MS Back to School FAQ - Sept 2022
RCS Middle School Principal's Office
Hello, RCS Middle School Parents & Guardians!
Thank you!
Several new questions have come in from parents, and I have added them to this Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ).
If you have any additional questions, please submit them via this link and we will expand the FAQ!
Link: https://forms.gle/tkHuTkT51fMnVfAGA
New Questions
When and how does my child sign up for clubs and activities?
Please contact the advisor for each club directly for information about sign ups, meeting dates, etc. There is a list of advisors below. I have also attached the Clubs and Activities handbook which describes each club and activity.
My child brought home a syllabus for several classes that listed requirements like binders, notebooks, folders, loose leaf paper, etc. Are those considered additional items that parents have to purchase?
No, you do not need to purchase those items. This year, we are asking parents to only purchase earbuds.
Why isn't lunch free for everyone anymore?
NYS is no longer offering free lunches to all students. For additional information about food service and how to apply for free and reduced meals, please go to this RCS website page: https://www.rcscsd.org/page/food-services
If my child gets extra help, will they lose out on classes such as art?
While we try to avoid this, it is possible that a student's schedule may not have "extra" time for extra help and parents will work with the school counselors to find the best time to fit in the extra help.
Why are the lunch periods still only 20 minutes long?
Due to COVID, lunch periods were broken into small sections in order to account for the required distancing while students ate. During this time, we found the smaller grouping to be very effective for student management. We also found that 20 minutes was more than enough time for students to get through the lunch line and eat their meal.
Previous Questions
Do I need to buy school supplies for my middle school student this year?
- Parents will need to purchase earbuds (only) for their student this year.
Can we supply our child with a lock for their locker that we purchased?
- In most cases, students are expected to use school-issued locks. If you feel that your child needs a lock that is different than the one provided for by the school, please contact the main office to discuss the specific situation.
Where are the gym lockers/when do the students get their assigned locker, lock and combination?
- Gym lockers are located in the lockers rooms.
- Physical education teachers will assign lockers, locks and provide the combination. More information will be provided by the physical education teachers.
Will my child be able to carry their backpack throughout the day?
- No. All backpacks will need to be stored in each student's locker during the day.
What time will the school doors open?
- 7:25 am
How early can I drop off my child?
- Students should be dropped off no earlier than 7:20 am.
What time will my child be considered late?
- First period begins at 7:30. Therefore, students are considered late starting at 7:31 am.
Where do students report for recess?
- During lunch on the first day, students were taught where to line up when they have recess.
Where do students place their instrument if they are in band?
- Students should use one of the "cubbies" that are available in the band room. More information will be provided by the band teacher.
Can my child attend a JV or Varsity game without a parent or guardian?
- No. Middle school students must have a parent or guardian with them to attend games.
My child needs to stay after school in order to go to practice. What should my child do until practice starts?
- Student athletes should find a teacher to stay with until 2:40 pm. At 2:40, they should report to the cafeteria, where they will wait for their coach to meet them.
Ravena-Coeymans-Selkirk Middle School
Email: dcapece@rcscsd.org
Website: https://www.rcscsd.org/o/rcs-middle
Location: 2025 Route 9W, Selkirk, NY, USA
Phone: (518) 756-5200
Calendar Events
Lifetouch Fall Pictures - October 4, 2022
Lifetouch Fall Retake date - November 22, 2022
Q1 Honor/Merit Roll Recognition Ceremony - November 28, 2022
FastBridge Mid-year check in Reading and Math (all students) - January 17, 18, 19, 2023
3-8 ELA Testing - April 19, 20, 2023
Q2 Honor/Merit Roll Recognition Ceremony - February 13, 2023
3-8 Math Testing - May 2, 3, 2023
Q3 Honor/Merit Roll Recognition Ceremony - May 8, 2023
5th/6th Grade Carnival/Dance - May 12, 2023
- Lifetouch Spring Pictures - March 14, 2023
- Grade 8 Science Testing (performance) May 23, 25, 2023
- 7th/8th Grade Semi-Formal - June 2, 2023
- Grade 8 Science Testing (written) - June 5, 2023
- FastBridge End of Year Testing in Reading and Math (all students) - June 6, 7, 8, 2023
- GROW End of the Year Celebration - TBD
- Q4 Honor/Merit Roll Recognition Ceremony - May 8, 2023
- Algebra I Regents Exam - Thursday, June 15, 2022 12:00 PM start time
- Earth Science Regents Lab Practical - TBD
- Earth Science Regents Exam - Friday, June 16, 2023 8:00 AM start time
- World Languages Assessment (8th grade only) - Tuesday, June 20, 2023 8:00 am start time
- 8th Grade Moving-up Ceremony - June 21, 2023
MS Concerts and Performance Dates
Location for all performances: HS Auditorium
MS Musical (Frozen Jr.)
