Newt News 8/17/21
The periodic newsletter for the Linworth Experiential world.
The first two days of school
A. On Wednesday, August 18, & Thursday, August 19, all Linworth students will be at Linworth all day, both days.
B. On Wednesday, August 18, a pizza lunch (at 11:15), including vegetarian and gluten-free options, as well as salad and water, will be provided by our Parent Board (of which you are a member).
C. On Thursday, August 19, lunch will be a potluck (at 12:00). We are having student groups (families) picnic together, so we’re asking students to bring stuff to share with others. We have students with food allergies, so nothing with peanuts or tree nuts, please. If you’d prefer, feel free to simply pack a lunch for self.
We will also have a Dairy Queen cart with Dilly Bars and a non-dairy option at 2:00. This is for a generous gift from the DQ at 920 High St. Please give them a big thank you any time you visit (ask for Ron).
All I Need to Know I Learned in Kindergarten--We can learn a great deal about a society by examining what lessons it teaches its children.While analyzing examples of children's literature, television, and movies, students will explore some of the lessons they are taught as children and discuss to what degree we continue to live by those lessons as adults.
Songwriting--A discussion based course that examines song lyrics across multiple genres. Through conversation and analysis, students will develop an appreciation for specific songs as well as develop an understanding of author perspective and historical background. Please note, the focus of this course is on interpretation of existing song lyrics rather than creation of original lyrics. This class is taught by junior José Galeana-Pettigrew and Jen.
Contextualizing Marx--There is a great deal of misinformation and misunderstanding about the philosopher and author, Karl Marx. This class is a study of the life and times of Marx, as well as an examination of the thinkers that influenced him. This class is taught by senior Grant Witherspoon and Jamie.
Important Films--We will watch important films, read about the directors who are/were influential, and discuss our reactions and the importance of the films. Some of these movies are not in English and are subtitled, so come prepared to pay attention during the viewing. Also, students will be required to write short essays/reflections about each film and write 3 formal papers drawing from the shorter reflections throughout each nine weeks. Grades will be based on papers, participation, and reflections/journals/short essays.
Sports and Society--Whether you play, watch, or just ignore them, sports deeply impact modern society worldwide. The sports world is so much more than playing games, and studying it in an academic way improves our understanding of cultures and society. We will look at everything from the history of sports, and the influence of different cultures on sports, to the impacts in modern society (nationalism, politics and the Olympics, sound familiar?). We will look at the role of popular sports as well as lesser-known ones and even unique, almost crazy sounding sports. (Shin-kicking, look it up or maybe don’t!) Other areas to explore may include sports psychology, the changing function of youth sports, socio-economic issues, race, gender, commercialization, and more. The class will not play sports every week, but we will often engage in sports play (formally and informally). Students need appropriate attire even if it is just comfy shoes kept in a locker and thrown on to be a part of the activity. (No outfit changes necessary.) Remember, sports really are for anyone! The goal will not be to crush an opponent or sweat like a professional, but to explore, learn, and have fun. This is a safe environment to enjoy a significant shared experience.
Financial Algebra--The Ohio Department of Education in Ohio’s Learning Standards defines Financial Literacy as the ability to read, analyze, manage, and communicate about personal financial conditions that affect one's material well-being. It includes the ability to discern financial choices, discuss money and financial issues without (or despite) discomfort, plan for the future, and respond completely to life events that affect every day financial decisions, including events in the general economy. Topics that will be covered, primarily from a mathematical/algebraic approach, include by are not limited to: Financial Responsibility and Decision Making; Planning and Money Management; Acting as an Informed Consumer; Investing; Credit and Debt; as well as Risk Management and Insurance. This course will be taught in a more traditional, lecture-style with quizzes and tests being the primary mode of assessment. Every effort will be made to invite guest speakers from within the business community to present on a many of the topics described above.
Materials Science--Materials Science is an engineering-based study of “stuff.” It involves mining, processing, testing, selecting, and designing three major categories of materials: Metals, Ceramics & Glass, and Polymers. Materials Science is a class devoted to developing scientific skills such as critical thinking, problem-solving, and independent decision-making. The course focuses heavily on currently relevant topics and applies many of the fundamental concepts of chemistry, physics, and engineering to real-world environmental, economic, and social issues. Success in Materials Science requires a high level of teamwork, time-management, organization, and responsibility. Evaluation is based on lab analysis, homework, research projects, quizzes, and tests.
Whodunnit--This forensics course will look at types of physical evidence left at a crime scene (for example, DNA, blood, fingerprints, clothing fibers, etc) and how they can be used by forensic scientists to determine who committed a crime.
Music and the Mind (M & M)--Taught by senior Sydney MacGilvray and Lilly, this course will cover the many ways that music interacts with memory, emotion, and the brain.
As well as:
Physical Science
Math 1
Math 2
Math 3
Honors Pre-Calculus
US History
World History
Foundations (ELA 1)
AP English Literature and Composition
College Composition
Wellness for Life
Spanish 2
Spanish 3
Some of you have asked...
B. For the first two days (Wednesday and Thursday), kids will only need a writing utensil and some paper.
C. Yes, students are expected to have access to their computer in school each day.
D. The Google Form link to sign up for Linworth classes will be emailed to all students and parents Wednesday night, probably at 6:00.
Off-Campus Permission Form
This is the form designating Sign-out and transportation privileges.
If you haven't already, please complete the Off-Campus Permission Form at your earliest convenience.
