The Weekly Update #4
September 6th, 2023

Welcome back Patriots and Patriot Parents!
A message from our Principal!
Dear Birmingham Parents and Guardians,
I know we are past the first month of school but let me provide a belated welcome to school year 23-24. I'm hopeful that your student(s) have adjusted well to coming back to school and are in rhythm to perform to the best of their ability. Please know that for any student that is struggling we have robust systems of support at each grade level to help your student overcome their obstacles to success. Our Grade Level Academy system continues to develop and deepen our practice of support for students. At each grade level we have three counselors, a full time out of the classroom grade level coordinator, 1 social worker, 1 dean, 1 administrator and 1 grade level clerk. The team at each grade level is tasked with monitoring the progress of every student and supporting their success. If you have an issue regarding your student in one of their classes, please reach out to their teacher. If you need additional support or your student has other out of the classroom obstacles, your first contact should be to the grade level team. Grade Level staff members contact information is on our website and can be found by clicking on the following link: https://www.birminghamcharter.com/academics/grade-level-academies.
With every new school year comes reminders for all about the rules of coming to campus. Recently, an employee was injured as a result of a car attempting to drive onto campus. Please know that cars are prohibited from driving onto campus. I ask all security personnel to inform any visitors and enforce that cars are not allowed to drive/park onto campus (meaning adjacent to the gym, football stadium, PE field, etc.) We're fortunate that we have two large parking lots on both sides of campus. It's dangerous for our students and staff when cars drive onto campus. Please help us keep the campus environment safe by respecting the rules for parking in designated parking spots.
Finally, I wanted to share two of our big focus areas for the school year:
Dramatically improving student attendance.
Last year our attendance was more than 4 percentage points below what it was before COVID. The consequence not only negatively impacted the learning of our students, but the diminished resources that could otherwise go to student programs including general support services, the arts, and athletics is being felt.
Please, let's re-emphasize the importance of attendance for our students. School is where the learning happens.
Developing an action plan that will provide a roadmap for our work over the next 6 years.
The action plan will be the culmination of our school accreditation process.
This process of school accreditation is often referred to as a self-study.
Our objective is to engage all of our shareholder groups and community members, including staff, parents, students, and community partners to do a deep dive into what we do well and where we continue to struggle.
Only be gaining feedback from everyone in the Birmingham community can our self-study process be authentic and meaningful.
Please be on the lookout for opportunities at meetings and by survey to provide your feedback on the service, support, and engagement we provide to you and your students.
I am grateful for your engagement and partnership within the Birmingham Family. Continuing to strengthen our partnership makes the sky the limit for Birmingham and our students.
Ari Bennett (pictured above)
Class of 2027 News!
A warm welcome to our Class of 2027 students and families! We are so happy to have you as part of our Birmingham community.
This year is off to a wonderful start. In late July, our 9th grade students attended our Orientation, during which they were introduced to our campus as well as their peers, teachers, and our Link Crew upperclassmen. Students participated in various team building activities, obtained materials, such as their Chromebooks and Student IDs, learned how to open their lockers, and more, allowing them to feel more comfortable beginning the school year in their environment.
Our annual Freshman Tailgate took place this past Friday afternoon on the P.E. Field. Students enjoyed free admission, which included hotdogs, sweet treats, games and prizes, a DJ, and admission to the Varsity Football game. The event was well attended and enjoyed by all.
Back-to-School Night will be held on Thursday, September 21, and we hope to see you there! Please come meet your child’s teachers and see all that our amazing school has to offer. There is a tendency for less and less parents to attend school events the older their children get, but the parent-school partnership is just as important, if not more, during a child’s high school years.
Lastly, please encourage your child to get involved in at least one club. Club Rush will take place on Wednesday, September 27, at Lunch, and students will have the opportunity to peruse and join any of our various student-centered and student-led organizations. Class of 2027 Student Senate is already meeting every Monday at Lunch in Room B79, and we would love to welcome more members. If your child is interested in planning events for the 9th grade class, tell them to check it out! Clubs are a great way to meet new people, enhance leadership skills, and boost college applications.
We thank you for your continued support and involvement in your child’s education, and we look forward to an exciting and productive year!
Michele Wydra (pictured above)
The 9th Grade Team
9th Grade Coordinator
Jose Luis Navarro
9th Grade Administrative Director
Lillian Galvez, Lisa Gazarian, Stephanie Scherrer, & Monica Montoya
9th Grade Counselors & PSW
Nick Halic
9th Grade Dean
Jenny Constanza
9th Grade Office Technician
We were very excited to see all of our Sophomores return for this new school year 2023-2024!
Sophomores are off to a great start for this new school year 2023-2024.
I am excited to announce that we had our first Class of 2026 Student Senate meeting on Monday August 28, during lunch. We have a lot to plan, discuss, design and simply have FUN! All Sophomores are welcome to join! We meet every Monday in F-39 at 11:40 am.
On September 1st we had our first home football game, our school spirit showed all the way through! Our stands were filled with prideful BCCHS students who cheered our team on till the end.
Please come out and support our team on September 8th Home Football game as well!! You can buy tickets online from our website.
We will recognize our Honor Roll Students, through a Certificate and a Pin designating their level achieved - Silver, Gold, and Platinum. We will recognize 181 students for Silver (3.0-3.59), 139 students for Gold (3.6 -3.99), 81 students for Platinum (4.0-above). The Recognition will be for students whose Spring GPA was from 3.0- above. Students will be able to pick-up their Certificates, pins and take a picture with their families as well as their Administrator. This will take place on September 21st at Back to School Night.
