The Raider Nation Newsletter
News from Principal Novak: October 30, 2023
2nd Marking Period Reminders
Dear Atholton Families,
The 2nd marking period is rapidly upon us. Students have a half day tomorrow and then we're back with a full day on Wednesday to start the 2nd marking period. We'll be reminding students about some of the expectations regarding the Student Code of Conduct, but you get a "sneak preview" of the message. Thanks for reinforcing this information with students:
- Cell Phone Use- Students may use their cell phones at lunch or in the halls at passing time. Classroom use is at the discretion of the teacher. Repeated cell phone issues during class could result in confiscation of the phone for the day.
- Dress Code- HCPSS prohibits attire that depicts profanity, hate speech, obscenity, the use of weapons, or violence; promotes use of tobacco, drugs, alcohol, or other illegal or harmful products; promotes, implies or contains sexually suggestive messages; exposes or reveals the chest, midriff, pelvic/groin area, and buttocks; and/or depicts gang affiliation.
- Headphones- Students should remove earbuds while in class. While in the halls, students may use one earbud only so they can still hear announcements and directions from school staff. Over the ear headphones are not allowed to be worn.
- Profanity- Students should refrain from using profanity during the school day. As I shared at the beginning of the year, school is like training for life after graduation. People at jobs get in trouble for cursing. Respect one another and respect yourself by using appropriate language.
- Trash- Students are responsible for throwing away their trash at lunch. This is not the custodian's job. Trash cans are throughout the cafeteria and the school. Clean up after yourself.
- Tardiness- There is a five minute passing time between classes. There is enough time to get to any class in the building in that time, but only if you're not wasting time. You might not have time to chat with your friends. You can do that later!
We will be having some conversations with students who continue to have issues with some of these expectations. Thanks for supporting the staff here at Atholton and let's have a great 2nd marking period! Go Raiders!
Nick Novak
Important Information-New
Attendance Office Reminder
As we begin the 2nd marking period this week, a few reminders from the attendance office to help you navigate absences and tardies. You can consult the HCPSS Attendance Policy for more info:
- The school must receive notification from the parent or physician explaining the absence/tardiness of a student within five (5) school days of the student’s return or the absence/tardiness will be unlawful/unexcused.
- Absences for Discretionary Days: A written request for such absences to be lawful/excused should be submitted at least one week in advance to the principal. Such absences may not occur during exam or state-mandated testing periods unless authorized by the principal/designee. For absences of up to three (3) days per year, the principal will determine whether the absences will be lawful/excused or unlawful/unexcused. For absences in excess of three (3) days under this provision, the principal in consultation with the Community Superintendent or designee will determine if the absences will be lawful/excused or unlawful/unexcused.
- Teachers may assist students with make-up work when a student has an unlawful absence, however, students will not receive credit for such assignments.
- Students presently enrolled in public schools are considered lawfully absent from school, including absence for any portion of the day, and may receive make-up work under the following conditions: Bereavement, Illness of the student, Health-related exclusion, Pregnancy and parenting needs, Court summons , Hazardous weather conditions, Observance of a religious holiday, State emergency, Suspension, or Lack of authorized transportation.
Health Room Reminder
If the Health Room calls for you to pick up your child or if your child contacts you and needs you to bring something to them (medication, clothing, etc), please be sure to check in first in the front office before going to the Health Room. All visitors must check-in using the Lobby Guard system. The Health Room staff will not admit parents who do not have a Lobby Guard ID badge. Thanks.
Food Pantry Update
Thanks to your generosity for supporting the start of our Food Pantry at school. The food drive we conducted helped stock the shelves, but we want to continue to build our inventory and maintain a steady flow of donations as we prepare for our first distribution date. You can always use the Amazon Wishlist to buy items and have them shipped directly to Atholton HS. In addition, watch for more food drive announcements and check out these pictures of shelves being stocked by students and staff.
Important Information-Reposting
Yearbook Needs Your Photos
The AHS Yearbook is looking for photos of:
1. The Homecoming Game and Half Time Show
2. The Homecoming Dance
3. Girls JV Soccer
4. JV Football
5. Golf
6. Varsity and JV Cheerleading
Feel free to send any other photos you think would be good for the yearbook. Click on the link below to upload your photos.
