Walking Together in the Word
Devotional guide for the week of Nov. 22-Nov. 27, 2021
Welcome to Walking Together in the Word!
These devotional materials guide you through the Bible readings for the November 28, 2021 Sunday worship service. We pray they are a blessing to you and your family!
Why study God's Word and pray together?
- Bible study and prayer strengthens faith and brings you closer to God and to one another.
- Study of readings and hymns for the weekend prepares you for worship.
- The way parents express and model their faith helps shape young peopleās faith lives.
- God's Word gives life!---new life now and eternal life with Jesus in heaven. (John 20:31)
About this Devotional Study Guide
- Five Days of devotional material. Catch up or review on the 6th day, worship on Sunday!
- Bible Readings are the LCMS 3-year lectionary readings for the upcoming Sunday.
- Talk about It and Dig Deeper guide discussion and meditation on the Bible passages.
- Kid Talk has questions and activities especially for kids and families.
- Prayer starters are given--add your own as well! Scroll to the bottom for the Lord's Prayer and Luther's Morning and Evening Prayers.
Opening and Prayer
Heavenly Father, bless our time together as we study Your Word. Amen.
Read Luke 19:28-40 from your Bible, or
Devotion on the Gospel
Talk about it
- What about the story of Palm Sunday makes it an appropriate reading to hear on the first Sunday in Advent?
- Look up and meditate on Psalm 118, a portion of which the crowds shout out in praise of Jesusā arrival.
Listen and Sing: All Glory, Laud, and Honor
Kid Talk
Read Luke 19:28-40.
What are you looking forward to? I bet I can guess . . . Christmas! It's the beginning of Advent, the time when we look forward to celebrating Jesus born as a baby in Bethlehem. The Gospel reading for today tells us to look forward a little more . . . to the time when Jesus enters Jerusalem to head to the cross. That's why He came as a baby, you know---so He could die on the cross to pay for our sins. And we can look forward even farther . . . to the time when Jesus comes back to take us to be with Him forever!
Digging Deeper
- What thoughts come to mind as you read this passage?
- What is confusing or surprising about this passage?
- What does this passage teach you about God, His love for you, and His will for your life?
Then pray over the passage, talk about it with a friend or spiritual mentor, and explore further by reading the notes in a study Bible.
Guide me in your truth and teach me, for you are God my Savior, and my hope is in you all day long. Psalm 25:5
Closing and Prayer
May the grace of the Lord Jesus Christ, and the love of God, and the fellowship of the Holy Spirit be with us all (2 Corinthians 13:14).
Opening and Prayer
Heavenly Father, bless our time together as we study Your Word. Amen.
Read Jeremiah 33:14-16 from your Bible, or
Talk about it
- What words of God here give hope and encouragement to His people in the face of the immanent invasion by Babylon?
- Who does the righteous Branch in verse 15 refer to? (Compare also Jeremiah 23:5-6)
Kid Talk
Read Jeremiah 33:14-16.
Do you always keep the promises you make? If we're honest, we'll admit that no, we don't always keep them. But there is someone who does always keep His promises--our God. He promised to send a Savior to pay for all our sins, someone who would be a descendant of King David, a "righteous Branch sprout from David's line." Jesus is that Savior! Because of Jesus, our sins are forgiven. Thank you God for keeping your promises!
Listen and Sing: God Always Keeps His Promises
Digging Deeper
- What thoughts come to mind as you read this passage?
- What is confusing or surprising about this passage?
- What does this passage teach you about God, His love for you, and His will for your life?
Then pray over the passage, talk about it with a friend or spiritual mentor, and explore further by reading the notes in a study Bible.
Closing and Prayers
Pray the Lord's Prayer, Luther's Morning or Evening Prayers, and/or add your own prayers.
Opening and Prayer
Heavenly Father, bless our time together as we study Your Word. Amen.
Read 1 Thessalonians 3:9-13 from your Bible, or
Talk about it
St. Paul encourages the Thessalonians to prepare for the second coming of Jesus. How does he teach them to conduct their daily lives? (see verse 13)
- How does this compare with what Jesus says in the Gospel reading?
