Lenox Elementary
Family Newsletter-August 7, 2020
I write this newsletter being acutely aware of the challenges that many families are facing with the new school year and our plan for Comprehensive Distance Learning (CDL) through Nov. 5th. Below is the information communicated last week from our Superintendent Mike Scott and a video released yesterday outlining the details of our Return-to-School Plan. I know many of you have had questions and are wanting more information in order to make informed decisions for your family. I hope that the information below and some frequently asked questions are helpful in clarifying your student's return to school. I want you to know that I understand the unique considerations and factors that families face and I am here to support you. While my hope is that all students continue to be enrolled at Lenox, I know that some families are considering the Hillsboro Online Academy (HOA). There are resources below that also outline the differences between HOA and CDL. Our district and school level teams are working tirelessly this summer on schedules and plans, professional development opportunities, and providing feedback and input to create the best plan for our students. Doing what is best for our students is at the heart of all the decisions we are making throughout these unique times. All of this planning and preparation takes time, patience, flexibility and understanding, and I thank you for being able to embrace those traits.
I am honored to serve the Lenox Community and my hope is that this journey we are on will only make us stronger. As true Pioneers, our Lenox community will be working together, taking risks, committing to doing our best, persevering, and moving forward and preparing for our future. We are stronger together!
To stay up to date with all of the information regarding our Return to School, please go to the HSD Blueprint Website.
Warmest Regards,
Mrs. Gina McLain
Below are some highlights:
We will begin the K-12 school year in Comprehensive Distance Learning (CDL) on Monday, September 14, therefore, students will not be on campus, but will be learning virtually at least through the first quarter (November 5).
- September 8 – 11: Our Hillsboro School District staff will be reaching out to each student and their family to welcome them back to school and ensure they have the technology tools and skills to be successful in an online environment. They will also help identify any needs or concerns a family or student may have.
- September 14: Comprehensive Distance Learning begins
- Mid October: District reviews health metrics and considers a timeline for moving to Hybrid Learning and will notify students and families.
- November 5: End of 9 week quarter
Delivery Models:
- Comprehensive Distance Learning (CDL)--virtual learning delivered by your neighborhood school (Lenox) for the first quarter, Sept.14th-Nov. 5th
- Hybrid--move to this model once deemed safe by state and local officials to do so
- Hillsboro Online Academy (HOA)--commitment to half (first semester) or full year. To learn more about HOA and apply please go to www.hsd.k12.or.us/HOA, HOA applications are due on Aug. 12.
Comprehensive Distance Learning Q&A
A: No, the fall Comprehensive Distance Learning will be a significantly more in-depth experience for your student. You can expect more teacher-facilitated instruction, more independent and family-supported applied learning, and regular feedback on student progress. We are fully committed to each student’s learning and path to graduation.
Q: After November 5, if we go to Hybrid Learning, will students have the option to stay in CDL for the remainder of the year?
A: Yes, students will have the option to remain in CDL for the rest of the year. They will be able to stay in CDL at their neighborhood school even in we go to a Hybrid model.
Q: Will Chromebooks be available to check out this fall?
A: Yes. We will have a process for checking out Chromebooks to students before school starts on Sept. 14th. If you kept the spring Chromebook checked out over the summer, you just keep that one. If you have multiple students in your family and need additional Chromebooks, you will be able to check out one per student. If you are new to Lenox, you will be able to check out a Chromebook. In order to help us determine how many more Chromebooks are needed by Lenox students, please fill out this survey: Lenox Chromebook Needs
For a complete list of FAQs, please visit the HSD website HERE.
Differences between CDL & HOA
Comparison of Comprehensive Distance Learning & Hillsboro Online Academy
Also found on our HSD website in English and Spanish, https://www.hsd.k12.or.us/cdlvshoa
ParentVUE account creation instructions were emailed to parents without active accounts on 8/3 and a paper copy will also be mailed the week of August 10, 2020. Please call 503.844.1871 if you have questions regarding your ParentVUE account.
ParentVUE is a tool for parents to access real-time information related to their student’s education progress. You can view your student’s schedule, attendance, grades, assignments and more.
ParentVUE is also used on an annual basis at the start of each school year to verify student enrollment information. One Parent/Guardian from each family will be expected to complete the verification process. Keeping your family’s information up to date is crucial to receiving communication from the Hillsboro School District.
For more information about ParentVUE, please click HERE
Online Registration
Please share this information with your neighbors if they will have a Kindergartner this fall. We would like people to register their Kindergartner as soon as they can. Thank you!
Summer Tech Support Options for Students
Lenox Elementary School
Website: https://www.hsd.k12.or.us/lenox
Location: 21200 Northwest Rock Creek Boulevard, Portland, OR, United States
Phone: (503) 844-1360