Planetaid Clothing Donation Update
Since the yellow Planetaid clothing donation bin in front of the school was installed at the start of September, we have been averaging about 200 pounds of clothing per week. That's fantastic! Thanks for your donations and your support. Planetaid pays Atholton by the pound and all that money goes to our student assistance fund. We often receive inquiries about how we can help students and families in need with various school expenses or handling a crisis situation like a house fire. Dropping off clothing donations to the Planetaid bin is a great way to help out. If you are interested in direct financial donations to the student assistance fund, please reach out to our book keeper, Colleen Fowler, at
Affordable & Convenient SAT & ACT Prep at AHS - Only $149
In-person and live, virtual, eight-hour college prep classes are being offered in partnership with Atholton, Centennial, Hammond, Howard, Marriotts Ridge, Mt. Hebron, Reservoir, and Wilde Lake High Schools and are open to students from all high schools. Families are also welcome to take advantage of our newly launched Personalized College List Service.
- In-Person Prep for the Paper SAT in Partnership with AHS PTSA: M/W Oct. 16 & 18 from 5:30 pm - 9:30 pm will prepare students for the Nov. 4 and Dec. 2 SAT.
- Virtual Prep for the ACT in Partnership with AHS PTSA: Nov. 11 & 12 from 9 am - 1 pm will prepare students for the Dec. 9 ACT and winter ACTs.
- Digital SAT prep classes will prepare students for the inaugural Digital SAT on March 9, 2024.
- The Answer Class Personalized College List Service will provide your student with an individualized list of 20-25 schools that match their background and interests and your family's financial ability.
AHS students can participate in ANY Answer Class offering and AHS PTSA will continue to earn the 20% donation. Visit to view the full class schedule and to register your student.
PTSA Reflections Program
The Reflections Art Program is back and I hope you/your student will participate. As we shared in a previous newsletter, the Reflections Program is a National PTA program that provides opportunities for recognition and access to the arts. The 2023-2024 theme is: “I am Hopeful Because…”. The flyer below contains important details on the submission categories, criteria, and program deadlines. Good luck to all the students making submissions!
Drop-In Tutoring
Atholton offers FREE drop-in tutoring from teachers on Tuesdays and Thursdays from 3-5pm. Math is offered both days. Social Studies, English, and Science are Thursday only. Students should go to the media center to get help. Transportation will run to specific pre-determined spots. If you have any questions about transportation or other aspects of the program, please contact the Beyond School Hours program coordinators--Emily DeFilippo or Imani Hinson.
Upcoming Events
Please mark your calendars for these important dates:
10/31 End of First Marking Period-11:35am Dismissal
11/1 Start of the Second Marking Period
11/5 Daylight Saving Time Ends (set your clocks back 1 hr when you go to bed Saturday night)
11/6 Conference Sign-Ups Open at 8am
11/9 Fall Sports Banquet & Ceremony
11/15 Winter Sports Tryouts Begin
11/16 Opening Night of Alice in Wonderland
11/20 1/2 Day-Evening Conferences
11/21 1/2 Day-Afternoon/Evening Conferences
11/22 No School- Conferences
11/23-11/24 Schools & Offices Closed
Winter Sports Tryout Information
Please refer to the information below to prepare for winter sports tryouts:
- TRYOUTS: Participants are expected to be at ALL tryouts beginning November 15th. Practices will begin immediately after teams are selected. Participants MUST have all forms filled out completely prior to tryouts. The last day to submit paperwork will be on November 13th
- SCHEDULE: Click here for the tryout schedule.
- WINTER ATHLETIC FORMS: The HCPSS Office of Information Technology has developed a portal through HCPSS Connect Parent Access to submit your Winter Athletics Forms. Parents/guardians can now fill out required forms, upload physicals, proof of residency documents, and complete the eligibility process just by following this link: HCPSS Connect.. Click here for step-by-step directions on how to submit forms online. Forms can be uploaded to the HCPSS Connect parent portal at this time.
• Parent Permission: include insurance company and #
• Physicals: dated after April 1, 2023
• Residency: (BGE, tax bill, water bill, lease) must be dated within 45 days of tryout date
• Concussion Awareness & Testing: signs and symptoms, sign both documents
• Sudden Cardiac Arrest (SCA): signs and symptoms
• COVID-19: New release form that needs to be signed by parent and players
- IF YOU TRIED OUT OR PLAYED A FALL SPORT: If you tried out or played on a sports team in the fall, all you will need is a new parent permission form, indicating the sport and an updated residency bill. All other forms will carry over.
- PHYSICALS: Wellness visits are NOT considered physicals. Physicals can be taken at the doctors’ office, CVS, Target, or Patient First. Please bring HCPSS paperwork with you. The athletic boosters have partnered with a local Urgent Care FACILITY to provide affordable physicals. You can use this link to register for a discounted physical. Physicals must be taken after April 1, 2023, and must have a doctors’ signature and stamp.
For more information, please contact the Athletics and Activities Manager, Mr. Senisi at