Friday, November 18, 2022, 7:00 pm
Saturday, November 19, 2022, 7:00 pm
Sunday, November 20, 2022, 2:00 pm
7th/8th Grade Band and Chorus Winter Concert
December 6, 2022, 7:00 p.m.
6th Grade Band and Chorus Winter Concert
December 20, 2022, 7:00 p.m
MS/HS Select Ensembles Concert
January 12, 2023, 7:00 p.m.
6th-12th Band Concert
March 16, 2023, 7:00 pm
6th-12th Chorus Concert
March 30, 2023, 7:00 pm
MS/HS Select Ensembles Concert
May 18, 2023, 7:00 pm
6th-8th Band and Chorus Spring Concert
May 24, 2023, 7:00 pm
Advisor List for MS Clubs and Activities
Aerobics - Heather Billington hbillington@rcscsd.org
Anime Club - Kathy Durivage kdurivage@rcscsd.org
Art Club - Tim Meservey tmeservey@rcscsd.org
Astronomy Club - Joseph Coryea jcoryea@rcscsd.org
Best Buddies - Daria Carusone dcarusone@rcscsd.org, Patti Stockman pstockman@rcscsd.org, and Maria Semenick msemenick@rcscsd.org
Boys’ Intramurals - Jay Henry jhenry@rcscsd.org and Jared Bevington jbevington@rcscsd.org
Drama Club - Casey Kobylar ckobylar@rcscsd.org
FACS Club - Cheryl Richardson crichardson@rcscsd.org
French Club - Joseph Coryea jcoryea@rcscsd.org
Gaming Club - Nick Malinowski nmalinowski@rcscsd.org
Garden Club - Jen Fisk jfisk@rcscsd.org
GSA - Abby Retzlaff aretzlaff@rcscsd.org and Alex Dinzey adinzey@rcscsd.org
Girls’ Intramurals - Anna Davies adavies@rcscsd.org and Majel Baker mbaker@rcscsd.org
Hiking Club - Jen Fisk jfisk@rcscsd.org
Jazz Ensemble - Kermit Wamsley kwamsley@rcscsd.org
Jr. National Honor Society - Steve Colon scolon@rcscsd.org and Bethany Losito blosito@rcscsd.org
Natural Helpers - Kathy Durivage kdurivage@rcscsd.org
Photography Club - Cara Buckley cbuckley@rcscsd.org
Science Olympiad - Jen Fisk jfisk@rcscsd.org
Select Chorus - Elizabeth Diaz ediaz@rcscsd.org
Ski Club - William Cook wcook@rcscsd.org, Steve Schultz schultz@rcscsd.org, kdurivage@rcscsd.org
Spanish Club - Alex Dinzey adinzey@rcscsd.org
Stamp Club - Jen Fisk jfisk@rcscsd.org
Stock Market - Erin Sawyer esawyer@rcscsd.org and Kristi Kemmer kkemmer@rcscsd.org
Student Council - Daria Carusone dcarusone@rcscsd.org and Karen Waddingham kwaddingham@rcscsd.org
Trading Post (school store) - Daria Carusone dcarusone@rcscsd.org and Bethany Losito blosito@rcscsd.org
TV/Media Club - Erin Sawyer esawyer@rcscsd.org, Cara Buckley cbuckley@rcscsd.org, and Kristi Kemmer kkemmer@rcscsd.org
Yearbook - Amanda Firstiun afirstiun@rcscsd.org
STARS - Erin Sawyer esawyer@rcscsd.org, and Daria Carusone dcarusone@rcscsd.org