Columbia Crest
A-STEM Academy

April 2023 Newsletter
Dear Rainiers,
Thank you for a wonderful March! We had a blast with our annual March Madness competition (the teams are narrowing down), 2nd grade swim lessons at EHS, Mt. Rainier Ranger visited 4th grade, South Sound 911 conducted lessons in all classrooms to discuss the importance of memorizing addresses and so much more. We have so many incredible events packed into the month of April and hope to see you at a few of them.
We are looking forward to our next award assembly, the Talent Show, Spring Fling Dance, Nachos and Numbers Family Math Night, The Reptile Man, hosting the School Board Meeting and our Showcase Event.
Week of April 3
Families are invited to the following events taking place next week:
- April 3 at 1:25: March Madness Basketball Competition
- April 4 at 1:00: JBLM's First Corps Army Band Assembly
- April 6 at 5:00: Nachos and Numbers Family Math Night
- April 6 at 6:00: Nacho Dinner and Shop the Book Fair
- April 6 at 6:30: Reptile Man Show
- April 7 at 9:30: Monthly Award Assembly and EHS Drill Team Dance Showcase
Paper Drive Results
Your paper contributions were so generous and are already being used by teachers.
We had a blast during our Pizza Party with the lucky winners from each grade level of students who donated a ream of paper. We also had a party with the 2nd grade class who donated Thanks to everyone who donated reams of paper:
- Preschool donated 16 reams
- Kindergarten donated 21 reams
- 1st grade donated 15 reams
- 2nd grade donated 31 reams
- 3rd grade donated 27 reams
- 4th/5th grade donated 12 reams
- 6th grade donated 8 reams
- 7th grade donated 12 reams
- 8th grade donated 1 ream
- TOTAL 143 Reams
Next Year
While there are still several months of this school year left, we are beginning plans for next school year.
We are excited to add Career and Technical Education (CTE) to our middle school program for our 7th and 8th grade. Miss Brown has received extra certification to bring this to our school. We will be enhancing our garden program.
Per the request of two teachers, we will be instituting an instructional technique called looping. As Mrs. Hight will loop to 4th grade and Mrs. Loftis will loop to 5th grade, we will be interviewing for a new 3rd grade teacher.
Transitional Kindergarten (TK) will be offered as a readiness program at our school for the first time in our school district. We are thrilled to be the host site for this wonderful program. TK does not have an impact on our present programs. We will continue to offer our preschool and our regular kindergarten. The program is full and people are excited. The legislature voted to fund this program and we will benefit from hiring an additional teacher and an additional paraeducator. This program will also bring a new grade level to our school and is a bridge between preschool and kindergarten
We have a few spots left in our preschool. Please let people know what a great program we offer for 3 and 4 year olds. Registration information is included in this newsletter.
Hopefully April will be a warm and happy month.
Kind Regards,
Principal Burslem
Counselor Corner
Dear CCA Parents,
Did you know that if a 7th or 8th grader is on a free and reduced lunch program that they qualify for a FREE scholarship once they graduate from high school??? (Yes, really)
Here are the requirements to qualify: 2.0 cumulative gpa upon graduation, no legal troubles, and going to a 2 year, 4 year, or 2 year Technical college. This program pays for their tuition for up to 4 years at a state approved school(think public Technical, 2 year, or 4 year institutions). Examples of these schools include Clover Park Technical, Bates Technical, Pierce Community College, Tacoma Community College, University of Washington, Central Washington University, Eastern Washington University, Western Washington University, WSU. to name a few. Students from CCA are automatically signed up this year based on the free and reduced lunch/breakfast program if they are in the 7th and 8th grades.
If you have questions, feel free to contact Ms. Noble-Perry.
Student Store Open for Business
The Student Store is open for all students to spend real cash once a week. Funds raised support the 8th grade class. The store will be open on Wednesday mornings before school as students enter in the main hallway.
Items for sale include:
- CCA Socks $2
- Chips $1
- Capri Sun $1
- Cookies $1
- Fruit Roll Ups $1
- Goldfish $1
- Rice Krispies $1
- Earbuds $2
- Eraser $.25
- Pen $.50
- Pencils $.25
- Mechanical Pencils $.25
Microwave popcorn $1
Tics Tacs $2
Around Campus
Owen Advanced in Math
Chayton showing school spirit!
