiesstudents/food-services for more additional information or who to contact about questions regarding your student’s lunch account.
The Infinite Campus School Store is open for Grades 11 & 12 to purchase a parking permit. The site will open for Grade 10 on September 5th. Complete the online form and submit payment before visiting the main office to pick up the parking sticker on or after August 29. Secure the parking sticker to the driver's side rear window. Students are not allowed to park in any staff numbered spot or a visitor spot. Violations of parking rules are subject to tickets and/or towing of the vehicle.
Pre-ordered yearbooks will be distributed when school is back in session. Complete details on distribution dates and times will be shared at a later date. Please direct yearbook questions to Mr. Willauer at jeffwillauer@waunakee.k12.wi.us
Online Store is Open!
We are excited to launch a back to school online Warrior Corner School Store option for you! As the district launched a new brand for both the school district and the high school/spirit last school year, we want you to be able to sport the newest gear. There are many options for men, women, youth, spirit, and accessories.
Click here to access our online store: https://waunakeespiritapparel23.itemorder.com/shop/home/
All items can be shipped directly to your home (shipping rates apply) or picked up at Trending Now Promotions (1120 Uniek Drive, Waunakee) at no extra cost to you. The deadline to order is Monday, September 11, at which time all orders will be processed.
Thank you for your support of our Warrior Corner Store and the Marketing Education program by shopping locally.
The Waunakee Tribune is planning its 2024 graduation edition and is asking school district families to submit photos of their senior student/s. Email picture to tribnews@hngnews.com, send by U.S. Mail or drop it off at Tribune Office. The deadline is January 12, 2024.
The graduation section will be featured in color, so color pictures are preferred. The Tribune will need the name of the graduating senior, as well. It will be published the Friday before graduation. Contact Roberta Baumann, Waunakee Tribune Managing Editor with questions.
Address: 301 Community Drive, Waunakee, Wisconsin, USA
Phone: (608) 849-2100, Ext. 2046