Westie's News
September 2022 Newsletter
Message from Mrs. Hampson
September 2022
Dear Families,
We are very excited about the new school year! We want to extend a huge welcome back to our returning students and a very warm welcome to families who are new to us. We have a lot to look forward to this year! It will be filled with amazing learning opportunities as we help your children grow as collaborative, passionate learners within our school, local and global communities. As a staff, we are committed to providing our students with an education that is meaningful, engaging, and extends beyond the walls of our school.
About 400 students will call Westmount School home this year. This makes for a busy building full of diverse opportunities. As always, our focus this year is to ‘live’ our school’s vision, mission, and motto (see above) through school activities in classrooms, assemblies, the gym, and the library. We are extremely excited to see how our year progresses as we continue to create opportunities for students to think critically and creatively, collaborate, and excel.
Access to information about our school and upcoming events is always just a 'click' away: Westmount School Website. Our calendar is always up to date and highlights our school-wide activities. In addition, you will receive weekly updates from your child's teacher. Another great place to get information and check out what we are doing is on our social media. Please follow us on Instagram (westmountelementaryschool) and Facebook (Westmount School)!
Each of our students will be assigned to one of our house league teams: Red Coyotes, Blue Huskies of the Green Wolves. Students stay on the same team for the entire time they are at Westmount School. Throughout the year, students will have opportunities to earn points for their house league. Point updates are announced at each assembly. At the end of the year, a trophy is awarded to the team with the most points! Good luck to all 3 of our house league teams!
Thank you for allowing the staff at Westmount School to be a part of your children's lives.
I look forward to seeing you around the school!
Here's to an amazing year!
Cori Hampson
A Peek into Grade 6
A Peek into Kindergarten
A Peek into Grade 3
Messages to Students During the School Day
WESC (Westmount Elementary School Council) AGM
WESC is an invaluable part of Westmount School. We are extremely appreciative of their support throughout the school year. WESC meets bi-monthly and is a fantastic way to get involved in the school and learn more about where your child spends much of their time! There is minimal commitment with a huge benefit!
Each time you attend a WESC meeting throughout the school year, you are entered into a draw to have your school fees refunded. The draw takes place at the final meeting of the year.
Babysitting is provided and you get the opportunity to connect with other families!
Bring a friend! We would love to see you there!
Wednesday, Sep 21, 2022, 06:30 PM
Westmount School, Wheatland Trail, Strathmore, AB, Canada in the LIBRARY
Meet the Teacher
Thursday, Sep 8, 2022, 05:30 PM
Westmount School, Wheatland Trail, Strathmore, AB, Canada
Devices at School
On occasion, teachers may encourage their students to bring a device to school. This will be communicated separately (usually in the weekly email).
Parking Lot Safety
Email: westmount@ghsd75.ca
Website: https://www.westmountelementary.com/
Location: Westmount School, Wheatland Trail, Strathmore, AB, Canada
Phone: (403)- 934-3041