The Tiger Times
May 2022
From the Principal
Dear Mohawk Families,
It’s hard to believe we are in the home stretch of this amazing school year! However, there is still much to learn and we want to finish strong! Please continue to correspond with your child’s teacher through newsletters, agendas, emails, etc. Being responsible and using time wisely will not only help your student this year, but next year as well.
We are in the process of completing M-Step. Many times, students are anxious about taking a test. To help reduce test anxiety, students need to be well rested, eat healthy, and drink plenty of water, even exercise can help. It is also important to reassure and encourage your child to do their best. We will also share the M-Step results once they are made available. We continue to strive for excellence at Mohawk and use the data to help make educational decisions regarding instruction.
The year has been filled with wonderful memories and great experiences. I just wanted to thank PTO for all of their hard work and dedication to our Mohawk students. They have created many events throughout the school year and provided funding for our students and teachers. Getting involved with PTO and the many activities they provide can make the elementary school experience memorable for all!
Let's make this last full month a fun one!
Educationally yours,
Ms. Andrea Verellen
District Art Festival-May 2nd
Clinton Macomb Public Library
Week of May 2nd-6th
Staff Appreciation Week
Tues., May 3rd
CVVA Materials Pick-Up
PTO Event-Chuck E. Cheese
Wed., May 4th
Bike To School Day (Weather Permitting)
Fri., May 6th
1st Grade Field Trip-Detroit Zoo
3rd Grade Field Trip-Outdoor Adventure Center
Tues., May 10th
Professional Development-No School
Fri., May 13th
PTO Event-Glow Dance Ticket Money Due
Sat., May 14th
Science Olympiad County Competition
Tues., May 17th
5th Grade Visit to Iroquois 9:20am
5th Grade Parent Night at Iroquois 6:30pm
PTO Meeting 7:00pm
Fri., May 20th
PTO Event-Glow Dance 6:30-8:30pm
Tues., May 24th
CVVA Materials Pick-Up
Kindergarten Kick Off for Parents 6:00pm
Wed., May 25th
PTO Event-Panera Night 4:00-8:00pm
Fri., May 27th
5th Grade Field Trip to Camp Copneconic
Silent Dismissal 3:00pm
Mon., May 30th
No School-Memorial Day
Dress Code Reminder
As the weather turns warmer, students tend to wear summer attire. However, concerns arise as to what is acceptable to wear to school. The Student Code of Conduct book, clearly defines the appropriateness of student dress:
Dress and Grooming
While fashion changes, the reason for being in school does not. Students are in school to learn. Any fashion (dress, accessory, or hairstyle) that disrupts the educational process or presents a safety risk will not be permitted. Personal expression is permitted within these general guidelines.
If a student has selected a manner of appearance that is beyond mere freedom of expression and disrupts the educational process or presents risk to themselves or others, they may be removed from the educational setting.
Dress and grooming are the responsibility of the student and parent/guardian. The student must be clean and well groomed. *Shoes must be worn at all times and must be appropriate for school activities such as physical education classes. Dress and grooming must not be hazardous to any educational activity, nor may it be damaging to property, sexually offensive or violate reasonable standards of safety, health, hygiene or decency.
School authorities reserve the right to prohibit and regulate any items of clothing or personal possessions that are, or could be, unsafe, unhealthy, or disruptive to the regular routine of the school.
The following are prohibited from school and school related activities: tank tops, halter/tube tops, short tops exposing waistline, shirts excessively unbuttoned, exposed undergarments, sunglasses, hats, head scarves, sweat bands, bandannas, mesh shirts, see-through materials, low cut styles, short shorts/skirts, cut offs, disrespectfully ripped garments, and pants not worn at the waistline. All clothing must extend beyond the student’s fingertips while standing with arms at their side, and all shirts must cover the shoulder. The time period for the wearing of shorts to school will be determined by building administration.
The above provisions apply to all regular school, school related activities, home or away, in the building and on the grounds and summer school. Disciplinary action may be taken for any violation of these guidelines.
Students who are representing Chippewa Valley Schools at an official function or public event may be required to follow specific dress requirements.
*No flip flops, open toed shoes, or sandals because they can be dangerous on the playground and during gym class.
If students do not adhere to these guidelines, parents will be contacted and required to bring a change of clothes. Shorts and other summer attire are allowed if the temperature is above 70o or during September, October, May and June. If you have questions or concerns, please Ms. Verellen
5th Grade Throwback!
Acceptable Use Policy Reminder
Please review the District's Acceptable Use Policy for technology.
I understand that using the computer correctly and responsibly is very important. I promise to follow these rules when using the computer and other equipment at school or at home. I understand that if I break these rules, I might not be able to use school computers.
• I will use computer and technology equipment only when a teacher or trusted adult is present.
• I will use the computer and the Internet for schoolwork only.
• I will use only the programs and websites that my teacher has approved.
• I will not share my password with anyone and I will not use another person’s password.
• I will not damage or change settings on the hardware, software, or the network.
• I will not remove or alter any labels, barcodes, or serial numbers on my computer.
• I will not add stickers or other decorations to my computer.
• I will obey all copyright laws.
• If I notice a problem, I will not try to fix it myself, but I will tell my teacher or another adult immediately.
• I will take care of my computer and be responsible for it. I will not put food or drinks by it. I will carry it with two hands and do my best to take care of it responsibly.
• I will tell my teacher if I read or see something on the computer that is inappropriate, makes me feel uncomfortable, or if someone I don’t know attempts to contact me on the computer/Internet at any time.
• I will never give out personal information about myself or anyone else (full name, address, email address, phone number, photo) over the Internet.
• I will never use the computer to be hurtful to others. I will not look at, send or display inappropriate messages or pictures, nor will I use the computer to intimidate, harass or bully others.
• I will report anything that I may see on social media that may impact others well-being or safety at school to a teacher, administrator, or parent.
Kindergarten Enrollment is Open!
Fall Enrollment for 1st-5th Grade Available NOW!
Lunch Plus and Snacks
5th Grade Lawn Signs
Executive Board Members
President-Sara Musayeb
Vice President-Katie Ruszala
Treasurer-Gigi Kort
Secretary-Theresa Evens
Room Parent Coordinator-Ashleigh Balsamo
Social Committee Co-Chairs-Katie Fohey & Nicole Milam
Publicity-Courtney Hanna
Historian-Julie Hasse
Glow Dance
Kroger Rewards
Calling all parents, aunts, uncles, grandparents, cousins and friends, Mohawk needs your help! Have you joined Kroger's Community Rewards Program that allows Kroger to make donations to Mohawk? This is a simple and no cost way for you to help Mohawk with your everyday shopping trips. Click the link below to sign up today! Each of the last 3 quarters Mohawk has recieved between $360-370.00 from our community rewards. This quarter can you help us reach $400.00 or more? Thank you to our families that have already signed up and we are excited to reach our goal this quarter with your help!
Save the Date!
Movie Night
Mohawk Elementary
PTO Website
PTO Facebook Page
Location: 48101 Romeo Plank Road, Macomb, MI, USA
Phone: 586-723-6200