Heights Highlights
February 2024
Dear Families,
Welcome to February! While it doesn't quite feel like winter, this month always brings a packed calendar of events in and around Eastern Heights. From athletics to music concerts to high-school scheduling, the next 29 days have PLENTY of opportunities for our Pioneer scholars and families to get engaged. We strongly encourage everyone to review our Important Dates, and be part of the awesome things happening at Heights. Also, please take a second to fill out the PBIS survey linked below. Like we say every month, if you have questions do not hesitate to reach out.
Jake Keefe and Dana Cerrito
EHMS Principals
Todd Church
EHMS Assistant Principal
February Important Dates
2/1 Boys basketball home, 4:30pm
2/1 Marco's Pizza Night
2/5 8th grade parent scheduling meeting @ PAC 6:00
2/6 Boys Basketball Home 4:30
2/7 Parent Teacher Conferences 2:30-5:30
2/7 Chipotle Night
2/8 PTO Meeting 3:30
2/8 5th/6th Band Concert 6:30
2/13 Boys Basketball Home 4:30
2/13 LCCC visit @ Heights, 7th grade
2/15 Boys Basketball Home 4:30
2/16 Valentines Day Dance 6:00-8:00
2/19 No school, Presidents' Day
2/20 No school, Professional Development Day
2/20 Coat pick-up @ Board office 9:00-2:30
2/22 Boys Basketball Home 4:30
2/22 Choir Concert @ PAC 7:00
2/27 Boys Basketball @ Northwood 4:30
Coat Pick-up
PBIS Survey
The teachers and building staff have been working hard this year to implement positive behavior interventions and support for all students. It is important that we receive feedback from families on strengths and needs to continue to make improvements.
Below is a survey that is used nationally to get feedback on our PBIS (Positive Behavioral Interventions and Supports) program.
For each section there will be a question asking if you think the item is “In Place, Partially in Place, or Not in Place” in our school.
The next section will repeat, but will ask how important this is to you. Do you think it is a “High Priority, Medium Priority, or a Low Priority.”
We appreciate your time and support and look forward to using your feedback to continue to improve for our students.
Friday Calls
Each Friday, the Principals at Heights ask the teachers for the names of some outstanding Pioneers. The teachers then nominate students in each grade level, and those students receive a call home or a letter from their Principal to celebrate their successes. Teachers are looking for students that excel in the 3 R's on our PBIS matrix, students that are kind, students that are hard working, and students that have shown improvement. Please remind your Pioneer what it takes to get a positive call, and hopefully you'll be hearing from a principal soon:)
7th Grade Trip Itinerary
Student Art
Interested in seeing some of our student artwork? Take a look at this online gallery created by our art teacher Mrs. Karban. So much talent!
Petey Bucks
PBIS Matrix
Cell Phones and Attire
Hoodies, and similar tops or jackets with hoods, are "fan favorites" when it comes to school attire. We like them, too, but not when they are worn up and over the head during the school day.
The district's Student Code of Conduct provides direction on headgear, stating that it may not be worn over a person's head or scalp (excluding headgear that's worn for religious or medical reasons.) Hoods can make it difficult to identify an individual in an emergency, and they can also be a distraction in class. Please remind students that hoods may not be worn up during the school day.
The Student Code of Conduct also offers guidance on attire. Clothing must be school appropriate and may not present a health or safety hazard or disrupt the educational environment. Pants and tops must fit properly and be in good repair; crop tops are not permitted.
Additionally, footwear must be school appropriate--slippers and slipper socks are not permitted. Blankets also may not be worn in school.
Students may bring their cell phones to school but they must be turned off and put away during the day unless they are used as a part of a teacher-directed lesson in class. Same rules apply to Bluetooth headphones--they may not be worn during the school day.
If you need to reach your student during the school day, please contact the main office and our staff will convey a message or assist you in reaching your student.
Personal Growth Mondays
Traffic Flow Reminder
*IMPORTANT- Please make sure that our handicapped parking spaces are only used by designated vehicles. Other cars should not use them during drop-off/pick-up times.
Family Resources
Eastern Heights Middle School
Email: EasternHeightsMainOffice@elyriaschools.org
Website: https://www.elyriaschools.org/domain/30
Location: 528 Garford Avenue, Elyria, OH, USA
Phone: 4402848015
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/EasternHeights.Middle