The Parent Board has scheduled some Dine-to-Donate events for the upcoming month.
First (and on the first day of school), Linworth is having our first Dine-to-Donate event at Swenson’s Dublin (740 Sawmill Rd Dublin Ohio) on Wednesday, August 18th from 4-9 pm. Mention Linworth EP when ordering at Swensons Online Ordering ( or in person when you order there.
Our next Dine-to-Donate will be Pizza Primo (895 High St Worthington OH ) on Wednesday, September 8th, 2021. Mention Linworth EP when ordering over the phone or at the website Pizza Primo Sub & Pizza Shop Clintonville and Worthington, Ohio ( Linworth will be having a monthly dine to donate event with Pizza Primo on the 1st Wednesday of each month till May 2022.
You will be able to find updates on upcoming events on Linworth EP’s facebook page:
Linworth EP Families | Facebook.
Free ACT Crash Course Registration Deadline is TODAY, 8/17
All Worthington City School juniors are automatically registered to take the state-sponsored ACT (college entrance exam) at their main campus high school during the school day March 1, 2022. More details to come about that after winter break.
Linworth Juniors may consider registering by the end of today for Dr. Sampath of PrepAccelerator's FREE 4-hour ACT crash course held Sunday, 8/22 and Sunday, 8/29. Additionally, if you are a senior taking the ACT early this fall, this could be a valuable opportunity for you too. Click here for registration information and let Laura know if she can answer any questions.
PSAT - NMSQT Registration Information
Worthington Schools will be offering 10th and 11th grade students the opportunity to take College Board’s Preliminary SAT/National Merit Scholarship Qualifying Test (PSAT/NMSQT) at the district’s expense. Please see the information below regarding registration and testing.
WHO: Individuals who register (see link below) and are enrolled in a Worthington Schools high school as a 10th or 11th grader for the 2021-22 school year. Participants may be asked to present a picture ID upon entering the test room.
WHEN: The PSAT/NMSQT will be administered during a regular school day schedule on Tuesday, Oct. 26. Individuals who participate in this test administration will miss regular classroom instructional time. Students taking the test with accommodations may test on both Tuesday, October 26 and Wednesday, October 27.
WHERE: The PSAT/NMSQT will be administered at Thomas Worthington High School and Worthington Kilbourne High School. Linworth Alternative and Worthington Academy students who wish to participate in this test administration will report to their home high school on testing day(s).
WHY: There are several reasons why a student may choose to take the PSAT/NMSQT:
- For juniors only, the opportunity to compete for recognition and scholarships through the National Merit Scholarship Program
- For juniors only, the opportunity to compete for National Merit Scholar status
- Helps to prepare individuals to take the College Board’s SAT college readiness assessment, which is widely used for college admissions.
- Worthington Schools will be paying the registration fee for all 10th and 11th graders who opt to participate in our administration, so it’s FREE to all participating students.
- Teachers can use the score information to identify strengths and weaknesses and form instruction appropriately.
- Counselors can use the score information to provide advice regarding post-high school opportunities, including college and scholarship applications.
Individuals who will be a 10th or 11th grader in the 2021-22 school year can register to take the PSAT/NMSQT. This opportunity is not available to students in any other grade level. Registration is July 8 - September 14, 2021.
TWHS students register here:
WKHS students register here:
RESOURCES: There are many resources available to individuals to prepare for the PSAT/NMSQT.
Khan Academy Practice Test Site
College Board NMSQT "Inside the Test"
Includes links to types of questions that will be on each subject area of the test
College Board NMSQT "Taking the Tests"
Includes links to preparing for test day and types of Accommodations available to students with disabilities
Masking and Safety Protocols
"All students K-8 are required to wear a mask in the school building during the school day (unless medical or developmental conditions prohibit use.) Students in grades 9-12 are strongly recommended to wear masks in the school building during the school day. Vaccinated staff are strongly recommended to wear masks in the school building during the school day. Unvaccinated staff are required to wear a mask indoors on school property. Preschool masks are strongly recommended. Under federal order, masks must be worn on school buses.
Additionally, we plan to host vaccination clinics for students age 12 and up at middle and high school schedule pick-up. We encourage vaccination for students who are eligible as this is the surest way to make sure you can consistently stay in school."
At Linworth, I will strongly encourage all students to wear a mask while inside because it dramatically limits quarantines if we do have an exposure. We will provide extra masks.
1:1 Chromebook Plan
Emergency Broadband Benefit Program
The Emergency Broadband Benefit Program is a Federal Communications Commission (FCC) program that provides a temporary discount on monthly broadband bills for qualifying low-income households.
Remember these dates:
First days of school (both at Linworth all day): Wednesday, August 18, & Thursday, August 19
Dine to Donate: Swenson's, Dublin: Wednesday, August 18
Meet the Teacher Night: Wednesday, August 25, 7:00-8:30 (Parent Board will host an informal meeting 6:30-7:00)
Senior Retreat: Monday, August 30
Senior Parent Night: Wednesday, September 1, 7:00-8:00
Dine to Donate: Pizza Primo: Wednesday, September 8
Junior & Junior Parent Night: Wednesday, September 15, 7:00-8:00
All School Overnight: Thursday & Friday, October 14-15
Linworth Experiential Program
Location: 2075 West Dublin Granville Road, Worthington, Ohio 43085, USA
Phone: (614) 450-6900
Twitter: @LinworthAPNewts