Moore Street School
Week of December 5th, 2022
Good Day Everyone
As mentioned in last weeks newsletter we are in the assessment season. Beginning Monday, December 5th, our high school students will be taking the Fall Administration of the Georgia Milestones End of Course Test. Additionally, our middle school students will be taking the BEACON assessment. Please refer to the link below to access the DCS assessment guide if you have any questions about either of the tests.
I want to commend the students, parents and the MSS staff for an 89.4% attendance rate. This will continue to be a focus. Please ensure your child is at school everyday and on time. For those students who are not in Tier 1 of the DCS attendance protocol, Evening School will continued to be used as attendance recovery. Please refer to the DCS attendance protocol linked below.
I realize the holidays can be hard for some people. I want to remind you of a great resource in the DCS Behavior Health Department. For more information go to the DCS homepage and click the Be Well Shamrock or contact the school for more information.
Weekly COVID-19 testing is ongoing If you would like for your child to receive weekly onsite testing please request a form, complete, sign, and return it. Testing is just one of the many mitigation strategies we are using. Students are encouraged to wear a mask while in the building, to wash or sanitize their hands frequently, and to watch their social distancing. As we enter the cold and flu season we ask that you monitor your children closely and if they are sick please keep them at home.
Upcoming Events
December 5-9: EOC Testing (High School)
December 5-9 BEACON Testing (Middle School)
December 8 Senior Graduation Meeting
December 12 Mentoring Monday
December 16 Student Celebration (click link for details
December 19-January 3: Christmas Break
January 3: Teacher Workday
Moore Street School
Location: 1405 West Moore Street, Dublin, GA, USA
Phone: (478)353-8400