The Howl
West Parent/Caregiver Newsletter Vol. 3: Issue 14 11/12/23
Welcome to 2nd Quarter!
Greetings Wolf Pack!
Welcome to 2nd Quarter! We are excited to enter the second quarter of the school year. We had an incredible start to the school year and as we enter the heart of November, holiday seasons and 2nd quarter we need to regroup on a few things. Specifically: vandalism, theft and being in class from bell to bell. Read on for a general update and be on the lookout for a separate communication this week of plans that are currently in progress to help support students learning from bell to bell.
Starting this week Winter Sports are also in full swing! It's not too late to join. If you are interested in a winter sport reach out to the athletic department TODAY! Our goal this year is that EVERY Wolf is involved in at least one co/extra-curricular. In fact, research shows that students that are in 2 or more school related activities experience higher success rates of GPA, graduation and post secondary success. Sign up TODAY!
As we continue through November we also continue to recognize and celebrate Native American Heritage month. Over the last week our flags of the indigenous nations of Wisconsin have begun to arrive and be hung in our commons as we honor, celebrate and recognize our indigenous students, families and communities. Honoring the land, legacy and current contributions of our Native American and Indigenous community members.
Here's what's in this week's Howl:
- Native American Heritage Month
- Upcoming Events
- Athletic Events
- Daily Announcements
- Second Quarter Focus
- Empty Bowls Dinner
- Student Services- Grade Level Meetings
- Senior Meeting
- Wolf Wear
- Homelessness Awareness Month
- Graduation Cap and Gown Donations
- Blood Drive
- College Visit- Ripon College
- Classroom Corner- AP Lit Spotlight
- Classroom Corner- Ag Spotlight
- Student Spotlight- State Swimmers!
- Student Spotlight- United Dance Team
- Equity Vision, One West, Non-Discrimination
In Case you Missed It:
- Winter Sports
- 5th Hour Tutoring
- ASVAB Testing
- Closed Campus and Security
- Parent Partnership Meetings
- Senior Caps and Gowns
- Attendance, Closed Campus, Vandalism
- Senior Cap & Gown Information
- HBCU Festival
- Lunch Advisory
Jen Ploeger- Principal- jrploeg@sunprairieschools.org
Chai Lee- Associate Principal- cmlee1@sunprairieschools.org
Ed Ford- Associate Principal- ebford@sunprairieschools.org
Upcoming Events
- Tuesday, November 14th- 5:00-7:00pm- Empty Bowls Dinner
- November 22nd, 23rd, 24th- No School- Thanksgiving Break
- December 11th- No School- Professional Development Day
- December 13th- 6:00pm- Parent Partnership Meeting
- Monday December 25th-Monday, January 1st- Winter Break
Daily Announcements
Second Quarter Focus- Back to Basics
If you have a student in PE that is interested in a school locker for additional safety for their valuables, please have your student visit the front office. We have had incidents in the last week of locks being removed from PE lockers. We are currently in the process of working as an admin team in collaboration with our SRO and PE teachers to stop these thefts, however, if your student would like a regular locker to use as well they are more than welcome to check one out. We have plenty available.
Empty Bowls Dinner
Student Services Corner- Grade Level Meetings
During the month of November, Counselors and the College Career and Life Readiness Coordinator will be meeting with Freshman (November 17th) and Sophomores (November 13) during advisory in the Performing Arts Center for their Academic and Career Planning Meeting. Students will gain knowledge about what they need to know in order to reach their academic and personal goals at SPWHS. Specifically, students will get information on graduation, how credits are earned, GPAs & transcripts, academic help, future planning tools, and other academic opportunities/advising.
Senior Class Meeting- 11/14 at 8:00am
There will be a senior class meeting on Tuesday 11/14 at 8:00 am in 1408. We will finalize our class moto, discuss class gifts and speaker selection. If you are interested in making your voice heard, please join us! Email Ms. Reimer and Mr. Barth if you’re unable to make this meeting and still interested.
Last Call- WOLF WEAR
Graduation Cap and Gown Donations
College Visit- Ripon College!
