Updates from EUSD
2022-2023 School Year

This newsletter includes information on the following topics:
- Message from Superintendent Andrée Grey
- School Spotlight: Capri Elementary School
- Congratulations to Capri and El Camino Creek Elementary Schools on their California Distinguished School Recognition!
- Thank you for EEF Choir and Band!
- Upcoming Presentation: Parenting in the Digital World - February 8
- Child Nutrition Services (CNS) Spotlight
- Resources on How to Become a Substitute Teacher
Happy New Year!
I sincerely hope the year has begun with energy and excitement for your children! Today, student report cards are being sent home. They represent your child’s individual progress toward grade level learning outcomes, work habits and skills. We often use the term “snapshot” when we talk about report cards because it is a moment in time where teachers utilize a variety of assessment tools, observations and activities to evaluate the discrete standards and skills listed. They are an important communication tool between school and home, however, equally important is the teamwork between home and school to use the information to continue to support and optimize learning for your child moving forward. It is an ideal opportunity to take stock of their strengths and areas of improvement and celebrate successes. It is also helpful to engage your child in discussion about where they would like to improve and what they might personally do in the next months to work toward their goal. For some children, that may be to improve their reading comprehension, for others it may be to regulate their emotions or some may be working on being more independent. Children are unique and learn in different ways and at varying speeds, but all children can benefit from setting goals that are personal and attainable. As always, we appreciate the partnership of our parents. If you have questions or concerns about your child’s progress, please do not hesitate to reach out to your child’s teacher. It is my hope that 2023 will be filled with school experiences that challenge and support each and every child.
Andrée Grey, Ed.D.
School Spotlight: Capri Elementary
Each month, a school is spotlighted at our EUSD Board Meeting. Principal Stacy Crum provided an update from Capri Elementary School including two research based programs making an impact at Capri Elementary including their SWELL Intervention Program and the PIQE (Parent Institute for Quality Education). The programs leverage parent engagement and targeted assistance.
Congratulations to Capri and El Camino Creek Elementary Schools on their California Distinguished School Recognition!
The California Distinguished School program recognizes outstanding education programs and practices. Schools are awarded for closing the achievement gap and for achieving exceptional student performance. Only 21 schools in the county were awarded this elite recognition. To select California Distinguished Schools, the California Department of Education (CDE) uses multiple measures to identify eligible schools based on their performance on the state indicators as specified on the California School Dashboard. Elementary schools and middle and high schools are recognized in alternate years; therefore, awardees hold the title for two years. Congratulations to Capri and El Camino Creek Elementary Schools!
Thank you to EEF for Choir and Band!
We are so appreciative of our Encinitas Education Foundation for their support and launch of the EEF school choirs and after school band programs! Our Foundation has consistently worked to provide superior and enriching opportunities for our students and this is only one example of their tremendous impact. Special thanks to Jeff Ladman, Michelle Bay, Val Wallace and Amy Pleickhardt. Thank you to our parents and community partners for their support of EEF and the work they do for our children.
Upcoming Presentation: Parenting in the Digital World - February 8
Digital technology is an excellent tool to make and maintain social relationships for our children, however there are risks that we can reduce.
At the request of those who attended this presentation in the Fall of 2022, we are offering the Parenting in the Digital World encore event on Wednesday, February 8, 2023 at 5:30 p.m. The presentation will provide the most current information about what is happening in our children’s digital world. The content of this session is specifically for parents/guardians only.
The location is Ocean Knoll Elementary School: 910 Melba Road, Encinitas, 92024.
The speaker, Clayton Cranford, is a law enforcement professional and one of the nation’s leading educators on social media and behavioral threat assessments. He is the author of Parenting in the Digital World and winner of the National Bullying Prevention Award.
Childcare for elementary-aged students and Spanish translation will be provided. There is no cost to attend.
RSVP at: https://bit.ly/rsvpdigitalworld
Child Nutrition Services (CNS) Spotlight
EUSD's Child Nutrition Services program is growing and expanding more than ever before. With the introduction of Universal Free meals, the number of school lunches being served has increased significantly, from 246,572 in 2019-20 to 524,650 in 2021-22. EUSD now is serving lunch to over 60% of the students in our district! We now also offer breakfast at all nine school sites for students to enjoy before school.
EUSD Child Nutrition’s main goal continues to be serving healthy, local, and scratch-made meals to students every day. This includes scratch-made marinara sauce, made from organic Farm Lab tomatoes, used on pastas and freshly baked pizza. We source organic, regenerative beef from Northern California that is used in our tacos, nachos, hamburgers, and hot dogs. The salad bar is filled daily with organic Farm lab lettuce, as well as seasonal favorites like local persimmons and strawberries.
Although these significant changes have come with some expected growing pains (ex. staffing, food shortages, equipment needs), the CNS department continues to hire qualified staff to help expand the scratch cooking program that already exists. We also continue to focus on green initiatives like reducing food waste in the lunch line by sorting our organic waste for composting. We use produce scraps from our salad bar in the compost bins at school sites and continue to use compostable birch forks and food trays. Child Nutrition Services plans to continue pushing the bar on high quality meals available to students, both for breakfast and lunch!
Resources on How to Become a Substitute Teacher!
Are you interested in becoming a substitute teacher? The San Diego County Office of Education (SDCOE) is hosting a substitute teacher event on January 24 with fingerprinting services, permit processing, and career advice from human resources professionals.
Anyone looking to become a substitute teacher through a 30-day emergency permit is welcome to attend the event from 8 a.m. to 2 p.m. on January 24 at SDCOE's main campus on 6401 Linda Vista Road in Annex B and C. The 30-day permit is valid for one calendar year and allows you to work as a substitute teacher every day of the year, but excludes any long-term (30 days or more) assignments.
SDCOE credentialing and human resources professionals will be on-hand to answer questions about teaching careers, completing an EdJoin profile, and applying to job openings. The event is sponsored by Schools First Credit Union and Empower Retirement.
The first 100 future substitute teachers to attend will be provided free fingerprinting services. Spaces are limited so register today to reserve your time slot.
Registration Links for January 24:
Additional Substitute Teaching Resources:
EUSD is Hiring
To view open positions in EUSD, please visit EdJoin.org!
Reporting of Positive COVID-19 Cases
Encinitas Union School District
Website: www.eusd.net
Facebook: facebook.com/encinitas-union-school-district
Twitter: @eusdtweets