Hall's Corner
December 16, 2022
Dear BHS Families and Students:
***There will be classes for EMCC Students on 12/23. Please note there will be no BCSD transportation provided on that day. Students attending EMCC have to provide there own transportation.***
Be well,
The following information is contained in this week’s Hall’s Corner.
- Brighton Bruin Mascot
- Counseling News
- Students in the News
- Snow day plan for 2022-2023
- SENIORS, Have you ordered the cap and gown?!
- BHS Outdoor Club will have the opportunity to travel to Grand Cayman
- BHS Open Campus Schedule for 11/29/ 2022- 4/30/2023
- Calendar of Events
- Cell Phone Reminders
- Parent Square Communication
FEV Tutoring, free online tutoring is back!
- Athletics
- Vaping resources from Dr. Hall's Wednesday eNews
The Brighton BRUIN is coming in January, 2023!
Thank you to the Nancy Beck Fund for helping to sponsor our new BRUIN mascot. Students were sent information on the mascot and how to apply and try out to be the new mascot this past week. Applications are due on 12/22/23.
Counseling News
Students in the News, Making BHS Proud!
KUDOS to the BHS Leadership Classes!
Since 2012, the BHS Leadership Seminar classes have organized a Red Cross Blood Drive as part of their commitment to service and giving back to the community. Along with their teacher, Mr. Christopher Kantz, 100’s of students have participated in organizing this wonderful event and students eligible also donated their own blood for others in need. This past weekend, our leadership students helped to collect 61 units of blood, which makes 992 overall since leadership started the drive. The Spring 2023 semester students look forward to breaking 1000 in May, 2023. Mark your calendars so that you can help them make BHS history! Way to go Leadership students, you make BHS PROUD! Go BRUINS! 😊
Boys Lacrosse help wrap gifts for Golisano's Children's Hospital.
Executive Council will host Winter Formal in January!
BHS School Synchronous Day Schedule for 2022-2023 for Snow Days and Cancellation of School Days
As noted in the District’s 2022-2023 School Calendar, we will have ONE snow day/school cancellation day this school year. Classes will NOT be held on the first day where classes are cancelled. However, should the District have to cancel classes for more than one day, BHS students will have LIVE synchronous classes via ZOOM/Schoology links with their teachers. See attached schedule for such a scenario.
Teachers have already communicated their SNOW DAY Zoom or Schoology links with students. An Parent Square message, robocall, and e-mail will be sent to all families in the event school buildings are closed. If students downloaded the Student Square app, they will also get a TEXT message from Dr. Hall.
The following EXPECTATIONS are for all high school students:
- Bring home computer devices if we suspect a possible snow day may be called.
- Check teacher’s Schoology pages for a SNOW DAY ZOOM link ready to go for SNOW DAYS.
- Sign onto ZOOM links and attend all classes for the entire class period as per the SNOW DAY Schedule.
- Turn on Cameras so that proper attendance can be taken.
- Actively participate during the lesson.
Click the link to see open the Snow Day Schedule: Here
Attention Seniors, PLEASE Get your cap and gown ordered if you have not already done so!
Jostens still needs to hear from a large portion of the SENIOR CLASS! Cap and gown ordering was in November! If you have not ordered yet, PLEASE do so NOW!
Click here for the essential cap/gown and tassel needed for BHS graduation
Cap, Gown and Tassel direct link (jostens.com)
Financial Assistance is Available
If you are your family need financial assistance with purchasing a cap and gown, please see your counselor for a PTSA Hardship Grant Application. We can help you!
Please call or email us with questions - 585-377-4778 or scott.fitch@jostens.com - or to place your order over the phone. Looking for a catalog? A complete packet can be found in the main office.
Outdoor Club announces the summer 2023 trip to Grand Cayman
BHS Open Campus Schedule for November 29 - April 30
“Open Campus” means you may leave campus if you have a free period.
