Global Learning & Engagement
Weekly Newsletter
Updates for Monday, October 2nd - Sunday, October 8th
We have a winner!
The answer is Quartz capital of the world. Brazil has the same distinction. Well done!
Looking for on campus employment?
October Shuttles
Tuesday nights at 6PM
Hispanic Heritage Month
Tuesday, October 3rd
Thursday, October 5th
Saturday, October 7th
Multicultural PR Class
Looking Ahead
If you are traveling outside of the United States please make sure page 2 of your I-20 or page 1 of your DS-2019 is signed for travel.
In order to get your I-20/DS-2019 signed you must follow the following instructions:
1. Fill out the travel signature form-
2. Drop off your I-20/DS-2019
3. Wait for an email for when to pick up your I-20/DS-2019
Your travel signature is valid for 1 year (EX- January 9, 2023- January 8, 2024). If you have further questions please email Sarah Habtemariam- shabtemariam@uca.edu or Pamela Woodard George- pwoodardgeorge@uca.edu
Trivia Time!
The name pumpkin originated from the Greek word Pepõn, which means large melon. It was then nasalized by the French into "pompo”, which the English changed "pompon" to "Pumpion,” and so on until American settlers arrived at the word we use today.
Source: History channel
Pompions eventually evolved into pumpkins and the first known use of the word in literature was in what story?
The first student to email mwynn@uca.edu with the correct answers will receive this prize!