Board Meeting Summary
March 16th, 2022
General Information
Visitors of the meeting were welcomed and asked if they wished to address the board. Deputy DeSpain, Lindsay Petty, Sara Swart, Architect Scott Johnson, and Project Manager Brandin Keltner. No one asked to address the board at this time.
In communications, the PreK board report was shared. A parent design plan of the proposed addition at EES was shared. The parent offered suggestions for classroom locations, doorway placement, and traffic flow. Superintendent Kashner shared with the board that it is obvious the time it took to provide this feedback and it is important that it is reviewed. He stated that he will review with the administrative team and architecht to review the suggestions.
Information regarding Old Business, New Business, and the Superintendent Report is listed below.
Meeting was adjourned at 8:53 p.m.
Old Business
The district heard a presentation from our architect and project manager regarding the proposed EES addition. The proposed addition would add five classrooms, four office spaces, two group restroom spaces, a remodel of the upstairs to create six classrooms from five current ones, and new LED lighting. Additionally, the plan would call for a 75 stall parking lot at EES and a new student restroom at EJSHS. A concern was shared for the timeline of the project due to materials being delayed. Originally, the plan called for the addition to be completed in August 2023, and now it will be December 2023. As a result, Superintendent Kashner shared that if the district moves forward we would not move 6th grade back to EES until the 2024-2025 school year instead of moving mid-year. A discussion was held regarding moving forward with the plan to lock in pricing concerns and ultimately the BOE decided to move forward at this time.
The 2022-2023 calendar was amended to reflect a holiday on Tuesday, November 8th to allow for voting to take place. As a result, the district will now have a half day on Friday, November 4th and no student attendance on Monday, November 7th to allow for parent-teacher conferences.
The 2023-2024 calendar was approved to model the same format at the 2022-2023 calendar. A shared transportation agreement with Chadwick-Milledgeville was approved. Superintendent Kashner shared that he is proud of the working relationship the two districts have and how we support one another with transportation needs for alternative student placements. Last month, the District went out of bids for a new minivan. Unfortunately, the district did not receive any bids due to dealers not confident they could meet the timelines. As a result, the BOE authorized the Superintendent to purchase a minivan, not to exceed $45,000 for the upcoming school year. This vehicle will replace a vehicle that has over 150,000 miles.
New Business
Superintendent Report
Personnel and Job Vacancies
The BOE upheld the administration recommendation regarding student discipline.
Alexis Smith was hired as a long term substitute for April 2022 - May 2022. Chris Dertz was hired as an additional Junior High track coach.
The following teacher contracts were renewed for the upcoming 2022-2023 school year while granting tenure per school code: Keta Foltz, Patrick Foltz, Wade Zuberbuhler, Heather Blackmore, Kimberly Blair, Tonia Blair, Christopher Dertz, Whitney Paulsen, Morgan Johnson, Anna Ludwig, and Jared McNutt. Per Illinois Code (105 ILCS 5/24-11), these renewals will result in the Board granting status of "continued contractual service", otherwise known as "tenure" , effective at the beginning of next school year.
All other certified staff contracts were renewed.
Eastland CUSD #308
Location: 601 South Chestnut Street, Shannon, IL, USA
Phone: (815) 493-6301