Niton Central News
September 11th - 15th
Principal's Message
Thank you for a wonderful first week of school. NCS had a strong beginning with teachers working on routines and expectations for our students to setup for a smooth year. The excitement and joy as our students see their teachers, learn new skills, and visit with peers is palpable.
A reminder to all parents that if you are dropping your child off in the morning, our doors open at 8:30 A.M., please ensure you are not dropping students off in the bus lane. You can either use the north staff parking lot or the south west end of the school by the library to drop off your child. This week, permission forms for our grade 7, 8, & 9 students were sent home for you to sign if you wish to give your child permission to leave school property during lunch (11:50 - 12:35). If you did not received this note, there are extras available in the office. Next week, we will be having our first fire drill of the year. Teachers will be preparing their students so they know what to expect when the drill occurs.
Thank you to everyone who was able to attend our welcome back BBQ/ meet the teacher night. We were so glad that we got to see so many wonderful families last night. Congratulations to our door prize winner, Tanis Pruden!
Have a great week,
Bailey Benson
"Small schools can make a big difference!"
Important Dates
Sept. 11th - Girls Volleyball Tryouts (grade 6 - 9) @ 3:30 - 5:00
Sept. 12th - Boys Volleyball Tryouts (grade 6 - 9) @ 3:30 - 5:00
Sept. 19th - Jr. Kindergarten Begins (9:00 - 12:30)
Sept. 19th - School Council Meeting @ 3:30
Sept. 22nd - Terry Fox Run
Sept. 29th - Orange Shirt Day
Oct. 3rd - School Picture Day
Oct. 5th - World Teachers' Day
Learning in Action
We had a wonderful first week as our students settled into their new school routines. From lessons on repeating patterns in Kindergarten/ grade 1 to learning about parts of the cell systems in Junior High, learning is well underway!
Sewing in 2/3
Students in Ms. Carpenter's class were able to sew a cushion today. They also had some wonderful volunteer helpers that made their sewing lesson a breeze!
Exploring books in Kindergarten/ Grade 1
Ms. Konchakowski's class took time throughout the week to explore books in many different ways. They enjoyed being able to listen to stories and predict what they think will happen.
Art Exploration in Jr. High
This week in Mrs. DeLeeuw's art class, students created water color pieces using various designs.
Grade 8/9 Mathematics Problem Solving
Students with Ms. Dunne worked collaboratively to try and solve the math problem where they had to figure out how to use five times for the same amount of KMs when they could only use four tires at a time. Students used some excellent problem solving skills to find a solution!
School Council
School council is a great opportunity for parents and community members to be involved with what is happening in the school. Schools councils are there to suggest positive programs and events within NCS. They work together with the principal and the school to support and enhance student learning and experiences. Anyone (parent, guardian, grandparent, etc) that attends council meetings will be considered a part of the school council and will have a vote in decisions. Learn more about school councils here.
We welcome anyone who is interested to attend our school council meeting to be apart of a positive and encouraging space centered around student wellbeing! Our school council meeting is coming up on September 19th at 3:30!
Academic Progress and Report Cards
Looking to Volunteer?
NCS loves volunteers to help support our students. We are happy to have parents and community members involved in our school!
Volunteer forms have been included below, are on our website, and are available in the office. If you have any questions about the forms or are unsure if you are needing to complete them, please contact the office, we would be happy to help.
Hot lunch is looking for volunteers! If you are interested in being a hot lunch helper, please contact Carol Tymchuk at 780-795-7338 or the school office at 780-795-3782.