Cobra Strike
From the Desk of the Junior/Senior High School Principal
"Lost time is never found again." Benjamin Franklin
And now Thanksgiving is in the rearview mirror. This year is screaming by. However, this semester is screeching to a halt as well. The way I see it, students have 14 school days until Finals start. In that time, we will be taking MAP testing as well so let's shave off two days there. Realistically, 12 regular class days until Finals start on the 15th of December. i have been saying it a while, but students need to be worried about grades now, not on the 15th. In addition to a short amount of time, there is a lot crammed into that, Winter sports for high school officially kicks off. There is the winter informal, the alumni basketball game. We just have so much going on aside from the fact that winter break is upon us. The right thing to do for students at this time is to focus inside their classes at getting everything squared away that they need to get done. The games and dances are great, but don't forget why we are really here. This is a house of learning. The grade is what is important. We still have ELO to support students in need of passing grades. Teachers are putting assignments on the ELO roster that can only be accomplished at ELO that will help with suffering grades. Just please do not wait until December 15th to care about your grade.
Keep on making a difference.
Derek E. Smith
JR/SR High Events This Week: Nov 27-Dec 2
MS Girls BB Vs Valley Falls @ Home 4:30 pm
HS Scholars Bowl @ Valley Falls 4:00 pm
High School Basketball Jamboree @ Nemaha Central 4:30 pm
FFA Horse Judging
MS Girls Basketball @ Everest 4:30 pm
High School Basketball Vs. Royal Valley @ Home 4:30 pm
NEKMEA District Honors Concert
Cobra Cup Standing
This month is Kindness month. If students complete a random act of kindness they will get major points bonus. We aren't talking points for things you should do already, but something special things. Your house leaders will talk to you about this during house day this week.
Kindness tags will be going up on the board as well this month and will be tallied at the end of the month
Derek E. Smith
Man This weekend was much needed. We pushed back the thanksgiving dinner until my dad could get here so we had ours on Saturday, which made for planning and prepping out food much nicer. We went all out for this one. the smoker was full speed with turkey, green bean casserole, mac and cheese, while inside we were making stuffed mushrooms, sweet potato casserole, sweet rolls, mashed potatoes, and I made a prime rib to finish it off. And for dessert we had pies a plenty, blueberry, pumpkin, sweet potato, pecan. And I made pumpkin cheesecake as well. Of course now the family will be living off of left overs until everything is gone. What i love more than food, is sitting down with the whole family and enjoying each others company. The principal's life has me miss the supper table from time to time, but i truly enjoy when I get to be with my family and enjoying the company.
Always try to be nice, but never fail to be kind.
Location: 12692 266th Rd Holton, KS 66436
Phone: (785)248-4386