LW Marching Arts Update
August 20-26, 2023
Reminder - everyone needs to bring their marching shoes to rehearsal this week until they have had their final uniform fitting. Thanks!
This week in the LW Marching Arts:
Monday, August 21
4:30-8:30pm - Rehearsal at WEST for woodwinds, brass and color guard
Tuesday, August 22
Wednesday, August 23
4:30-8:30pm - Percussion and Color Guard at WEST
4:30-5:30pm - Student Leadership Meeting at WEST
5:00-6:30pm - Clarinets and High Brass (trumpets and mellos) Sectionals at WEST
Thursday, August 24
4:00-4:30pm - Gloves for sale for $5 per pair. Cash only. Find Mrs. Clark by the trucks if you need to purchase gloves.
4:30-8:30pm - Rehearsal at WEST for everyone
Friday, August 25
5:15pm-end of game - Football Game for Central Football Band members
5:00pm-end of game - Football Game for West Football Band members
Saturday, August 26
10am-8pm - Rehearsal for all at EAST (bring food for lunch and money for dinner)
6:00pm - Gates open for Community Night
7:00pm - Community Night Performance begins - please join us and spread the word to friends, family and neighbors
LWMB Community Night
Saturday, August 26 - LWMB Community Night at EAST
All family members, friends and community members are invited to attend a preview of the LWMB competitive show, Interstellar!
Gates open at 6pm and the performance begins at 7pm. Burgers, hot dogs, pizza, corn ice cream and chips will be for sale along with spirit wear including a special Community Night shirt! We will also have some awesome raffle baskets and split the pot! Cash and credit/debit card will be accepted.
Raffles include a custom LWMB wreath, 2023 travel fees paid, premium seating and parking for the LWMI, spirit wear basket, Express Med Spa, Raising Caines, and more!
Please join us for a great evening!
Football Band
The fall athletic season is starting soon, and that means that it is time for the LWMB students to bring the energy to L-W football games!
The game schedules are on the Google calendar on the LWMB website: https://www.lincolnwaymusic.org/lwmb-season-calendar.html
All LWMB woodwind, brass, and percussion members are required to perform at the football games for their home campus. Students are invited to play in the football band at other campuses when there is not a game at their home campus. Color guard members are invited to pick up an instrument and play at games if they would like.
Here are the "Remind" codes for each campus "football band." LWMB students should join the group for their campus, and are welcome to join the other two groups if they wish.
To join, text the following code to 81010:
Central @lwcfbb2023
East @lwefbb2023
West @lwwfbb2023
Lincoln-Way Marching Arts Parent Alliance
Email: lincolnwaymarchingband@gmail.com
Website: www.lincolnwaymusic.org
Location: Instagram - lwmarchingband
Phone: 708-860-2434
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/lincolnwaymarchingband
Twitter: @LWMarchingBand