Happy New Year: 2022!
Dear Bel Aire Families,
- Please be sure to have your children dress in warm layers--classrooms have windows and doors open to circulate air.
- Send your child with a water bottle to refill here at school.
- Keep your child home if they are not feeling well.
- See the note below for information about a Principal's Coffee I'll be hosting next week.
I hope you and your families are staying safe and healthy!
In partnership,
John DiCosmo
Principal's Coffee
Special guest-- Dr. Gold, our school psychologist!
Covid Antigen Tests
Nurse Shagy: sfarasati@reedschools.org
Attendance Office: 415-388-7100
Up to Date Reed Union Covid Active Case Percentages Can Be Found Here:
Updated Marin County Public Health COVID-19 Guidelines from Superintendent, Kimberly McGrath
RUSD School Community,
Marin County Public Health (MCPH) has updated their school guidance. As you know, schools follow public health guidelines. MCPH’s current guidelines are more restrictive due to the transmissibility of the Omicron variant of COVID-19. Here are the important changes to note from MCPH:
- A negative antigen test is needed to exit isolation and quarantine.
- Isolation can now end after day 5 if there is no fever, symptoms are improving, and with a day 5 negative antigen test. PCR tests are not needed.
- Large gatherings of more than 50 people are not allowed indoors or outdoors.
- Face coverings are required indoors.
- Staff should wear surgical grade or higher-level masks with double masking recommended.
- Face coverings should be worn outdoors when distancing is not possible, except when eating or drinking.
- Visitors are still limited and should be boosted, if eligible.
- Students and staff should get boosted, if eligible.
- Indoor sports should not allow spectators during games or practices.
RUSD has available antigen tests when needed. Feel free to contact your school site. The full public health updated document is attached as well. If we all continue to do our part, we will be even stronger together.
Upcoming Dates:
February 2nd – Bel Aire PTA Meeting
Choicelunch Volunteers:
Interested in volunteering on campus this year at Bel Aire? Consider Choicelunch! Every day parent volunteers assist with our incredible Choicelunch program, organizing and handing out lunches to the kids. It's fun, easy and quick. Commitments are for a regular “once a month” shift from 12:00-12:45pm with 3 fellow parent volunteers (don't worry, we can always help find substitutes).
We are looking for regular volunteers for the following rotations:
· Mondays Group A: 1/24, 2/28, 3/28, 5/2, 5/30
· Mondays Group C: 1/10, 2/7, 3/14, 4/18, 5/16
· Wednesdays Group A: 1/26, 3/2, 3/30, 5/4, 6/1
· Thursdays group D: 1/20, 2/17, 3/24, 4/28, 5/26
· Fridays Group C: 1/14, 2/11, 3/18, 4/22, 5/20
· Fridays Group D: 1/21, 2/18, 3/25, 4/29, 5/27
Want to learn more and/or sign-up for a regular shift or as a substitute? Contact our Bel Aire Choicelunch Coordinators, Sarah Abbott (sabbott29@gmail.com) & Keri McCarthy Ferry (keri.l.mccarthy@gmail.com)
Adopt A Family:
Thank you for the tremendous outpouring of generosity this holiday season as we delivered several carloads of gifts to our six Adopt a Family families. Many families had well beyond the three wish goal and had nearly their entire wish lists granted.
Special thanks to our grade coordinators, Doris Ahlsten, Dana Berhoff, Amy Dugdale, Maren Jaffe, Denise Kuvelis, Justin McCarthy Emily Spier, and Robin Wheeler and RUSD Parent and Executive Director of Adopt A Family Marin, Jacqueline Jaffee.
Bel Aire PTA:
If you are interested in learning more about the PTA or want to get involved, please join us for our next Bel Aire PTA meeting on Wednesday, February 2nd at 9:00 a.m. For more information, contact Bel Aire PTA Site Chair Laura Smith, lauracarolinesmith@gmail.com
A better-late-than-never article about BOOKS!
RUSD Mission & Vision: Each student will be challenged and inspired to reach their fullest intellectual, social-emotional and creative potential to positively impact the world.
John DiCosmo, Principal
Email: jdicosmo@reedschools.org
Website: www.reedschools.org
Location: Bel Aire Elementary School, Karen Way, Belvedere Tiburon, CA, USA
Phone: (415) 388- 7100