Central Office Update
September 2023

Jefferson County Receives Top TVAAS Rating
The Tennessee Department of Education continues to review the accountability model for the 2022 - 2023 school year. Additional information will be released once the department finalizes school and district accountability.
Engaging the Community
Principal for a Day
The first annual Principal For A Day (PFAD) in Jefferson County Schools was held September 21. It was an opportunity to engage community partners with the important and impactful work that is being accomplished in schools across the district. Leaders and representatives from a variety of organizations accepted the invitation to take a deeper look at what is happening in our schools. They were able to observe the role of school principals in day-to-day operations, meet teachers and staff, observe classes, and discuss school initiatives as they walked alongside principals for the morning. Afterwards, all PFAD participants came together at Jefferson County High School, where they were greeted by Service Learning students and took a tour of the high school’s Career-Technical Education (CTE) department, led by CTE Student Ambassadors. Participants, principals, and district supervisors wrapped up the morning with lunch (provided by Owens Restaurant and sponsored by Knoxville TVA Employees Credit Union), which was served by Culinary Arts students. Dr. Arnold challenged everyone to be ambassadors for our schools as they returned to their organizations and communities.
JCS Core 4
High Quality Instruction - Every Classroom, Every Student, Every Day!
Enjoy this video of learning in action in JCS!
JCS Transportation Department
Evacuation Drill, CPR Training, and Driver Training
School districts have been charged with completing an annual bus evacuation drill. On August 25 Jefferson County Schools held a county-wide evacuation drill event. Students, drivers, and school personnel were able to practice the proper procedure to exit school buses in case of an emergency situation. Transportation Supervisor Phillip Batts sends a big "thank you" to all of the principals and school personnel who assisted in the drill.
With the help of Melissa Whitaker from Coordinated School Health, Jefferson County Schools held a CPR class for all Special Education drivers and monitors on September 20. Having our drivers trained in CPR helps ensure the safety of our students as they ride buses to and from school each day.
Jefferson County Schools is pleased to share the success of the driver training program that has been implemented. Last year, the shortage of drivers had some dropping off students at 6:50 in order to run a second route. After implementation of our CDL training course, which 8 drivers have completed, we are happy to report that currently none of our drivers have a double route. We have 8 substitute bus drivers that ride or drive daily. The transportation department has another CDL training scheduled for mid October in which 5 new drivers will obtain their CDL as well.
Batts extends his thanks and appreciation to all of the drivers who step up every day transporting our children to and from school.
JCS Student Nutrition Department
Fruit Challenge!
CTE Expands into Middle School
Innovative School Models
Jefferson County is excited to announce that CTE is now available in our middle schools. Students can explore career pathways and course options before entering high school. This will help them better understand their course selections when they enter Jefferson County High School.
Remarkable things are happening at White Pine School. Mr. Adams, who teaches the Mechanical Pathway, is introducing students to virtual welding through portable augmented reality welders. Mrs. Denton, who teaches the Computer Science Pathway, is incorporating Arduino Kits to help students better understand how electronic devices are designed, manufactured, and contribute to technological growth in an ever-changing environment. Both teachers are collaborating to create lesson plans that integrate materials and ideas from both pathways. Their students are also busy learning how to design on Tinkercad and how to 3-D print their designs.
CTE at Rush Strong is also achieving great results. Mrs. Burdine, who teaches the Biotics Pathway, has received support from a local church to clean out an outdoor garden area at the school. The garden features 15 raised beds, flower beds, a water feature, apple trees, and a compost barrel. Students have been researching fall weather vegetables and plants they can grow, as well as learning how to maintain a viable compost. Each week, one grade, including 6th-8th graders, will tend the garden. Mrs. Bible, who teaches the Computer Science Pathway, is working on starting an after-school robotics club and has ordered several Vex robots to get started. She is also very excited about using her new robot finches to make computer science come alive for her 6th-8th graders.
As you can see, Jefferson County's CTE program in middle schools is off to a great start. Next time, we will highlight all the exciting developments happening at Jefferson Middle and Maury Middle.
Rush Strong students create an eco-friendly weed barrier for the outdoor classroom's raised beds.
Students are very excited to put their knowledge to work at Rush Strong School.
Family Fun Fair - Health
Family Fun Fair
A highly successful Family Fun Fair event took place at the Field of Dreams Activity Center in Dandridge on Tuesday, September 26, 2023, thanks to a collaborative effort involving various key contributors. The success of this event can be attributed to the combined efforts of the Jefferson County Healthy School Teams, Coordinated School Health, students from the JCHS service learning and leadership class, Amanda Hansel, the leader of H.O.S.A, and Jeanne Beffrey from the Tennessee Department of Health.
During the event, Coordinated School Health engaged with Jefferson County families, discussing important topics such as Physical Education and the Family Life Curriculum.
We extend our heartfelt appreciation to the Healthy School Teams for their gracious invitations to all school families and to the Tennessee Department of Health for their invaluable leadership in making this event such a resounding success!
CTE at Jefferson County High School
In the News - Community Gives Back
Family Honors Daughter by Paying Off School Lunch Fees
When the Devoties delivered the check to New Market Elementary on October 2, they were informed that the tables in the cafeteria where parents eat with their children were dedicated as "Taylor's Tables."