Kid Talk
Jesus is coming again. God promised it, and we know that God always keeps His promises! What shauld we do as we wait? The apostle Paul (who wrote this letter to the Thessalonians) gives us some ideas: love one another and live holy (God-pleasing) lives as the Holy Spirit strengthens our faith in Jesus. How will you do these things this week?
Download a Coloring Page on the Epistle
Digging Deeper
- What thoughts come to mind as you read this passage?
- What is confusing or surprising about this passage?
- What does this passage teach you about God, His love for you, and His will for your life?
Then pray over the passage, talk about it with a friend or spiritual mentor, and explore further by reading the notes in a study Bible.
Closing and Prayer
Pray the Lord's Prayer, Luther's Morning or Evening Prayers, and/or add your own prayers.
Opening and Prayer
Heavenly Father, bless our time together as we study Your Word. Amen.
Read Psalm 25:1-10 from your Bible, or
Talk about it
- Psalm 25 is a prayer of David. Outline what David is praying about and for in these 10 verses.
- Take time this week to pray this psalm individually or with your family.
Listen: Psalm 25:1-10
Kid Talk
Read Psalm 25:1-10.
When you go hiking in the woods, it's important to stay on the right path. You trust the adult who is leading you to guide you so that you don't get lost!
We need to stay on the right path through life too. We need someone who will teach us what is right and true. God is our guide! We can trust Him to teach us and guide us to do what is right. And when we wander off away from Him, He forgives us and brings us back to Him.
Digging Deeper
- What thoughts come to mind as you read this passage?
- What is confusing or surprising about this passage?
- What does this passage teach you about God, His love for you, and His will for your life?
Then pray over the passage, talk about it with a friend or spiritual mentor, and explore further by reading the notes in a study Bible.
Closing and Prayer
Pray the Lord's Prayer, Luther's Morning or Evening Prayers, and/or add your own prayers.
Opening and Prayer
Heavenly Father, bless our time together as we study Your Word. Amen.
Come, Thou Precious Ransom, Come -- LSB 350
Come, Thou precious Ransom, come,
Only hope for sinful mortals!
Come, O Savior of the world!
Open are to Thee all portals.
Come, Thy beauty let us see;
Anxiously we wait for Thee.
Enter now my waiting heart,
Glorious King and Lord most holy.
Dwell in me and neāer depart,
Though I am but poor and lowly.
Ah, what riches will be mine
When Thou art my guest divine!
My hosannas and my palms
Graciously receive, I pray Thee;
Evermore, as best I can,
Savior, I will homage pay Thee,
And in faith I will embrace,
Lord, Thy merit through Thy grace.
Hail! Hosanna, Davidās Son!
Jesus, hear our supplication!
Let Thy kingdom, scepter, crown,
Bring us blessing and salvation,
That forever we may sing:
Hail! Hosanna to our King.
Public domain
Talk about it
- What is a āransomā and how is Jesus our āprecious Ransomā as we sing in this hymn?
Listen and Sing
Closing and Prayer
Pray the Lord's Prayer, Luther's Morning or Evening Prayers, and/or add your own prayers.
The Lord's Prayer
Luther's Morning Prayer
I thank you my heavenly Father, through Jesus Christ Your dear Son, that You have kept me this night from all harm and danger; and I pray that You would keep me this day also from sin and every evil, that all my doings and life may please You. For into Your hands I commend myself, my body and soul and all things. Let Your holy angel be with me, that the evil foe may have no power over me. Amen.
Luther's Evening Prayer
Chapel of the Cross--Lutheran
Our Core Values:
- Empowered by the cross of Christ
- People working together
- Opening the Word to all people
- Showing the love of Jesus
- Warm and supportive environment
Email: pastorlaesch@chapelofthecross.org
Website: http://www.chapelofthecross.org/
Location: 11645 Benham Rd, St. Louis, MO, USA
Phone: (314) 741-3737
Facebook: facebook.com/ChapelSTL