TEWMS Community Wildcat Weekly
23-24 Students & Parents Vol. 2 Edition 25
Monday, 2/5
2:50pm - 4:30pm Cheer Practice (Gym Lobby)
3:00pm - 4:00pm Theatre State Comp. Rehearsal (Rm 533)
6:00pm - 8:30pm Boys BB vs CENMS (TEWMS)
Tuesday, 2/6
2:45pm - 4:30pm OM Team Practice (Rm 202)
3:00pm - 4:00pm Seussical Jr Rehearsal
6:00pm - 8:30pm Girls Soccer vs CENMS (WCHS)
Wednesday, 2/7
Florida State Fair
2:50pm - 4:30pm Cheer Practice (Gym Lobby)
2:55pm - 5:00pm Band Practice (Jazz/Pass-Offs/Intermediate - Band Rm)
3:00pm - 4:00pm Seussical Jr Rehearsal
3:00pm - 4:30pm Opportunity Hall (Rm 603)
5:00pm - 6:15pm TOOLS (Media)
6:00pm - 8:30pm Boys BB @ AAI (Crews Lake MS)
Thursday, 2/8
Florida State Fair
9:00am - 11:00am District Turn-A-Round Student Celebration (CCMS)
6:00pm - 8:30pm Girls Soccer @ RBSMS (ZHS)
Friday, 2/9
Florida State Fair
Saturday, 2/10
Florida State Fair
7:00am - 4:00pm Gulf Coast OM Judge Training (Campus Wide)
8:00am - 1:00pm i9 Sports - UOF Practice Field
Talent Show Results and Thanks
Valentine's Dance
Our annual Valentine’s Dance will be held on Tuesday, February 13th. Please see attached for more information.
Curriculum Fair - Save the Date
Our Curriculum Fair will be held on February 27th from 6:00pm - 7:30pm. See the flyer below for more information.
TEWMS 3rd Annual Pasco Students Speak School Showcase
TEWMS 3rd Annual Pasco Students Speak School Showcase will be held on February 29th from 9:00am - 12:00pm in the media center. Please see the flyer below for more information.
8th Grade Student and Parent Important Information
We have started planning the transition of our 8th grade students to high school. Here are some important dates:
February 6th
Students will watch a course card presentation thru their ELA classes. It is extremely important that all 8th grade students are in attendance this day to get vital information regarding picking their courses for next school year.
February 7th
An administrator and counselor from WCHS will be coming over to our school to meet with any students who have questions regarding their course cards.
February 9th
Course cards for WCHS are due to our 8th grade counselor, Ms. Foti.
8th Grade End-Of-Year (EOY) Activities
This afternoon 8th grade students were given the 8th Grade EOY packet with information regarding all activities and events. It is important that all families read thru the packet as it contains eligibility criteria along with important dates and forms that must be completed and returned to school.
The window to pay the deposit for the 8th Grade Gradventure field trip at Universal will open on the afternoon of Friday, January 26th. Please note that due to limited charter bus availability at this time, we are limiting ticket sales for this field trip. Once we reach our limit of tickets that we can sell, information regarding a wait list will be communicated with families. We will continue to work on obtaining additional charter busses so that we are able to provide this opportunity to all of our 8th graders who meet eligibility.
Attached is a copy of the packet… page 5 details important dates pertaining to all of our 8th grade students. If you have any questions or concerns, see page 4 for contact information.
Student and Staff ROAR-OUTS
Student of the Week
Parker Buskey
Nova Moos
Jaylynn Parrish
Anthony Camacho
Logan Stormer
Magen Lopez
Jaleesa Chadwick
Be the ROAR!
Staff of the Week
Ashley Tuthill
Kathy Falco
Tonia Jenkins
Freda Abercrombie
Allison Asher
Stephanie Benson
Mary Beth Foti
Heather Stocks
Stephanie Vignera
Renee Carpenter
Wanda Pardo
Laura Burns
Moumita Roy
Litisha Peairson
Mayvet Galo
Joy Valeski
Leslee Mackey
Kristine Goitia
Sabah Ahmed
Angie Garcia
ROAR-OUT - Staff of the Week
Our staff of the week Roar-Outs are how we recognize our staff for exemplifying our ROAR mission - Respectful, Open-minded, Achievers, Rising Together. We submit Roar-Outs internally as a staff, but like to extend the opportunity to our families and students. Whenever you would like to recognize a staff member for going above and beyond, just click the button below and submit a Roar-Out.
We have an internal recognition system that is put out to our staff each week for Student of the Week Roar-Outs! When your child is recognized, we will announce their name on the intercom on Monday morning and take their picture in the courtyard! All submissions from the week prior will be published in the Wildcat Weekly (staff & student) each Friday.
Click on the button below to submit a ROAR-Out!
All Things Athletics
ALL FHSAA/PASCO ATHLETIC FORMS MUST BE UPLOADED TO: www.athleticclearance.com before your student is allowed to participate in tryouts or off-season conditioning. Please reach out to your school's Athletic Director if you have issues uploading forms.
Parents & Students: Athletic Clearance instructions and FAQs
MIDDLE SCHOOL Athletic Participation Forms:
- 2023-24 Middle School Athletic Fee Breakdown
- Pasco Athletic Participation Form (Upload into Athletic Clearance)
- Pasco General Information Form for Parents and Students
- PCS - Code of Conduct at Sporting Events (Upload into Athletic Clearance)
- FHSAA Physical Form - EL2 (PAGE 4 and 5 - Upload into Athletic Clearance) Updated 04/2023
- FHSAA Consent Release from EL3 (Upload heat, concussion, and sudden cardiac arrest NFHS certificates on Athletic Clearance only, you do not need to upload the actual EL3 form) EL3 form will be an online acknowledgment (signatures) on Athletic Clearance.
See below flyers for basketball and soccer tryout information.
Extended School Day
ESD is by invitation only. Invites are currently going out via email.
Opportunity Hall
Opportunity Hall is on Wednesdays from 3:00-4:30 in the Media Center. If you have already sent in your permission slip, there is no other action required for your student to attend Opportunity Hall.
Opportunity Hall offers student support in organization and study skills, assistance with school work students may be struggling with, time to complete missing/make-up assignments, or just a quiet place to study. Opportunity Hall will run on Wednesday from 10/25/23 through 5/7/23. During Opportunity Hall, we will have teacher volunteers and some student peer tutors to provide as much individualized assistance as possible. If you and your child are interested in this support, please fill out the attached student agreement and permission form and return it to Mrs. Ware as soon as possible.
Click HERE to register.
Helpful links
- Student Online Registration: https://pasco.focusschoolsoftware.com/focus/auth/
- How to pay for school items/fees: https://www.studentquickpay.com/pasco/
- To access the calendar for the school year, please visit https://www.pasco.k12.fl.us/calendar
- Ways to keep up to date with Pasco County Schools: https://www.pasco.k12.fl.us/news
- TEWMS Website: tewms.pasco.k12.fl.us
- How to become a TEWMS volunteer: http://www.pasco.k12.fl.us/comm/page/volunteer
- Navigating Middle School: https://www.pasco.k12.fl.us/oll/page/navigating-middle-school
- Student Code of Conduct https://www.pasco.k12.fl.us/library/student_services/conduct/csc_eng.pdf
Thomas E. Weightman Middle School
Website: tewms.pasco.k12.fl.us
Location: 30649 Wells Road, Wesley Chapel, FL, USA
Phone: 813-794-0200
Pasco County public school located in Wesley Chapel, Florida; serving students in grades six through eight. TEWMS was built in 1991 and became a Professional Development School with USF's College of Education in 1998.