Classroom Corner- AP Lit Spotlight
Classroom Corner- Large Animal Science
Student Spotlight- Girls State Swimmers
Student Spotlight- United Dance
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Statement of Nondiscrimination
No student may be unlawfully discriminated against in any school programs, activities or in facilities usage because of the student’s sex (gender identity, gender expressions, and non-conformity to gender role stereotypes), color, religion, profession, or demonstration of belief or non-belief, race, national origin (including limited English proficiency), ancestry, creed, pregnancy, marital or parental status, homelessness status, sexual orientation, age, or physical, mental, emotional or learning disability. Harassment is a form of discrimination and shall not be tolerated in the District. It is the responsibility of administrators, staff members and all students to ensure that student discrimination or harassment does not occur.
If a student or parent/guardian would prefer to have this information translated into Spanish, please contact us at 608-834-6620. Si un estudiante, padre ó guardian prefiere tener esta información traducida en Español, por favor contactenos en el 608-834-6620.
If a student or parent/guardian would prefer to have this information translated into Hmong, please contact us at 608-834-6630. Yog tus me nyuam lub xiv los yog niam thiab txiv/tus neeg muaj cai saib xyuas tus me nyuam xav tau qhov ntawv ntawm no ua lus Hmoob, thov hais rau peb paub rau ntawm 608-834-6630.
In Case You Missed It! Information that's too important to miss from previous Howls
Winter Sports
ASVAB Career Exploration Test
This year we are offering the ASVAB Career Exploration Test on Friday, December 15. It is a no-cost career planning tool. The ASVAB offers information about all options after high school for college-bound students and those interested in other pathways. It is a great opportunity for those who are not sure about what they want to do after they finish high school. This test will be available to any sophomore, junior or senior. The test will be administered by Education Service Specialists and school personnel. The test takes about 2 hours to complete and scores will be provided after. Student scores will NOT be released to the military unless requested .
The ASVAB is designed to help students:
Learn more about themselves and the world of work.
Explore occupations in line with their interests and skills.
Discover all the ways to enter the career fields they are best suited for
Develop an effective strategy to achieve their career goals.
If you have any questions please reach out to Ms. Saldana (cmsalda@sunprairieschools.org), school counselor.
Please use the QR code or this LINK to sign up by December 5, 2023 or sign up in Student Services
Closed Campus and Security
A reminder that SPASD is a CLOSED CAMPUS district. Why are we closed campus? There is a term "in loco parentis" that applies to schools which means: in place of parents. Between 8:05am and 3:45am we as a school are responsible for the health and well-being of our students. Our closed campus policy is focused on student safety and liability. While the students are in our care we focus on their safety and cannot do that if they are not in our building. Additionally, if there were to be some sort of emergency (fire, etc) and they have left we have no way of knowing that they were not already in the building. Students that are leaving campus during the school day will be followed up with by a principal or dean of student with progress discipline.
Continuing to focus on the safety of our students, it is imperative that students are only entering and exiting through the front door of the school during the school day (if they are signed out for an appointment). The SPASD behavior matrix specifically references propping side/back doors as creating a safety hazard as is allowing someone to gain unauthorized entry (entering a door that it is not the front). This includes asking someone else to allow you to enter. Opening and/or entering side doors poses a significant safety hazard for the 1500+ people that learn and work here daily and will come with a consequence up to and including a suspension. As we tighten up around this issue this INCLUDES the athletic entrance, students should not be leaving or entering through the Athletic entrance during the school door.
Parent Partnership Meeting
- Providing dinners for teachers at Parent/Teacher Conferences
- Creation of our SP West Equity Vision (in partnership with staff and students)
- Improvements to the Howl
- The development of this year's Cell Phone Policy
- Implementation of Dine-In Only
- Problem solving of current issues
See you Wednesday night!
Caps/Gown Orders
If Seniors did not turn in a paper order form for caps/gowns on Oct 17th, they can still order online at mwscholastic.com. Paper order forms will no longer be accepted. Please see our Graduation FAQ with more questions.
HBCU Festival
Registration is now open for the annual HBCU Festival hosted by Alfred Street Baptist Church out of Springfield, VA:
Register HERE
Friday, November 17th from 4pm-8pm
Saturday, November 18th from 9am-4pm
Festival benefits include:
All accredited HBCUs invited to participate
On-the-spot admissions decisions (virtual and onsite)
Instrumental and vocal music auditions (virtual and onsite)
Seminars on preparing for the college admissions process, financial aid and scholarships, and student life
Essay/personal statement writing assistance and interview coaching
Student prizes and giveaways
Since 2003, this one-of-a-kind college fair has connected more than 60,000 attendees to academic institutions. In 2022, nearly $4M in scholarships were awarded to the high school seniors in attendance; many of whom were first generation college students.