“Closed Campus” means you may not leave the building, except for scheduled appointments. If weather/supervision allow, students may be allowed to go behind the school to study, play sports, or do work. Students MUST remain on campus.
Open Campus is a privilege granted to Brighton High School students and should be respected. This privilege can be revoked and/or restricted by administration and/or by parent request due to academic and/or behavioral concerns.
- Students are required to sign in and out during regular school hours at door #1.
- Students leaving for an appointment need to sign out at the Attendance Office FIRST and then leave via door #1 with a pass.
- Students cannot transport other students in their car during the school day.
- FAMILIES - if you DO NOT want your child to have OPEN CAMPUS privileges, please notify their assistant principal.
Schedule effective Nov. 29th -April 30th
Calendar of Upcoming Events at BHS
New Cell Phone Policy
2022-2023 School Tool Parent Portal
Check the portal for student grades, missing assignments, or attendance.
SchoolTool Portal link
Parent Square is Brighton’s new tool for all K-12 communication!
Click here for a PDF including QR codes for easy registration and Parent Square tips.
fev tutor - Free online tutoring for Brighton Students!
Students in grades 3 - 12 can log on through Class Link!
BHS Counselor Assignments 242-5000 ext. 4803
Administrator and Counselor Information
Click here for names and contact information.
Vaping Resources
Safe Schools Helpline to report any safety issues confidentially:
1-800-4-1VOICE ext. 359
1-800-418-6423 ext. 359
Various VAPING ARTICLES – please review the research!
Chemicals in Vaping Flavors Cause Widespread Damage to Lung Tissue Newsroom - University of Rochester Medical Center
New research appearing in the journal Scientific Reports unpacks the list of chemicals that comprise flavored e-liquids and pods used in vaping and details their harmful effects to lung tissue, including inflammation and genetic damage that could indicate long-term risk for respiratory disease.
The Vaping Epidemic in Adolescents.
“Over the last 20 years, there has been a decrease in the number of teenagers smoking combustible cigarettes. The Youth Risk Behavior Survey demonstrated a decrease in the number of teens trying combustible cigarettes from 70% in 1991 down to 58.4% in 2003 and even further down to 28.9% in 2017.1 The decrease is largely a response to exhaustive work done by physicians, advocacy groups and lawmakers.”
“The United States is seeing an explosive rise of adolescents’ vaping and the renormalization of smoking (Table 1). Recent national surveys demonstrate a drastic increase in e-cigarette use among high schoolers. An article from the New England Journal of Medicine reported a 10% increase in adolescents using e-cigarettes between 2017 and 2018 alone, which is approximately 1.3 million teenagers.2”
VAPING – What Families Need to Know to Help Protect Children, Teens and Young Adults.
Vaping is also extremely dangerous and harmful to teenage bodies and organs like the heart, lungs, and brain.
“A 2016 Surgeon General’s report concluded that youth use of nicotine in any form, including e-cigarettes, is unsafe, causes addiction and can harm adolescent brain development, which impacts attention, memory and learning. E-cigarettes can also expose users to harmful and carcinogenic chemicals such as formaldehyde and lead. Studies have found that young people who use e-cigarettes are more likely to become smokers.”
Partnership to End Addiction – Vaping
“Easily recognized as one of the most popular substance use trends among teens, vaping is the act of inhaling and exhaling an aerosol produced by an e-cigarette, vape pen, or similar devices commonly known as “vapes”. These devices contain flavored e-liquids, nicotine and/or cannabis (marijuana). Although initially created to help existing smokers quit, enticing flavors such as mango, mint and tutti frutti have attracted young people and non-smokers to the products. Their popularity has by far eclipsed that of smoking cigarettes among today’s adolescents. But, it’s important to know that vapes are not safe. Thousands of illnesses and even several dozen deaths have been linked to their use.”
Teen brain development, teen behavior and preventing drug use – Partnership to End Addiction.