Loya Primary Safety Protocols
Mission Statement:
We, the faculty and staff at Lorenzo G. Loya Primary, are committed to creating a secure and positive learning environment in which students are encouraged to develop intellectually, physically, socially, and emotionally.
Vision Statement:
The faculty and staff at Lorenzo G. Loya Primary are committed to establishing a professional learning community that fosters trustworthy relationships while promoting high expectations; that will develop lifelong learners who are confident, competent and contributing members of society.
Loya Parents,
Please take a few minutes to view our campus safety reminders and procedures. Thank you for supporting our safety guidelines on campus to ensure the safety for our little Eagles and our SEISD families.
Together we can keep them safe!
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Identification Requirements for all visitors.
Daliy Routines
PE and Recess
Students will get to enjoy an additional recess break in the am or pm, depending on their P.E. schedule.
Please send a labeled water bottle to use.
Staying safe for others
Keeping hands clean
- We supply hand sanitizer in every classroom and in large areas for students to use.
- Helps us teach them good hand washing habits.
Optional for Facial coverings.
- Masks are not required. but are available at your request.
Disinfecting Classrooms
- Students work area will be cleaned daily.
- Learning centers will also be cleaned as students move to each center.
Allowable treats for Special Occasions
Friendly Reminder for Parents
Contact information for Campus Nurse (s)
Location: Lorenzo Loya Primary School, Socorro Road, San Elizario, TX, USA
Phone: (915) 872-3940
Office hours: 7:20 to 4:10
Monthly Drills
Our Team will continue practicing with our little Eagles, so they are well prepared in case of any emergency event.
Student Drop Off Area
Parents we kindly ask you to follow these rules when using our drop off area, this will allow us to keep everyone safe.
- Slow down when entering the parking lot off Socorro Road.
- Form a single line if you are dropping them off with our monitors. Have them exit the vehicle on the right side.
- You may park your vehicle in the designated area and cross them using the cross walk.
- Once you pass the cross walk, continue to drive slowly.
We appreciate your assistance with our safety expectations.
Parent Pick-Up & Transportation
- Parents if you have made changes on-line for those who can pick up your child at campus, please call the front office so the adjustments can be made on our parent pick up list.
- If you are wanting to make changes for bus pick up, those changes need to be made in the front office.
- Please ensure to have ID's for anyone who picks up your child either in person or at the bus stops. The bus drivers will only release students if your name appears on their list.
- If there is an emergency to have your child wait in the front office instead of riding the bus that day, please contact office by 3:00 p.m.. This will allow us to give teacher a notice to prepare for the accommodation/changes.
- At no time do we remove students from the buses.
Thank you for your cooperation and understanding.
Campus Information:
Principal: Julissa C. Esquivel ext:3601 julesquivel@seisd.net
Counselor: Mrs. Santiesteban ext:3627 csantiesteban@seisd.net
Instructional Specialist: Mari Vallejo mvallejo@seisd.net
District/Campus Social Work: Mrs. Graves ext:3616 sgraves@seisd.net
Attendance/Registrar: Erica Almanzar ealmanzar@seisd.net
Nurse: Aida Russell: arussell@seisd.net
Office Hours: Tuesday- Friday
7:20 am - 4:15 pm
For Questions or concerns:
Email us: loya@seisd.net
Website: www.seisd.net
Location: Lorenzo Loya Primary School, Socorro Road, San Elizario, TX, USA
Phone: (915) 872-3940
Twitter: @Loya_Primary90