After School Art Club Bunny Project
LeMay Field Trip
Paper Drive Pizza Party
After School Art Club
April Activity Calendar
PTO Officer Nominations
Talent Show
We have extended the due date for Talent Show 2023 act submissions. If your student is interested in performing in the show, please click the link below to fill out the form and view more information.
Click here to fill out the 2023 Talent Show Permission Form.
The deadline for the form to be completed and video submissions to be received is Thursday, April 6th. The 2023 Talent Show will be held on Thursday, April 27th from 12:30-1:30pm.
Thank you for your support to make our show a success!
ASB Spirit Week
You're Invited to our Award Assembly
Community Day Princes and Princesses
Haven and Nohea
Dylon and Millie
Open House and Showcase
Thank you, Mrs. Davis
Monthly Character Trait
Spring Fling Middle School Dance
Reptile Man
Late Start Wednesdays
Volunteers Needed for Scholastic Book Fair
Battle of the Books 3rd, 4th and 5th Grade
Students who are participating in Battle of the Books will have the opportunity to eat with Miss Brown to discuss the books.
Battle of the Books Read-in
Greetings readers! We would like to have an after school read-in where students come to the library room after school and read with their teams and practice questioning. Students are not required to attend all, but may also attend some in school meetings as well.
Where: Columbia Crest Library
When: Tuesday, May 9th
Time: 2:05 - 4:00PM
Bring a pillow and a blanket to be comfortable on the floor. Items may be dropped off in the music room before school. Snacks are great too!
Nachos and Numbers Night
You are invited to join us for Nachos and Numbers Night and FREE and FUN Family Math Night on Thursday, April 6 at 5pm. We will have games, learning, and fun for the whole family! All who attend will have a free dinner provided to them.
Interested in attending? Please click the link to RSVP and let us know about any dietary restrictions.
Additionally, the Book Fair will be open as well as the Reptile Man!
NEW Middle School Athletic Offerings for 23-24
Eatonville School District is pleased to announce that we will be adding Baseball and Boys Soccer for our Middle School students beginning next school year. Our Middle Schools will be joining the Plateau Middle School League next school year. The Plateau Middle School League includes Middle Schools from Enumclaw, Fife, Franklin Pierce, Orting, White River, and Sumner-Bonney Lake School Districts.
Boys Baseball for 6th, 7th and 8th Grade
Boys Soccer for 6th, 7th and 8th Grade
Martial Arts Class
There is a wonderful Eatonville Martial Arts Class for all!
- First class is FREE!
- Tuesdays and Thursdays: Kids Class at 5:30pm, Adult Class at 6:30pm
- Location: WES Gym
- Instructor Mr. Caleb Young
- $80 Per Month
- Check out the attached flyer for details
Transitional Kindergarten
Preschool Registration Time
Kindergarten Enrollment is Open
April Breakfast and Lunch Menus
Early Release, 11:05am on April 19
Enjoy your Spring Break!
CCA Hosts School Board
Non-Discrimination Statement
Eatonville School District #404 will provide equal educational opportunity and treatment for all students in all aspects of the academic and activities program without discrimination based on race, religion, creed, color, national origin, age, honorably discharged, veteran or military status, sex, sexual orientation, gender expression or identity, marital status, the presence of any sensory, mental or physical disability, or the use of a trained dog guide or service animal by a person with a disability.
The district will provide equal access to school facilities to the Boy Scouts of America and all other designated youth groups listed in Title 36 of the United States Code as a patriotic society. District programs shall be free from sexual harassment. Auxiliary aids and services will be provided upon request to individuals with disabilities.
Address: 200 Lynch St. W., Eatonville, WA 98328; Telephone: 360-879-1000
Title IX Coordinator, Section 504/ADA Coordinator & Civil Rights Compliance Coordinator: Cristin Blaskowitz, Executive Student Services. Email: c.blaskowitz@eatonvilleschools.org