A Letter from the D41 Nurses
Mitigation, student reminders and guidelines
Dear Parents/D41 Families,
The D41 nursing team is assisting the DuPage County Health Department in contact tracing to help mitigate the spread of COVID-19. Each building nurse has a thorough understanding of the health department’s decision tree in determining how long a student must quarantine or isolate and what documentation is needed to return to school. We are looking forward to welcoming your students back into the building and are doing everything we can to keep everyone healthy and safe.
Here are a couple of reminders from the building nurses:
Please notify the school health office if someone in your household tests positive for COVID-19 or if your student is a close contact of someone who is positive.
Please be aware that the Health Department requires siblings of students who are home (or sent home) with one or more COVID like symptoms to also stay home.
Students who test for COVID should remain home while awaiting results.
The isolation period for a positive case is 10 days, the quarantine period for a close contact is 14 days. What this means for a household is that if the positive case cannot isolate away from others within the house, the quarantine period for the un-infected person begins on the last day of the positive person’s isolation. In effect, this means the un-infected person could be quarantining for 24 days. This is because the COVID positive individual is considered contagious for up to 10 days from the onset of symptoms (or from the day they tested if asymptomatic). The incubation period to develop COVID is 2-14 days from date of last contact.
A negative COVID test does not cancel out a quarantine
If your child has seasonal allergies or other conditions that cause COVID like symptoms, please plan to provide us with a note from a doctor indicating the alternate diagnosis.
The building RNs can guide you as to what paperwork is required to return to school if your student is out due to isolation or quarantine.
We are following the State of Illinois guidelines for schools for addressing COVID-19. CLICK HERE to see the IDPH decision tree for schools.
Please call with any questions.
Your D41 Nursing Team:
Nancy Connolly, D41 Certified School Nurse 630-534-7341
Alysha Dharani, D41 Certified School Nurse 630-534-7614
Donna Feaster, Abraham Lincoln RN 630-534-7563
Jen Ledet, Forest Glen RN 630-534-7373
Rachel Seifert, Churchill RN 630-7275
Maureen Walgren, Ben Franklin RN 630-534-7408
Stephanie Andraws, Hadley RN 630-534-7618
Glen Ellyn School District 41
Email: webmaster@d41.org
Website: www.d41.org
Location: 793 North Main Street, Glen Ellyn, IL, USA
Phone: 630.790.6400
Facebook: facebook.com/glenellynd41
Twitter: @glenellynd41