North Star News
April 15, 2022
North Elementary
440 N. 10th Street Noblesville, Indiana 46060
Phone: 317-773-0482 Fax: 317-776-6274
Follow us on Twitter at @Northelem2
Follow us on Facebook at North Elem and North Elementary School PTO
Principal's Point
Hello North Families,
This morning during bus duty the birds were so loud, I stopped to look around and I saw the buds on the trees and the flowers poking out from the ground! Spring has sprung!!!
The weather is finally getting warmer and the flowers are starting to come through the ground and the trees are blooming with leaves and flowers. With all of the changes comes the excitement of the end of the year. In addition to this, Spring is an extremely busy time of year. The days are filled with learning, special events and, ILEARN testing.
ILEARN is the end of the year test for students in grades 3-5. This test is designed to measure your child’s proficiency in the Indiana Academic Standards. The ILEARN testing will take place starting April 18th and will continue each morning through April 29th (approximately).
As a parent, please discuss with your child the importance of doing their best, taking their time, and slowing down to think about what they are asking and their responses. In addition to this, please make sure that students are well rested and well fed on testing days. It is very important that your student is at school each day (and on time). We want our students to be able to focus well during these ILEARN tests.
If you would like to send in letters or positive notes to your student's teacher to pass out to your child before tests are given, please feel free to do so. In the past, we have noticed a positive/encouraging letter helps ease the stress of testing for students. It helps them get motivated and focused. This is an option if you would like.
Finally, please try to schedule appointments outside of the testing window. If you would like more information regarding the ILEARN assessment, feel free to visit the Indiana Department of Education website at www.doe.in.gov or contact your child's teacher.
Thank you for all you do.
Have a great weekend.
Mr. Lugo
North Elementary
Mr. Lugo's BrainBuster
Upcoming Activities and Reminders
4/18-4/28 ILEARN for 3rd, 4th, & 5th graders
4/20 Late Arrival - school starts at 8:15am
4/25-4/29 Staff Appreciation Week - Secretarial/Support Staff
4/27 Late Arrival - school starts at 8:15am
4/28 PTO Fundraiser at Culver's 5pm-8pm
PTO Volunteers Needed
All volunteers must have a level 3 background check on file. The background checks cost $18.95 and are good for 6 years. Click on the link below if you are interested in becoming a volunteer.
The PTO is looking to fill some positions on the board for next year. If you would like more information, please contact the PTO at northelementarypto@gmail.com
Counselor's Corner
What it is, why it’s important and how to help your child get it.
Grit is defined as having perseverance and passion for long-term goals and working hard toward challenges, even when failure and adversity presents itself.
Grit is a “non-cognitive” skill, similar to self-control, resiliency and curiosity.
Researchers now realize that grit is as important, if not more, than academic skills!
We know that teaching literacy and math skills are important for a student’s long-term success. But what happens when the math gets a little tricky? Or when the reading is “boring”? What keeps a student from giving up? G R I T! That’s what! And, grit can be taught.
Here’s how to help your child develop grit:
1. Praise the effort, not the grade.
When you praise the “stick-to-it-ness” of your child’s efforts, they will be more determined to continue working hard. Praising your child’s hard work will encourage them not to give up.
2. Let them struggle.
As hard as it is to see your child struggle, they need to learn how to work through frustration and failure. If you swoop in and save them before they fail, they will never learn how to deal with failure, which is a part of life. While they’re struggling, praise their effort!
3. Create and talk about your own goals.
If your goal is to clean the basement, repaint the bedroom or run a half-marathon, talk about it as a family. Share what small steps you are taking along the way to meet your goal and talk about your own struggles and how you plan to get past them.
4. Keep and model an open mindset.
An open mindset is believing that things can change, that we can improve our skills and knowledge and that we can get past challenges. Instead of saying, “I can’t do this!” you can say, “I can’t do this . . . yet.”
5. Find ways to challenge your child.
Encourage your child to try new things, even if they aren’t sure they’re any good at it. Trying new things is how we learn from our mistakes. Give them age-appropriate chores at home. Find new hobbies and involve your child. Praise their effort along the way!
Information from The School Counselor Kind, Kayla Marston, M.Ed.
Test Taking Tips: ILEARN
It is hard to believe that it’s ILEARN time! Below are a few tips to help make it a smooth, successful testing time for your student.
- Be Prepared! Make sure to read the school newsletters and your teacher’s communication to you about testing days and times. Please don’t schedule appointments on these days.
- Rest is Best! Please help your students to get a good night's sleep every night, but especially before testing days. Students do their best when they are well rested.
- Fuel Up! It is very important to eat a good breakfast! Eggs, fruit, yogurt, and nuts are all brain foods. If your student isn’t a big breakfast eater, try a protein shake or a smoothie to get them ready for the day!
- Don’t stress! Remind your students to listen carefully and follow directions, re-check their answers if time is available, and do their best. Finally, remind them to take a deep breath and relax. This is just one measure of all of the great things that they are learning this year!
Notes from the Nurse
April is National Playground Safety Month. Recess is a great opportunity for students to exercise and get fresh air! With the warmer weather, students have been enjoying wearing open-toed sandals, flip-flops, etc. Although comfortable, these are not the best type of shoes to protect us while playing. Tennis shoes and socks are best for PE and outdoor recess. We want them to have fun but stay safe!!
Cafe News
Nutrition and Food Services is looking to hire several positions. Hours work great with kid's schedules, no nights, weekends, or holidays. For more information contact Erin Brattain at 317-773-3171 ext.10420 or erin_brattain@nobl.k12.in.us.
Community News
Grinders cheer call out meeting
Monday, May 2nd from 6 -7:00 PM at Hazel Dell Elementary School.
Tryouts will be open to students who will be in the 5th and 6th grade during the 2022-23 school year.
Contact lynnminick@gmail.com with any questions.
Miller Explorers Summer Camp
Click here for registration information.
Noblesville Learn to Swim
Swim lessons (Age 4-14)
Click here for more information.