The first student progress this school year will open on September 6th and will be submitted on September 13th, progress reports will be mailed on September 16th.
Club Rush will be on September 27th in the Quad, Class of 2026 Student Senate will be promoting Sophomore Senate, as well as other clubs on campus .
Back to School Night will be held on Thursday September 21nd from 5-8 p.m , please stop by our Sophomore booth to meet our sophomore grade level team. Our team includes Sophomore Administrator, Grade level Coordinator, Counselors, PSW and Dean. We will have a minimum day on Friday September 22rd.
Some things to look forward to for October, it is an exciting month! October we will be having our Homecoming Spirit week 10/9 -10/13, along with our homecoming game on 10/13 theme is Blue and Gold. We as a Class of 2026 will have our own float for the halftime show. Then on 10/13 is our Homecoming Dance. The theme will be announced very soon. There will be tickets on sale in the student store.
More to come next month. Have a wonderful September.
Amanda Fitzpatrick (10th Grade Coordinator and student council Advisor Birmingham Community Charter High School) (Pictured above)
Class of 2025 Families,
Welcome to a new school year! We are so excited to continue working with you this year! This is a very important, but exciting year for you!
Back to School Night is September 21. Please come see us in the Quad! Students will be able to pick up their Honor Roll Certificates from last Spring as well as their pin for the graduation stoll. There will also be information about programs available to your students. Because of this, September 22 will be a minimum day. Student dismissal is at 1:10 PM.
Over 350 students received Honor Roll for their work last Spring. All students who do not come to Back to School night will receive their certificate on September 27. We are so proud of the work they have done!
Over the next few months the Juniors will be invited to college field trips. If your student is interested, please watch out for announcements. Spaces are limited so it is important students get their paperwork in early!
For students considering attending a 4 year college, start looking right now! Birmingham uses Naviance to support your college and career searches. The directions to log-in can be found here: https://www.birminghamcharter.com/our-programs/counseling/college-career/college-center
There are lots of resources available at BCCHS to help you plan the future!
Planning for a career (or getting a job right now):
Angela Zook at (818) 245-5297 or at a.zook@birminghamcharter.com.
Planning for college:
Erika Lopez (818)253-9556 or e.lopez@birminghamcharter.com
Wendy Quinonez (818)233-0193 w.quinonez@birminghamcharter.com
-Laura Young
11th Grade Level Academy Coordinator
(Pictured above)
Seniors are off to a great start this new school year!
I am excited to announce that we recognized 445 Seniors who were recognized for their excellent achievement as they ended their Junior year. On September 21st these students along with their parents, will be able to pick up their Honor Roll Certificates during Back To School Night! Parents and students will also have the opportunity to take a picture alongside a staff member (if they desire) in front of our beautiful Birmingham Stand and Repeat. Students that are receiving an Honor Roll Certificate, will also be receiving a pin. These pins symbolize high academic achievement here at Birmingham and students have the ability to collect one each semester if they receive a GPA of a 3.0 or higher. Students will then have the privilege to wear them on their stole the day for their graduation. Keep up the AWESOME work Seniors!
We had our first Class of 2023 Student Senate meeting on Monday, August 28th during lunch. We have a lot to plan, discuss, design and simply enjoy all that it entails this final high school year! ALL Seniors are welcome to join! We are currently working on our first Senior event, SENIOR SunRISE, which will take place on Friday, September 29th from 6:00 a.m. to 8:15 a.m. This is a yearly traditional event in which Seniors come together before school to enjoy their class festivities as the sun rises. On the day of the event, students may come in their pajamas to enjoy a hot breakfast with beverage, yoga session, selfie photo booth, giant outdoor games, all while listening to their favorite music at our Football Stadium
The first student progress report this school year will be submitted on Wednesday, September 13th. Our Back to School Night will be from 5:00 p.m. – 8:00 p.m. on Thursday, September 21st with a minimum day dismissal on Friday, September 22nd. Something to look forward to in the next month is Homecoming! Homecoming Spirit Week is set for October 9th - 13th. Our Homecoming game will be Friday, October 13th and the Homecoming dance will be Saturday, October 14th.
More to come next month...Have a wonderful September month!
The 12th Grade Team
Mr. Elmore-12th Grade Administrative Director
Mrs. Franco-12th Grade Coordinator (Pictured above)
Mrs. Reisbord-12th Grade Dean
Mrs. Martinez-Counselor (A-F)
Mrs. Marquez-Counselor (G-N)
Mrs. Mutia-Counselor (O-Z)
Mrs. Lopez: Psychiatric Social Worker
Ms. Sedani: 12th Grade Administrative Assistant
Mrs. Venegas: 12th Grade Clerk
Hello From PBIS!
The PBIS team wants to remind all students and their families that PBIS stands for Positive Behavior Intervention and Support. PBIS is a nationwide program that we have at BCCHS. The program helps to foster a positive school climate and encourages good student behavior. Every month, BCCHS has a PBIS Pledge that is centered around one of our schoolwide expectations (REACH-Respect, Empathy, Accountability, Choice, or Honesty).
For the month of September, we are focusing on CHOICE.
The PBIS Pledge for the month is “CHOICES MATTER.”
BCCHS expects that all of our Patriots will make positive choices when it comes to their academics, conduct, and community.
Make some great choices Patriots and earn those REACH rewards! And remember to turn them into the student store for FREE merchandise.