Principal's Weekly Update
October 29th, 2023
Good afternoon Holly Ridge Middle School Families,
Greetings from your principal, Jennifer Newby.
I hope everyone has had an opportunity to enjoy the beautiful weather this weekend!
It is hard to believe that we are coming to the end of the first quarter of the school year! The quarter ends on Tuesday, October 31st and there will be a teacher workday on Wednesday, November 1st. Report cards will be distributed to students on Thursday, November 9th.
PTA Happenings:
Coin War Results:
It's been a true battle with many ups and downs. HUGE thank you to all who participated and helped raise money for our PTA!
We raised a total of $10,747.77
The winning grade level who will get a Theme Day is: 6th grade!
And don't forget, the winning team has won a 30 minute recess break with popsicles and will have 5 students drawn at random to win $50 Amazon gift cards.
After enduring heavy sabotage, this team flew under the radar - had ZERO silver in their jug on Monday and added huge points at the last minute. The team winner is...The Thunderhawks! Congratulations.
Reminders from Past Updates
Attention 7th and 8th grade families:
Basketball Tryouts will begin on Wednesday, November 15th.
Please sign up using the google forms below.
Please make sure all physical and participation forms are complete and in dragonfly. Information on dragonfly can be found under the athletics tab on our school website in the center section.
Girls Sign Up: https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLScERoiHmUuxafih2fjkFKLDCYjx1HLnCZ_UXvlhqGMVuLszYg/viewform?usp=sf_link.
Boys Sign Up: https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLSet6V9NPYRWUmQFvH-VSl4IDYP5c9IU1ZdR-tHsSRICcfRjHQ/viewform?usp=sf_link.
Feel free to reach out with any questions using this link.
Upcoming Events:
Monday, October 30th - Soccer at HAMS @ 4PM
Monday, October 30th - Volleyball at HAMS @ 4PM
Tuesday, October 31st - End of 1st Quarter
Wednesday, November 1st - Teacher Workday (No school for students)
Thursday, November 2nd - Football at HAMS @ 4PM
Tuesday, November 7th - Teacher Workday (No school for students)
Thursday, November 9th - Report Cards Distributed
Friday, November 10th - Veteran’s Day Holiday (No school for students and staff)
Tuesday, November 14th - PTA Meeting @ 6PM
Wednesday, November 22nd - Friday, November 24th - Thanksgiving Break (No school for students and staff)
Have an amazing week!
Go Hornets!