WCHS Youth & Government Club
Model Delegation (2013-14, 2020-21)
What is YAG?
Youth and Government is a nationwide civic program that prepares high school students for moral and political leadership.
Through local YMCAs and schools, Youth and Government empowers high-school students from every corner of the U.S. by giving them the opportunity to learn about and experience government policies firsthand with a goal of understanding how to be changemakers and improve their communities.
We compete annually at the NC YMCA Youth Legislature Conference, a four-day event in Raleigh. The club attempts to serve the community and provide opportunities for its delegates to lead & engage.
A club that is inclusive & welcoming for all!
Mandatory Dates
- Pre-Con: Sunday, November 5 @ The Epiphany School of Global Studies; 1-4 PM
- Conference: Thursday, February 15-Sunday, February 18 @ Raleigh Convention Center & Downtown Sheraton
Our Advisor & Officers
Mr. Cory Noe
Cameron Johnson, President
Executive Committee
Riley W., Events Chair
Maggie H., Treasurer
Cate S., Secretary/Historian
Jack S., Vice President
Cameron J., President
Frequently Asked Questions
- What are the roles in YAG? You can participate in the Legislative Branch (Mock Congress, Writing Bills) or the Judicial Branch (Mock Court of Appeals, Mock Attorneys, Writing Legal Briefs)
- What do I actually do if I compete in Leg? If doing Leg, you (either solo, with a partner, or small group) write bills on topics of interest. Our bills have ranged from free EpiPen education for high school students, protecting the environment & eliminating gerrymandering to changing the North Carolina State Motto to Taylor Swift's All Too Well (10 minute version). You then debate your bill, and others, in chambers with students from across the state!
- What do I actually do if I compete in Judicial? You + a partner will write & argue a legal brief in front of court justices. Essentially, you are acting as a lawyer. You are not arguing criminal cases (guilty or innocent), but rather the constitutionality of the real life cases that have been argued in front of the Supreme Court. Did an action taken by a person/group/government infringe upon the freedom of speech? Religion? Is the death penalty a violation of the 8th amendment? Can the government carry out surveillance on private citizens? You are arguing that a person/group's constitutional rights have been upheld, or not!
- When does YAG meet? 1-2 times/month. One formal business meeting each month, as well as a social meeting/club bonding every other month.
- Can anyone join? YES! You simply have to complete a membership form (collect from Mr. Noe) and pay $10 in club dues to be considered a member.
- How much does it cost to attend Conference? To participate in the NC YMCA Youth Legislature Conference, you must pay the full program price of $635 to the NC YMCA through online registration. This covers your stay for 3 nights at the Downtown Sheraton in Raleigh, transportation, breakfasts/dinners & all program materials.
- That is steep. What if I can't afford that, but still want to participate? The state office offers a 25% scholarship. We also fundraise multiple times throughout the year to offset the costs (Krispy Kreme, Donation Letters, etc.). Do not let the cost be a deterrent! Talk to Mr. Noe and it will get sorted.
- What if I want to join, but don't want to compete at Conference? You are more than welcome to join WCHS YAG and participate in our community service, social meetings, and fundraising. All dues-paying members are considered a part of the club, regardless of conference participation. We also attempt to lead voter registration drives, host public speakers/elected officials, and compete in local speech competitions. YAG is still open to you and can be beneficial, even without competing at the Conference.
Email: cory.noe@carteretk12.org
Website: instagram.com/wchsyag
Location: 4700 Country Club Road, Morehead City, NC, USA
Phone: (252) 726-1176
Facebook: facebook.com/wchsyag
September, October & November Dates
- Thursday, 9/14 - Full Club Meeting - Conference Registration, Resources, etc.
- Friday, 9/15 - State Office Financial Scholarship Application Due
- Friday, 9/22 - 1st WCHS YAG Social Meeting in Courtyard
- Monday, 9/25-Friday, 9/29 - Work Sessions (Learn about Leg & Judicial)
- Sunday, 10/1 - Teen Racial Equity Council Application due
- Monday, 10/2-Friday, 10/6 - Work Sessions (Leg or Judicial)
- Friday, 10/20- WCHS YAG Chicken Plate Fundraiser
- Monday, 10/23-Wednesday, 10/25 - Work Sessions (Leg or Judicial)
- Thurs, 10/26 - 2nd WCHS YAG Social Meeting --- Halloween Themed!
- Thursday, 11/2 - Full Club Meeting - PreCon expectations, dress code, goals, etc.
- Sunday, 11/5 - Pre-Con @ The Epiphany School of Global Studies in New Bern
Full Club Meeting
You can also attend the AM session on the same day, from 7:15-7:45 AM.
Thursday, Sep 14, 2023, 02:45 PM
WCHS Room 617
Want to learn more about the program?
NC YAG Program Calendar for 2023-24
Things To Do (Current Members)
@ Presidential Inauguration in 2017
Meeting w/Sen. Tillis
Touring the NC General Assembly
2022-23 Conference Gala
2022-23 Holiday Potluck
2022-23 WCHS YAG outside of the NC General Assembly
YAG Alumnae Lexi Kay, Chief Justice Speech
Allegra B., ALA Tar Heel Girls State Participant
YAG in Paris (June '22)
Application Links - Conference Participants ONLY
Specialty Position Applications
- Executive Officers (Governor-Junior Only/Lt. Gov-Junior Only/Speaker of the House-Sophomore or Juniors/Chief Justice-Junior Only; all require prior conference exp.)
- Associate Officers (Presiding Officer or Associate Justice; 1 year of conference exp. required)
- Media (1 year of conference exp. + approval from Mr. Noe first)
- Lobbyist or Budget Analyst (1 year of conference experience required)
- Committee Chair/Clerk (no prior experience required!)
- Various Appointed Positions
Teen Racial Equity Council Info & Application