The Bear Necessities
Danville CSD Elementary Newsletter, February 22, 2021
An Update From The Bear Den
The next round of Parent/Teacher Conferences are right around the corner. We will once again be holding them virually. Certainly PT Conferences are a great opportunity to check in with your child's teacher, however we welcome your emails or phone calls anytime, if you have questions about your child or his/her progress.
Read on for more updates from the Bear Den!
Calling All Incoming 4 YO Preschool & Kindergarten Students!
We will host a registration meeting for parents of incoming 4 Year Old Preschool and Kindergarten students on Wednesday, March 10th at Danville Elementary. Packet pick up will be from 4:30 p.m. - 5:00 p.m., with the parent meetings to follow at 5:00 p.m. Grade level teachers, Mrs. McLeland, Mrs. Enger, and Mrs. Thornburg will all be on hand to answer questions and discuss how to get your child registered for next year.
Due to Covid-19 we are limiting the meeting attendance to only parents. We will have two separate meeting locations for 4YO Preschool and Kindergarten to allow for social distancing. Masks will be required.
In addition, incoming Kindergarten students will have Kindergarten Round Up on Friday, March 26th. We will host an a.m. and p.m. session for incoming Kindergarteners to see what school is all about. More information concerning this date will be shared at the parent meeting.
Upcoming Dates
*Tuesday, March 2nd - Danville CSD Special Election - Authorization for the Danville CSD to use the Secure an Advanced Vision for Education "SAVE" funds.
*Wednesday, March 3rd - Early Out for Professional Development
*Monday, March 8th - Danville CSD School Board Meeting 5:30 p.m. - Tune in live on the Danville Facebook page.
*Wednesday, March 10th - No Early Out
*Wednesday, March 10th - 2021-2022 4 Year Old Preschool and Kindergarten Registration Meeting 5:00 p.m.
*Sunday, March 14 - Daylight Savings Time Begins
Important Special Election Coming Up!
On March 2, 2021, Danville CSD patrons will have the opportunity to vote on the authorization of the use of the Secure an Advanced Vision for Education funds use or SAVE.
The revenue purpose statement does not impose any additional taxes but gives the Danville Community School District the authority to spend SAVE Revenue for any one or more of the listed lawful purposes which currently exist or may be authorized in the future, as determined appropriate by the school board and/or school district staff in accordance with the applicable legal process otherwise required to spend such SAVE Revenue.
The complete revenue purpose statement can be seen here:
Questions can be directed to the Superintendent’s Office at 319-392-4223 Ex. 1303 or e-mailed to .
Recess & Winter Weather
Please continue to send snowpants, snow boots, coats, hats, gloves, etc with your child. As long as there is snow on the ground, they will continue to need these items to play at recess. Students that do not have snowpants or boots, will be required to remain on the black top during recess time.
Thank you for your assistance in making sure your child is prepared for cold weather!
Mark Your Calendars!
Reading Steps Reward
The Bear Necessities Video Vlog
Danville Elementary
Kindness Award Winners!
Danville Bears have an Attitude of Gratitude!
5th Grade Shark Tank Presentations
5th Grade Shark Tank Presentations
Kindergarten 100th Day Activities
Partner Reading with Ella.
Danville Elementary School
Location: 419 South Main Street, Danville, IA, USA
Phone: 319-392-4221