Dewing School Details
Office Update: August 30, 2022
Information from Mrs. Bosworth
Dear Parents/Guardians,
I wish each and every one of our wonderful students a restful evening. Tomorrow will be an amazing day, filled with many smiles. Perhaps there will be some tears, but those usually come from the parents! Please know that we are all here to support each and every child in this wonderful transition.
If you have not done so, please set up your child's pickup patrol account. An email has been sent almost daily to all families who have not yet registered. We still have a number of familes who have not completed this process. The default assigmnent is whatever your child was assigned to in ASPEN (usually default is bus or left blank for pk).
Since this program is relatively new to us, please also communicate your dismissal plan to your child's homeroom teacher.
Parent pickups-Please print off your dismissal tag for your car(s) prior to the first dismissal. (Pick up Patrol does NOT allow parents to do this, so I have attached a template below)
As a reminder, links to these are being sent again:
Checklist of forms to complete (all listed in this document)
Food and Nutrition Services-Free and Reduced Meals application (if applicable)
Pickup Patrol Parent Login (email has been sent directly to your email address)
In case you did not see this important information:
Lunch for students with nut allergies: As we are no longer spacing students apart in the cafeteria, there will be a designated nut free table in the cafeteria for students with nut allergies. If your child has a nut allergy and you wish to OPT OUT and have your child sit with their classmates, please email me in writing stating that you would like to opt out of placement at the nut free lunch table ( Please be advised, if your child does sit with their peers at the assigned homeroom table, we will not be able to monitor the presence of nuts or other allergens brought to the table by other students.
Looking forward to seeing all of our friends tomorrow!
Alexis Bosworth
Important Dates:
August 31-First Day of School for ALL students
September 2 and September 5-No School-Labor Day Recess
September 13-Grade 1 and 2 Open House
Dewing School
Location: 1469 Andover Street, Tewksbury, MA, USA
Phone: 978-640-7858