Felt Atelier Fiberfusing 2017
felt&mix-media with (inter) national teachers, Netherlands
Atelier Fiberfusing
located only 20 km from Amsterdam and the airport, but surrounded by the greenfields of the countryside. Easily to acces by public transportation and offering free transfer from the Bijlmer Arena station in Amsterdam on the workshops days
Email: fiberfusing@gmail.com
Website: www.fiberfusing.blogspot.com
Location: Amsteldijk Zuid 180e, Nes aan de Amstel, the Netherlands
Phone: 0031-(0)6-51541397
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/pages/Atelier-Fiberfusing/494630677300095?ref=hl
Feltdesign and Fiberart MASTERCLASSES & workshops in 2017
Leentje van Hengel
April 20-21, 2017 natural dyeing wool, silk and linen!
Leentje van Hengel
April 22-23, 2017 Printpaste on wool, silk and linen
Ellen van der Wiel
June 24-25, 2017 Wall Panels&Painting with feltingmachine https://www.smore.com/udjze
Irit Dulman
Surface Fabric Design
August 26-30, https://www.smore.com/b8gkr
Sandra Struck-German
23-24 September, 3D animal on the wall https://www.smore.com/59un7
Ellen Bakker
12-13/14-15 October, silkpainting and silkpainted nunofelt https://www.smore.com/5xs30
Yaroslava Troynich
7-8 Nov. - handpuppets https://www.smore.com/r3wbv
9 nov. - fingerpuppets https://www.smore.com/j88f2
Adrine Pool
16-17 Nov - fish leather with several kind of fish skins
18-19 Nov - natural dyeing fish leather
More information
All workshops will be taught in English and/or Dutch (or in the language of the teacher). Please send an email for prices (incl. VAT) and more information about the conditions of registration and payment. You don't need to bring your own sandwich! We will serve healthy homemade lunches during the workshops. Click on the list below for B&B. A navigationplan and advice for public transportation will be send by mail.